just felt like starting a new topic to post all the regs names that play starcraft nowadays XD.. hoping this would get stickied or sumthin
most of the time now theres a reg or 2.
so go join bnet US East , Channel Lunix
heres a list of some players and their nicks that ive played with so far...
ill arrange it like this
- player name in game - player name on lm
- rat12321 - aka [JFF]Kirby <_<
- Leaderz0rz - heh , well hes Leaderz0rz
- GimmieStims - JHunz
- Isamil - once again , Isamil heh
- Dia_blus - Diablus
- devicenull - devicenull XD
- necravolvr - Grimm
- Legionnaired - Legionnaried
- ShootBang - ShootBang
- OttoDestruct - OttoDestruct
- Malevolent. - Malevolent (yes with a period ) fixed it :p
- -[HoLy]- - Holy_Devil
- baconflaps - Bacon_flaps
- BlaqWolf - BlaqWolf
- WLP_Jefe - Jefe !!! or [ncr]jefe or whatever .. u get what im sayin
- Llama_Mouse - Mouse
- SmokeNovae - Smoke Nova
- GHIP - Loke The Sleek Peruvian
- Soviet_Toaster - Soviet Toaster
- Decimator - Decimator ^_^
- Satiagraha - Satiagraha
- OldFNiteowl - [OldF]Niteowl
ill add more when they come ^_^ :blink: :blink: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^