Official World of Warcraft LM Thread
In order to help centralize all of this information, I'm taking the time to put all of this information together in one place. If you would like to add any characters/info, post it below, and I will add it to this master list and delete the post once done.
Official LM Server/GuildWe've now started a guild on
Holy Hand Grenade. I've added the members/players that I can remember above.
Note: We have a Ventrilo 2.1.4 Server at[/u]. Should you need the Vent client, you can download it
LM Nub Realm Character Name A/H
Ulatoh Agamaggan Ethoremond
Legionnaired Agamaggan Legowar
Malevolent Archimonde Harman A
devicenull Dark Iron Gaki H
Condizzle Condarggle Deathwing H
Ulatoh Dethecus Ethoremond H
Azazeal Drak'thul Azazeal H
Dubbilex Drak'Thul Dubbilex H
rad4Christ Drak'Thul Radelhoof H
iamTonya Drak'Thul Sylvenstarr H
HolyDevil Drak'Thul Contempt H
Condizzle Drak'Thul Condi H
Zero7 Drak'Thul Zairo H
Bij Drak'Thul Fant H
Stonetoad Drak'Thul ??? H
ANeM Frostwolf Andine A
ANeM Frostwolf Marlyn A
Stonetoad Frostwolf Stonetoad A
iamTonya Greymane SylverEyes A
rad4Christ Greymane Radlendorn A
rad4Christ Greymane Radelbrik A
LowCrawler Lightning's Blade Sabas
Holy Devil Mannoroth holydevil H
LowCrawler Maelstrom Uglytroll
Malevolent Mal'Ganis Garcian H
ThoraX Ner'zhul Thorantalus
Tombomb Proudmoore Thoma
Nooblet Sargeras Roik/Riak
Vinegar_Ninja Detheroc VinegarNinja H
Lowcrawler Smolderthorn Lowcrawler/Errielle
IntensityRising Smolderthorn Muldarin
LowCrawler Spinebreaker Oldran
Zero7 Stormreaver Artist A
rad4Christ Warsong Radenskarr H
iamTonya Warsong SilverSkye H
Bijiy WildHammer Fantasmo H
Moderators: If you edit this to update, try to keep it sorted by realm. To keep the spacing right, I copied and pasted into Notepad.
Everyone Else: Please post updates, such as whether you are alliance or horde, and any additions/changes, in this thread.