Esuna: It takes a real man to have a pink desktop. I salute you. Also OMG HAWT KAWAII WALLPAPER OMG!
Legionnaired: That's the template I used, which is pretty obvious looking at it. I keep meaning to take all the little ..:: stuff out, as it's awfully trend-whoreish, but I'm too lazy.
It's called tsdesk, and was invented by people on the something awful forums. Which leads to...
Uranium: NUBCOOKIE! 10 bux for teh bestz0r forums on teh intarweb! Also, I don't like having anything more on my start bar than is necessary. I can minimize all and search that way just fine. I figure the start bar is for links that I want to have at hand immediately. Like the last program in the quick bar is a shortcut to resetgamma.exe -- a steam NS player's best friend!