Author Topic: The tv show Lost  (Read 11117 times)

March 29, 2006, 08:11:44 PM
Reply #20


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I lack the ability to actually watch things on TV, as sucb I cannot comment on Season 2 until they make me some damned DVDs, or I torrentz it. One or the other. But I'm too lazy to torrent, so DVDs it is!

I enjoyed the first Season of Lost, though I don't think I would have had I watched it on TV. I'd probably get frusterated with the general pacing of the plot. They did some really plot intensive episodes at the beginning and then it got really thinned out later. I understand the reasoning behind making the beginning very plot intensive, as, being a new show they would need something to hook people on, but later in the season there were just so many damn 'filler' episodes and cliff hangers that didn't even get adressed for another 3 episodes that I'm surprised people actually held out to the end.
For example, the end of Episode 18 "Numbers" they do the whole zoom in on the hatch and leave that. Its not till the last couple minutes of the season finale (episode 24) that they do anything with that information.
Thats about 8 episodes, so at 1 episode a week (I think thats how shows work, haven't watched TV on any sort of a regular basis in over 5 years lol) that comes out to 2 months.
They way I see it, the only cliffhangers that should be left more than a month are the season finale ones, and even then those are just kinda cop outs that remind me why I stopped watching TV.

and yes, Sayid is hawter than Sawyer.