Author Topic: Asal's Guide to Perma-Gorging  (Read 6976 times)

May 18, 2005, 01:48:46 AM
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Original post by b0ted
Updated by Asal the Unforgiving

A guide to the one creature that can be both the most powerful and the weakest unit in NS. I hope it helps.

Lets start off with the basics before we go into more complex stuff.

Gorge - A slow, chubby, rodent sized builder class.
Gorge Attacks - Spit; Health Spray; Bilebomb; Web

Gorge, though slow and chubby, has more life than the skulk, and also more armor. However, the slow movement and low damage lead marines to believe them as 'free kills'. Often, this is correct. A lone gorge has little chance of taking on well-armed marines. HOWEVER, a smart gorge can engage and defeat a single marine, even later game. Though even two will probably destroy the poor fatty before it has much of a chance.

Teamplay, use it
Voicecomm is your friend. So is your map. Use your map to see where the 'battle lines' are in a game (Most often, you'll figure it out quickly. They tend to be fairly obvious) If you are going to build an RT/Chamber/Hive near the lines, then call for a skulk to 'sweep' (search and destroy, basically) it first, to look for any rambos or enterprising marines. If you hear any marines nearby, call for support, and RUN. You may not always be able to safely run to your own hive. Don't. There's no need. Run to the nearest friend. Even if you can't be sure that your ally will defeat the marine(s), the marines may be unwilling to attack you and your allies. If all else fails, some skulks are willing to attack the enemy, for the sole purpose of drawing fire while you run (preferably bhop) past the marines, in a mad dash for the hive.

Bad team? ok
If your team cannot seem to kill marines, stay clear of the line, and suggest pack-hunting by your friendly skulks. They're more likely to do this if you actively talk to them, and act as a guide for the battle. Yes, gorges can act in a manner similar to a comm if needed. They have more time to watch maps, and keep track of what is going on.

Stay Alive!!
This one is different now, because of different versions. Only a perma-gorge needs to truly worry about this. Though, as this is what I intend to write this guide for, I'll give you a few tips. Run, don't fight fair and in a marine's face. Use turns to your advantage, get a feel for how a marine is following you, and run around corners to shoot before disappearing around another turn. Marine weapons are hitscan, while gorges shoot a slow projectile. If you fire and turn the corner, marines are unable to even return fire. Learn to bunny hop, this makes you much faster, and better able to avoid a dangerous fight. (Note I do not promote scripts. I do not use any myself) If you EVER are in a fight and have web, USE IT. And if you so much as THINK you hear a marine, call for assistance. Gorges should never be alone. They need all the kharaa love they can get.

Now that you have some simple tips...its time to give you the meat and potatoes, yes thats right, how to build properly..

Bob the builder
Ok, first off, you should know how to build chambers correctly, heres the breakdown:
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    Offensive chambers are nowhere NEAR as dangerous as they once were, and walls of lame (though a powerful deterrent if used well) are not the great unbreachable bastions they once were.

    Instead, use OCs to discourage rambos. Spread them out where they will have mid-length halls to cover, or at junctions where they can watch many directions, and increase the amount of time that any single OC may fire upon a lone marine. Use them as sentries, as when they are attacked, they show up on hive-sight, giving away any marine's presence in the area. Stack these effects, with multiple OCs, and you end up with a lot of medspam, or battles where the marines must crawl slowly and obviously toward your hives, giving you plenty of time to prepare.

    Webs are now the gorge's most powerful weapon. They allow teammates to slaughter countless enemies, or allow you to flee and save your cushy butt. Web along lighter-colored areas, and low to the ground (or near the ceiling, if you expect JP rushes). But keep it from plain sight. Even if you don't expect something to be there if the marines get webbed, it is better had than not. However, there are only a small number allowed in any single area, so use it sparingly. Try to place it where marines must go, and use long webs if possible, to cover as much area as possible. If you -know- marines will pass, perhaps in large numbers(blockading marine start), web multiple times in the same area, back and forth once, to slow the front few marines, to allow your allies to slaughter them when they are defenseless.

    On The Attack?
    Use bilebomb and web liberally, or if you have only one hive (though you should only attack with a one-hive gorge in the most desperate of circumstances) stay close to your allies, and use healspray. Bilebomb clusters or important structures, and web IPs or phase gates. Heavies are also a juicy target, especcially when supported by only skulks, or lerks.

    Support your teamates!
    Healspray is a blessing to allies, and the bane of your foes. It can heal multiple allies at once (it heals over a small area before you) so if there are a number of injured skulks biting a phase, scurry up beside them and heal as many as possible as quickly as possible.

    Bilebomb from the protection of your friend's teeth and claws! Bilebomb uses a lot of adrenaline, so you are hard-pressed to defend yourself when attacking structures in this way!

    Web is the endgame. Heavies fall to skulks, JPs crash to the floor, nothing can stand against it's might except the glorious GL. Use it to smash enemy armies and turn the tide drastically in your favor. Do not let up, and do not show mercy. Remember, they wish to only kill you and your allies. Show them the might of the gorge.

    Two choices that I find best for gorges, because we don't all act the same. I will, however, place a * at my prefered upgrades, for reference.

    Movement : *Celerity (To better move in combat, or to avoid engagements)
    Movement: Adrenaline (To fight more effectively, spitting/BBing/Webbing more and longer)

    Defense : Carapace (Less damage, extended life)
    Defense : *Regen (Best if you do not expect to be spending much time at a hive, or if you expect a longer seige)

    Sensory : *Focus (Damage increase, even medspam doesn't help much against a determined focus gorge)
    Sensory : Scent Of Fear (knowing where your enemy is is the first to avoiding it...or defeating it. Choose your course of action, prepare, and then do what you must with the knowledge that your enemy is at best only as well informed as you are.)

    You will notice my preferred setup allows me to withstand light combat without being forced back to the hive, as well as packing enough punch to deter any foolish enough to think me an easy kill.

    Tricky Stuff
    Web phase gates and IPs, then bilebomb the obs in base to prevent a beacon.

    Bilebomb from vents, to make yourself a much harder target.

    Spit before you see your enemy come around the corner, then flee around your own corner. Let them walk without warning into your attacks without even the chance to return the damage they take.

    Guts and glory: Healspray your allies despite the odds, and if something is near, don't regret fighting to the last. One bilebomb can be the difference between a phase gate and an alien hive, so if you NEED to destroy something, do not hesitate to give a little for the team.

    Good luck, and good hunting!
    Hopefully, this helps a little more than the 1.04 era guide that this is based off of.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2005, 01:49:14 AM by Asal »
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

May 18, 2005, 10:52:50 AM
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Movement : *Celerity (To better move in combat, or to avoid engagements)
Movement: Adrenaline (To fight more effectively, spitting/BBing/Webbing more and longer)
I see it as getting places faster or staying alive longer (celerity), vs. remaining behind an oc and keeping it healed as long as possible (adrenaline). So if you're gonna move around a lot you need celerity, but if you want to hold a position.. adrenaline.
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May 19, 2005, 03:21:58 AM
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I can't belive you didn't mention baiting.  Baiting is the perm's #1 job.
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

May 19, 2005, 07:32:10 PM
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I REFUSE to give away all my secrets!
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

May 19, 2005, 07:49:45 PM
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I REFUSE to give away all my secrets!
I think it's because you acctually suck at it :D
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

May 20, 2005, 11:27:33 AM
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Alright, Alright, I'll get on it when I have time.  

Fine, so I forgot it.  It's not something I think about when I'm writing one of these anyway, it's not something that you can really teach, it takes a lot of experience to get it right and NOT die.  It's one of the things that I don't think can effectively be taught, but I'll do my best to give pointers.
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

May 21, 2005, 02:44:31 PM
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Vitamin Lead

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make sure to constantly bother skulks about dropping rt's. Perma-gorge + no res = lose

May 21, 2005, 09:21:46 PM
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The JOB of the perma-gorge is to be sure that there is enough Res.  Skulks can drop res all they want, but it's your biggest concern.  


Then, if you're lucky and have more nodes than you need, you can worry about:
Useless WoL's

In that order.  A perma-gorge making a wall of lame is a waste of res.  Keep that in mind.  Res is the one thing on it's mind.  All things must be seen through a filter of res.  Marines are 1-3 res each.  Towers are infinite, but cost 15.  And not only your own res, try to keep track of who has about how much.  Who has dropped what, and who will be down and low.
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

May 21, 2005, 09:37:24 PM
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Take it from a member of the Gorge Squad: Just dodge and spit. If it works on agora, it'll work elsewhere.

May 21, 2005, 10:29:09 PM
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Sometimes, you need a bit more finesse.

In any case, baiting:

All marines want a fat gorgy pelt to hang on the wall.  Let's face it, it's the first thing on your mind when you hear that slow, careful plodding.  "A gorge.  I want this one."  

So who can use this to the advantage of the aliens?  The Perma-gorge.  Spit is your friend in this. Aim to hit, but don't get so far ahead.  Keep enough away to survive if a shotgun appears, and don't get overzealous.  Marines are as likely to ambush you as you are to have them ambushed.  Don't assume your enemy is stupid.  

But to bait them, you can't do this alone.  Even OCs are unpredictable, and have no problem letting you down in an instant.  Also, a good marine can gut a gorge before the  OCs can protect him/her/it/thing.  

So, you need skulks!  Don't bait for fades, if something goes wrong, you lose too much.  Lerks can't go straight through the combat as well, and onos don't need to bait people.  And there's also the fact that they're a BIT too large to hide.  So to the wall-climber the ambushing lies.  

My rule of thumb is this.  For every marine, you need an alien.  This includes you.  So for two marines, you only need one skulk.  But for five, you'll need four skulks.  For every weapon, add a skulk.  For three marines, two with shotguns, you still need four skulks.  Now, I will admit, I'm not the best at this.  And you can push it either way.  If you need to, baiting into too few skulks can still win the day, but it is often hard-fought and dangerous.

Now, baiting for other creatures IS possible, especcially later-game....but not recommended.  The idea is the same.  Pull them in, lead them back, stay just out of reach of those deadly guns, make them come to you...and then allow your more battle-hardened brethren tear into them.

Get a feel for it, it's not something that a guide can teach you.  You need to know exactly how fat to look, as well as how fast you need to really be.  And when to turn tail and run.

Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

May 22, 2005, 11:07:47 PM
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Alright, Alright, I'll get on it when I have time. 

Fine, so I forgot it.  It's not something I think about when I'm writing one of these anyway, it's not something that you can really teach, it takes a lot of experience to get it right and NOT die.  It's one of the things that I don't think can effectively be taught, but I'll do my best to give pointers.
Most marines are overconfident in thier gorge killing abilities.  All it takes is a skulk a corner or two, and a minimum ammount of bhopping.  Skulks can do it too with para, but it's harder to make marines follow you without dying.
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

June 14, 2005, 09:34:04 PM
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Spectre X

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i agree with asal-- dont think your enemy is stupid, even if its kodiac  :p

June 14, 2005, 10:06:07 PM
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whenever i chase a gorge, all i think about is where that ambush point will be.... and its always at the one corner i dont look at