Author Topic: New vid card problems...  (Read 4062 times)

May 14, 2005, 06:10:43 PM
Read 4062 times


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  • Gorge

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So i broke down and got a new vid card because im tired of my ****ty onboard video. The problem is, the new card wont seem to work, at all. If i plug in the new card with the comp off, it gives me no signal from either video port. I've tried waiting until i get into windows and installing the new card (which took), then disabling the onboard from within windows, even uninstalled it and had the new vid card set to be the default. When i did this, it looked like the video card was gonna work until windows started loading and then the video feed went blank. if anyone can help, plz let me know. the comp is a dell dimension 3000 bios A02, xp pro sp2, onboard intel 85865G graphics controller and im trying to install a GF Mx4000. I have all the nvidia drivers downloaded and installed, i just want the damn thing to work.
thanks guys and gals
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May 14, 2005, 07:00:46 PM
Reply #1


  • Gorge

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onboard video cards can be a bitch. First off its always best to disable them in the bios second if it is an agp video card or even if its not look for a load order in the bios if it is an agp switch from pci to agp if its a pci you might be up snot creek without a finger. you might also find another monoter lying around plug them both in and play with the stting and try to get your new video card to the primary. Unless its a Dell the bios is your best shot.

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