Author Topic: Typical Day on LM  (Read 11477 times)

April 15, 2005, 04:08:05 PM
Reply #20

That Annoying Kid

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The stacking seems pretty bad to me. If I am correct, 2 people (including the admin) have an RS on the aliens. Four people have one on the marines. Plus the marines have an extra player. Somone said that Rad had just joined. The teams don't look even to me.

rines are supposed to have an extra man, rad seemed not like his usually calm collected self, he seemed angsty and un radish, hence the semi hostile reaction. Not to mention I recall alot of people leaving, and it was finished quickly.

I will pay more attention next time.

autoassign was vetoed by LB
MAC DRE: Cold Crest Creeper, a rapper that would dip-n-yoke quicker than he could pimp-n-smoke, flows  that hit your ears harder than Ike hit Tina. Forced to serve a Nickle but would never drop a Dime.
K.C watch out cause the Bay's down like four flats on a Cadilac.

April 15, 2005, 06:07:29 PM
Reply #21


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the mva win rates says a whole lot more about server culture than that pic does. how could your 20 seconds of that game enrage you enough to make a thread of it?

April 16, 2005, 08:43:06 AM
Reply #22


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I must admit to stacking, but of a different kind. I rarely stack with those who are skilled; as in, I join Marines because Person A is amazingly skilled. I'd usually go to a team with people whom I like - not necessarily skilled; but just those whom I enjoy playing with. Even if the other side is stronger, I'll join the one on which the players are nicer :)
That's what I usually end up doing.  'specially if any of ze bros or MrBill are on a team.  They're just fun to play with <3

Got Stack?™
Zogmz.  Make a poster with it.  Or something. :lol:

April 16, 2005, 01:58:35 PM
Reply #23

SuicidaL MonkeY

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Why res slotters are going towards stax more adays is getting a lil out of hand.  Just because you see alot of marines or aliens on one team with all the kills doesnt mean you should join the bandwagon and ride for the win.  I wish i could see more people Joining Against the Stax..

When joining, if i were to recognize a high rate killing team i would join the other team right away. I dont play NS to "coast" to a victory by someone else's crosshairs, i feel i have to earn my win, drop chambers when no one will or rts or hive, or run and try to get pg's for the comm, ect.

I thought this was supposed to be War, controlling and advancing as a team and not by 5 or 6 players with unimaginable kill rates.  I will and always will join the team with the least amount of players, or the team with less points and kills, for they may need help. Understandably, when its a 17 slotter full server then it doesnt really matter. However, when its 15 and below with only 6 or 8 slotters on the same team?



Why?, well if you stackers cant figure THAT out, then too bad...

now im gonna return back to my normal self, and have fun again.


April 16, 2005, 08:35:06 PM
Reply #24


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When I play, I go marines, almost 99%.almost ALL THE TIME.... with exceptions

That means, more times then none, Ill lose, a lot. I may win sometimes with a stacked team, but it's not my fault as I ALWAYS go marines, :-D If its stacked, Im sorry, if it's not, Time to die..

Mind you.. if everyone played like I did... well hell no one would win.

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

April 17, 2005, 02:04:29 AM
Reply #25

Loke The Sleek Peruvian

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I always call chambers when I'm an alien...unless someone else beats me to it.
I am Sleek.

Are you?

Only in peru would you consider being closer to satan 'winning'... INCA HAX FOR THE WIN!

April 17, 2005, 09:00:28 AM
Reply #26


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I always call chambers when I'm an alien...unless someone else beats me to it.

I do too...mainly because I suck really bad at any lifeform higher than a gorge...I figure at least a hive will be more useful than me being a 10 second fade meatshield.
Taking care of the place while the master is away.

April 17, 2005, 02:16:56 PM
Reply #27


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I am a res whore and proud of it! Once I hit 50 I either drop a hive or go fade, lately I have been hiving it more because marines lose enough as it is.. tho it is quite frustrating that my hives often die before they get done.  :blush:

Anyway I justify res whoring because I believe that the best way for me to help the team is to run around and kill stuff as a skulk, and the second hive going up fast with RFK is always nice.
Best thread ever
"You steal a thousand Post-It notes at 12p, and you've made... a profit."

April 17, 2005, 02:35:24 PM
Reply #28


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i oft forget to look at the resbar.

LC why in the hell do you have 99 res?


you have 100 res do something

oh it would seem i do....

April 17, 2005, 09:47:09 PM
Reply #29


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And to he rest of you.  When I yell, "who has chambers?" over the voicecom, that is not an oppertunity to ignore me, that is an oppertunity to delegate!  If you really don't want to drop upgrades you better have a reason.  Silence is NOT FRIGGING GOLDEN!

About the stack, it doesn't LOOK that bad from the playernames, but evidently a few skilled players shouldn't have overestimated some of the names on the alien team and not rushed ebnar.

and 1/4, is THAT why you always join my team if you come halfway into a game?  <3

Whenever I'm on aliens, and I'm sure most of you hav eplayed with me already, i will 99% of the time never keep my res
When the game starts i automatically rush for an RT.
IF either i can't access an rt or I get killed en route, I will call chambers when I spawn.

The only times I will res whore is under 2 conditions:
a) the team already has chambers and rts built and I have nowhere to build my stuff
b) i join late and don't get the starting res

hopefully it eases things on us a bit, but we do try to do our part, even if silently sometimes, but for the record, I will 90% of the time be good with movement chambers  ^_^

regarding the stacking issue, I'm not too sure what I think about it, but it happens, and I'm not sure if u guys classify me under the 'stacking' category, but I do try to even the teams somewhat initially, tho I often want to play a specific side for a while mainly to practice
It does feel unfair, but what the heck, I stink and i'd take it as a point to practice.
(like trying to kill that damn quarterlerk  :angry:  )
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 09:49:39 PM by DarkScythe »