Author Topic: Killing eggs  (Read 12779 times)

April 03, 2005, 02:16:03 PM
Reply #20


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I find picking it up and throwing it into a pit of death easiest.

April 03, 2005, 04:26:43 PM
Reply #21


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Well, I told this story earlier in IRC, so I might as well tell it again. First off, if you read this, no hard feelings mr manatee. I was laughing far, far too much to be mad at you in any way. After all, the game is about fun, and I HAD fun, even if it was at your expense. :lol:

I was marine, in the spawnqueue, spectating mr manatee. I saw him run up to an egg in a hive room and start knifing it. I just managed to see the Gorge pop out of it before I respawned, so I immediately head in that direction in case the Gorge managed to get the hive building first. While I'm heading there I watch the corner of my screen for the kill icon, but nothing happens. Just as I start to believe that the Gorge got away, I see the kill - only it's the Gorge spitkilling mr manatee! I stay on course towards the hive, see that it's going up and head outside again for a PG. One built PG later we rush the hive with a mixture of lmgs and shotguns, but as we start shooting it aliens MC in and kill us. We try attacking it again, but the aliens get a firm hold on it, and some minutes later we lose the game. All because mr manatee wanted to knife the egg instead of lmg-ing it to death.

Don't you see it? Knifing eggs loses games! Don't knife eggs!

April 03, 2005, 05:14:14 PM
Reply #22


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Knifing an egg, especially in 3.0 isn't the best idea, it could be a gestating skulk and in that case you'll never drop it before it gets it's upgrade and eats your face. Generally the best bet is to just shoot it with all your bullets. If it's an unimportant egg (skulk upgrading, gorge devolving etc) and a skulk turns up then kill the skulk instead, if it's an important egg (gorge evolving, rt, lerk etc etc) then killing it is far more important than dropping that skulk.

You'll have to use your situational awareness and knowledge of how the game is progressing to make the call, but if theres an egg in a hive at 3:40 and you're there, don't get cocky.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 05:15:47 PM by Mr.Ben »

<3 BenjamiN/Benny/MrBen - Washed up clanner, ex-contributor and forum troll.
#lessthanthree on qnet

April 03, 2005, 06:09:32 PM
Reply #23


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If it's just an upgrade, you'll be extremely lucky to even close the distance before it finishes. Killing it is just downright impossible with the knife.

April 03, 2005, 06:21:49 PM
Reply #24


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If it's a skulk upgrade, I'd say it's better to put a few pistol shots in to weaken him. Then, when he hatches, he'll need less LMG bullets than when you'll use LMG from the start on the egg.
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

April 03, 2005, 08:15:58 PM
Reply #25

Doobie Dan

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welll i like taking a piece of bread, cutting out the center, and then frying an egg in the hole... even though.. i only usually do it while im home i mostly just like them scrambled with salt and pepper...
so what does the bread accomplish?  do you butter it on the bottom like it's grilled cheese?  is it supposed to keep the egg together?  as an avid eater of eggs (AEOE), i MUST learn about this new strange method.
God, it's so creamy.

April 03, 2005, 08:35:49 PM
Reply #26


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isn't that called toad in a hole or something?

topic-related.. i've killed only one egg. i came around a corner and saw it.. didn't know how long it'd been there, and didn't want a fade or onos or something to pop out (or anything else really cause anything can kill me with relative ease) so i kinda freaked out and shot spastically at it, then hacked at it, and then breathed rather hard and reloaded praying i didn't attract unwanted attention with my barrage of bullets.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 08:36:07 PM by Mac »

"Why aren't you wearing your eyebrows??"
Everyday you're here is torture to my heart; reminding me of how you'll never be mine..
..I'm going to miss this feeling.

April 04, 2005, 07:40:10 AM
Reply #27


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I've never killed a egg with a knife, that how noob I am. All the attempts I made would always end up as a higher life-form coming out.

April 04, 2005, 11:30:53 AM
Reply #28


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I've never killed a egg with a knife, that how noob I am. All the attempts I made would always end up as a higher life-form coming out.
Never had that happen to me when I see eggs. Usually just a skulk getting an ability or something. Would be pretty nerve racking hacking at an egg and then an onos bursts out of it. It's scary enough running backwards down a hall shooting at a chasing onos.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2005, 11:31:16 AM by Mac »

"Why aren't you wearing your eyebrows??"
Everyday you're here is torture to my heart; reminding me of how you'll never be mine..
..I'm going to miss this feeling.

April 09, 2005, 11:33:57 PM
Reply #29

Vitamin Lead

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knife while using the taunt command and/or spraypainting the ground under it

April 10, 2005, 12:36:20 AM
Reply #30


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An egg can take a full LMG clip.  If I see an egg next to a res node I'l know its a gorge and wait for it to hatch.  Then I kill it when it has less life.

the only bad thing about that is that if it were me, I would drop the RT very quickly then yell at my teammates to protect the RT

which has worked about 60% of the time in the past - which is pretty good odds

so I usually just dump all my shells into the egg with the LM (no matter what lvl) then use the pistol, and by that time i'm usually up close and personal and the knife makes its appearence.

April 10, 2005, 12:37:45 AM
Reply #31


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Well, if you think about what's faster, just compare it with killing a res node.
Using LMG to kill a res node takes 250 bullets, fired in 25 seconds + ~12 seconds of reload, while using a knife takes 56.4.

PS, Niteowl, or whoever made that unofficial NS manual with the damage calculator, include an "egg" target.

gotta link to this damage calc?

April 10, 2005, 03:18:28 PM
Reply #32


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It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

April 10, 2005, 07:10:43 PM
Reply #33


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I got a great way to kill fades that is wholly related to killing eggs.
Have the fade go skulk/gorge/lerk/onos right in front of you, thus giving you enough time to put whatever you have into it, thereby killing it. Kudos to LochNess for this strat :)
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

April 10, 2005, 09:37:42 PM
Reply #34


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The egg always gets me :(  

So it's always better to get a few pistol shots in first eh?

April 11, 2005, 04:09:39 AM
Reply #35


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I much prefer the strat that i saw employed on LM today by none other than your favorite and mine, NSPlayer.
Obviously a NS veteran, he walks into Biodome casually (which happened to be aliens starting hive) at about 5:00 into the game. He sees this curious looking thing on the ground, pink and kinda moving funny. Over voicecomm, as im setting up a PG in furnace i hear "whats this egg looking thing on the ground in this room with all the plants?" 5 people respond with "an egg, shoot it NOW!!!!!111ONE" so of course, NSPlayer doesnt shoot it and instead, responds over voicecomm with "what does an egg do and why should i shoot it? is it gonna blow up?"....silence.....then, mysteriously, 5 seconds later, NSPlayer dies to a fade. Next thing was this: "what the hell was that thing that came out of the egg?!?! it killed me before i could even shoot it!"...silence...then someone, forget who  >:D  , says "we told you to shoot the egg, man."
2 seconds later:
**NSPlayer has left the game.
now THAT is a killer strategy right there folks!!!!!!!!
"What do I do first when I comm?"-NSPlayer(2)
"You need to build an RTFM interface."-CFM

April 11, 2005, 10:41:05 AM
Reply #36


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I much prefer the strat that i saw employed on LM today by none other than your favorite and mine, NSPlayer.
Obviously a NS veteran, he walks into Biodome casually (which happened to be aliens starting hive) at about 5:00 into the game. He sees this curious looking thing on the ground, pink and kinda moving funny. Over voicecomm, as im setting up a PG in furnace i hear "whats this egg looking thing on the ground in this room with all the plants?" 5 people respond with "an egg, shoot it NOW!!!!!111ONE" so of course, NSPlayer doesnt shoot it and instead, responds over voicecomm with "what does an egg do and why should i shoot it? is it gonna blow up?"....silence.....then, mysteriously, 5 seconds later, NSPlayer dies to a fade. Next thing was this: "what the hell was that thing that came out of the egg?!?! it killed me before i could even shoot it!"...silence...then someone, forget who  >:D  , says "we told you to shoot the egg, man."
2 seconds later:
**NSPlayer has left the game.
now THAT is a killer strategy right there folks!!!!!!!!

that's just....
i can't even.. ugh.
nevermind. this boggles the mind  v_v

April 11, 2005, 11:08:40 AM
Reply #37


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That dude is an ass.  He has a vet icon and all, which he turns off and acts retarded on the server. >_<

April 11, 2005, 02:00:50 PM
Reply #38


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That dude is an ass.  He has a vet icon and all, which he turns off and acts retarded on the server. >_<
Vet icons don't exist now.
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

April 11, 2005, 02:39:21 PM
Reply #39


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That dude is an ass.  He has a vet icon and all, which he turns off and acts retarded on the server. >_<
Vet icons don't exist now.

go play on the "vet" server  - every one of em has one

edit - but thinking about it, some were different colored for vets with reserved, so i'm guessing thats a server operated thing
« Last Edit: April 11, 2005, 02:39:55 PM by E-Fonzarelli »