Author Topic: Help For Mappers  (Read 12603 times)

March 27, 2005, 08:05:29 PM
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Alright, been playing around with mapping for a while, but i have some problems.  

alright, so it compiles, but then gives me this

qrad.exe encountered a problem +typical microsoft error report.  Then hlaf life starts and goes, but i end up staring at a big gray line-marked wall, like something you used to get if you screwed up loading something.  I know it's vague, but any help at all is appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2005, 08:22:26 PM by Kodiac »
Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

March 28, 2005, 06:14:37 AM
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Alright, been playing around with mapping for a while, but i have some problems. 

alright, so it compiles, but then gives me this

qrad.exe encountered a problem +typical microsoft error report.  Then hlaf life starts and goes, but i end up staring at a big gray line-marked wall, like something you used to get if you screwed up loading something.  I know it's vague, but any help at all is appreciated.

Could you post the compile log? It should be a .txt file simply called "mapname" that saves to the same folder that you've compiled to.

March 28, 2005, 07:20:10 PM
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** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:\SIERRA\Half-Life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:\Mapping\Valve Hammer Editor\maps\" "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\"

** Executing...
** Command: D:\Mapping\VALVEH~1\tools\qcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\rawr"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
---- qcsg ----
entering C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\
CreateBrush:         0...1...2...4...5...7...8... (0)
CSGBrush:            0...1...2...4...5...7...8... (0)
WARNING: couldn't open \wargames\sierra\half-life\tfc\tfc2.wad
    0 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: D:\Mapping\VALVEH~1\tools\qbsp2.exe
** Parameters: "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\rawr"

qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998)
---- qbsp2 ----
Hullnum 0: No entities in empty space -- no filling performed
Hullnum 1: No entities in empty space -- no filling performed
Hullnum 2: No entities in empty space -- no filling performed
Hullnum 3: No entities in empty space -- no filling performed
    0 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: D:\Mapping\VALVEH~1\tools\vis.exe
** Parameters: "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\rawr"

vis.exe v1.3 (Dec 30 1998)
---- vis ----
1 thread(s)
LoadPortals: couldn't read C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\rawr.prt
No vising performed.

** Executing...
** Command: D:\Mapping\VALVEH~1\tools\qrad.exe
** Parameters: "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\rawr"

** Executing...
** Command: C:\SIERRA\HALF-L~1\hl.exe
** Parameters: -dev -console +map "rawr"

Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

March 28, 2005, 07:29:54 PM
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Umm, I don't know, but I think that you're missing a .wad file, tfc2.wad . Hmm?
Haven't mapped in 3 years, not sure.
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

March 28, 2005, 09:08:02 PM
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... as well as having a leak, which prevents vis and rad from compiling...
God, I'm old.

March 29, 2005, 12:08:34 AM
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I was going to say, doesn't qrad have to do with rad lighting?  meaning you probably have a leak somewhere that is syphoning all your pretty lightses into infinate black and outermaply space.
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March 29, 2005, 03:09:28 PM
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So, How do I fix leaks?
Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

March 29, 2005, 04:04:47 PM
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Hire a plumber who is paid by the job.
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

March 29, 2005, 05:51:05 PM
Reply #8


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So, How do I fix leaks?

Think of your mapping space as . . . outer space.  That is, your map needs to be completely "airtight" if you want it to compile right.  Many games use a subtractive method for mapping (that is, cutting rooms, hallways, etc from a giant cube).  Half-Life and its ilk is all additive - which means that you need to enclose the playing area completely from the "Void" (or, the places where you have not built).

You can't compile a map with light (rad) if there is a hole anywhere (the engine won't understand what to light and what not to light, so it will render the map completely in fullbright)  Also, you can't have an entity outside the map, for much the same reason.

Basically, a leak can be many things.  It can be a giant hole in a wall, it can be one of those aforementioned entities.  I think what you're describing as the visual error is what's called the "hall of mirrors" (meaning only that, when looking at the 'Void' the engine doesn't understand what to draw, so each pixel just repeats the last thing it drew ad infinitum.)   You're probably staring straight at your leak - the Hall of Mirrors is a good indicator of a leak.

First, an example of a proper corner:

And an example of a giant leak (the "void" is the gray):

All that said, could you post some screenshots?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2005, 05:52:25 PM by Dubbilex »

March 29, 2005, 09:07:24 PM
Reply #9


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Put boxes and boxes around your map to fix any leaks!

... never listen to me for mapping advice again.
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

March 29, 2005, 11:25:58 PM
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Put boxes and boxes around your map to fix any leaks!

... never listen to me for mapping advice again.

and dubbilex, making a quick example map is no excuse for having tragically missaligned textures.  Expecially when your room is just a box.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

March 30, 2005, 05:46:48 AM
Reply #11


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Alright, I managed to fix the leak, but I'm having some trouble when it loads it.  
It says to me:

Unknown Command: VModenable

What does this mean, and how do i fix it?

Also, screenies won't be a great idea right now, as the room is a box with a purple light and no textures.  Maybe later
Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

March 30, 2005, 06:43:37 AM
Reply #12


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Alright, I managed to fix the leak, but I'm having some trouble when it loads it. 
It says to me:

Unknown Command: VModenable

What does this mean, and how do i fix it?

Also, screenies won't be a great idea right now, as the room is a box with a purple light and no textures.  Maybe later

Mostly, I meant screenshots of the specific error  (your "big gray line-marked wall").  But seeing as how you've fixed it, it's all good.

Second, from what I hear the error you've gotten this time doesn't mean anything other than that there's a command in config.cfg that isn't in the server dll.  Compiling with zoner's Tools fixes it - which brings me to my next point:

Use zoner's tools - they're basically just the four compile programs (CSG, BSP, VIS, RAD) only optimized for half-life rather than Quake (they will be called hlcsg.exe, hlvis.exe,  etc etc).  You can get them HERE and they're really easy to install.

March 31, 2005, 11:37:12 AM
Reply #13


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EDIT- got ZHLT, but ran into a new problem.
Here are my sweet error messages

Could not open bitmap file gfx/shell/splash.bmp
and then

Host_Init: Coulndn't load gfx/pallete.Imp
« Last Edit: April 10, 2005, 01:45:38 PM by Kodiac »
Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear