Yanno.. Operation Flashpoint, at release, only had one cooperative map. At the time it was the MOST fun I've ever had playing a co-op vs AI war game.. The map centers around this Soviet Compound and you need to get in and blow some crap up (Sorry, I don't remember the specifics- it's been what.. three years? Maybe two..)- You, the American special forces, have a jeep that you can't take all the way to the compound because the enemy will hear you. You only have one man with a LAW (anti-tank) and the rest of your men are packing strictly small arms. The tanks are on a timed patrol, with infantry also patrolling the compound grounds. What do you choose to do? Go in guns blazing and you and your team are dead, most likely crushed by a T-72. The game was tense- you actually feared dying (perhaps because of the higher than average load times or maybe the immense effort just getting into position required.) Anyway... needless to say the first time my friends and I played that game at a LAN a fellow named Guy stood up instead of crawled forward and got our entire squad wiped out.
It was classic. Oh, on a not so off-topic note, maybe I'll check this mod out. But as far as Terrorists versus Counter-Terrorists goes, I think Rainbow Six: Raven Shield did a good job.