Author Topic: Beta 6 changelog  (Read 17935 times)

December 17, 2004, 12:21:09 PM
Reply #20


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Any more truth in what I said oh oracle of PTness?
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the Galaxy.

December 17, 2004, 12:46:23 PM
Reply #21


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I can't help but think this is going to make aliens with SC's first just a bit overpowered, but we'll see how it plays out. *pets conste icon*

Also while I do like the idea of 2% auto-regen, I can't help but think it's going to make an already hard to kill fade that much harder to kill, not to mention the removal "shotgun sniping".

December 17, 2004, 01:37:19 PM
Reply #22


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SMD will end up being the default order, and MSD will happen almost as often.  Sensory is ridiculously powerful, it took a while to make it not overpowered so much so that aliens were unstoppable with it.
I don't know, sensory is still restricted to fairly defenceive hit and run style tactics, it probably won't give the 2nd hive fade boost that most games still rely on and that only really defence provides effectively.

When are they going to cap the damn vertical lerk speed?
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December 17, 2004, 01:39:53 PM
Reply #23


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This changelog is the best changelog I have seen since 2.0

The free upgrades make it awesome as well, Whenever i played on aliens I NEVER upgraded as a skulk because it was such a waste of res.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2004, 01:41:23 PM by Diablus »

December 17, 2004, 01:47:44 PM
Reply #24


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This changelog is the best changelog I have seen since 2.0

The free upgrades make it awesome as well, Whenever i played on aliens I NEVER upgraded as a skulk because it was such a waste of res.
Too true.  I would ocationally upgrade as skulk, but it was usually only beacause it was endgame and there was no possible way we could die anyways.  I just wanted the practice...  I'm always gonna be upgrading now.  Cara Celeb for the win!
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

December 17, 2004, 02:46:57 PM
Reply #25


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wow I love like all of those changes except for one, and the rest are so great I already forgot which one I don't like.

sensory will be pretty hot if you have a very smart team, well placed chambers will me scent of fear, cloaking, AND focus, for every alien.

It seems like movements are still going to be a little left out in the cold though, they should improve the teleporting behavior and come up with a passive ability which is more useful than free adrenaline. (or perhaps nerf some of the aliens energy capacity so the free adrenaline is as relevant as healing or cloak).

On the subject of every skulk having upgrades:  Thats how it used to be, and imo thats how it should be.  Although it seems like maybe marines will need a little something extra to compensate.  On the other hand it will be interesting to see where the chips fall with the hitbox changes.

In the current version being fully cloaked protects you from motion tracking even if you are moving.

December 17, 2004, 03:08:30 PM
Reply #26


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SMD will end up being the default order, and MSD will happen almost as often. Sensory is ridiculously powerful, it took a while to make it not overpowered so much so that aliens were unstoppable with it.

Whats the point though? The chambers are on equal footing in B5, this changelog just throws DCs into the trashcan and aliens into easymode.

December 17, 2004, 03:26:24 PM
Reply #27


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SMD will end up being the default order, and MSD will happen almost as often. Sensory is ridiculously powerful, it took a while to make it not overpowered so much so that aliens were unstoppable with it.

Whats the point though? The chambers are on equal footing in B5, this changelog just throws DCs into the trashcan and aliens into easymode.
The chambers were not in 'equal footing' for B5.  Sure you could get away with an alternitive chamber go once in a while, but if you crunched the numbers it would become pretty apparent that the only viable go in a predictable setting was DMS, with the slight exeption that MDS could be made to work under proper circumstances and FF.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

December 17, 2004, 05:02:24 PM
Reply #28


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What numbers do you want to crunch? I could post 800 megabytes worth (zipped) of  MC/SC match demos, or I could try to convince you that there is nothing MC can't do better that DC can, or that sensory is easily powerful enough to make a round a cakewalk to win.

The defense chamber in B5 is the least attractive, but needs the least cooperation between teammates. Both Movement and Sensory easily overpower Defense, especially in a coordinated 6v6 setting. Outside of scrims/matches DCs are the most popular because of their simplicity, but that doesn't mean anything needs changing about them.

December 17, 2004, 06:35:33 PM
Reply #29


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Ok, I'll throw my hat in here..

Upgrades now costing zero = fun! Especially with the zero cost for skulking - hopefully it'll encourage a bit more gorging.

Sensory looking good for being a first chamber choice in normal games, as opposed to something for your skill stacked games.

As a modder I'm not as happy as I should be with the hitbox fix, means I have to smarten up my customs a bit in order to make them match a bit more - if its going to be accurate enough to allow shooting through legs then I need to make sure my models match!

Have they fixed the hoover jetpack noise? Seems so.

I like the look of this patch, its certainly a shakeup on B5.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

December 17, 2004, 07:12:36 PM
Reply #30

tankefugl (in a tent)

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They forgot to add

O Added more fun

to the changelog. It's true.

December 17, 2004, 07:22:46 PM
Reply #31


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Throw in third-person animations and I'll be a happy boy :D

December 17, 2004, 08:18:10 PM
Reply #32


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Throw in third-person animations and I'll be a happy boy :D
Those have been a bit gimpy... bugs still being worked out of 'em. Everything else has proven pretty fun in PTs. Once you've tried out free upgrades and free skulking, going back to B5 style is a real pain. Of course some of the changes are pretty drastic and there's no way we could ever PT them enough to be sure. The SC changes are obviously pretty wild. But, people have been unhappy with DMS since the dawn of time, so at least this proves that the devs are doing all they can to kill it.

No doubt the forums will be back up around the time B6 is finalized and you'll all have a chance to scream your opinions as much as you want.  ;)

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
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December 17, 2004, 08:25:41 PM
Reply #33


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Ahh, I like all of these changes.

Bob: So 3rd person reload animations won't be in b6?
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

December 17, 2004, 11:17:06 PM
Reply #34


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SMD will end up being the default order, and MSD will happen almost as often.  Sensory is ridiculously powerful, it took a while to make it not overpowered so much so that aliens were unstoppable with it.
I don't know, sensory is still restricted to fairly defenceive hit and run style tactics, it probably won't give the 2nd hive fade boost that most games still rely on and that only really defence provides effectively.

When are they going to cap the damn vertical lerk speed?

Aliens are hit and run period regardless of the chamber.  Sensory in b6 is actually the most offensive chamber set because of the incredible damage focus and cloaking give.  Focus hive2 fades are probably the most powerful alien weapon behind a focus hive3 fade, so I don't what you're talking about when you say it won't give it a boost.  Nothing stops a Focus fade besides killing it, nothing besides HA even slows it down.  Combine leap focus skulks and you have some problems.

Can't say much about the cap, let's just say things are happening.

3PRA are in, just having some bug issues (sup shotty sounds).  They should be in b6 barring any serious complications.

Also note that any chamber set is workable in beta5 if the alien team usesmore cunning than brute force, problem is not enough people get that and just try to kill every marine they see.

The obs decloaks everything in range and shows it on the map/minimap.  Motion tracking reveals aliens moving at full speed, but not aliens walking.  Turrets work the same way, shooting full speed aliens but not walkers.  Motion tracking does not reveal aliens that are fully cloaked (walking or sitting still).
« Last Edit: December 17, 2004, 11:33:13 PM by TheAdj »

December 18, 2004, 12:36:37 AM
Reply #35


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The changelog looks good!

December 18, 2004, 03:57:13 AM
Reply #36


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Aliens are hit and run period regardless of the chamber.  Sensory in b6 is actually the most offensive chamber set because of the incredible damage focus and cloaking give.  Focus hive2 fades are probably the most powerful alien weapon behind a focus hive3 fade, so I don't what you're talking about when you say it won't give it a boost.  Nothing stops a Focus fade besides killing it, nothing besides HA even slows it down.  Combine leap focus skulks and you have some problems.

And thats why I'm asking, whats the boost for? Its already an amazingly powerful chamber, as is MC. Free upgrades seems sensible and fun, but 2% regen per tick, the 30% visibility at any speed, siegenerf and SoF-effect for SC is a bit over the top unless marines start shooting deathrays out their eyes.

December 18, 2004, 04:36:54 AM
Reply #37


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lolz phantom shotties :(

well.. balance stuff is still being worked out, and we'll have a much larger feedback pool once b6 is opened to constis.  I imagine the information wouldn't have been made public without there being some reasonable belief that balance will be evened out. ^^

December 18, 2004, 07:09:29 AM
Reply #38


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w00t, MC as first chamber is even better now.
Now, we'll pwn.
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December 18, 2004, 07:54:37 AM
Reply #39


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And thats why I'm asking, whats the boost for? Its already an amazingly powerful chamber, as is MC. Free upgrades seems sensible and fun, but 2% regen per tick, the 30% visibility at any speed, siegenerf and SoF-effect for SC is a bit over the top unless marines start shooting deathrays out their eyes.

Haha X-S-Z I told you there will be alot of these Marine Lovers.

Now to explain "why".

First off Marines have it as easy as it can get in b5. You will, repeat WILL kill at least 2-5 skulks before you die. Your shotguns own everything and cost a mere 10 res. You lack teamwork in some games yet still dominate the field unless Aliens use a helluv alot of teamwork which doesn't make much sense at all.

the 2% regen is to encourage other chambers besides DC's. the Sensory "boost" is for encouraging SC first.

Now you Marines will have something else comming your way when you expect to go and start "0Wnz0R1nG" Skulks, NS is going to become more of a "fun" game rather than a "Hey Pa, gimme dat shotty and we can g0 huntin' skulks n Gorgies YEEE HAWWW"
Every build since 2.1 has benefitted the Marines all the way. Now it's time for the Aliens to shine and stand a chance in most PUB games >:D