Im in highschool, 11th grade(with tooky), in french immersian, meaning: They take the smatter of the english kids, and force em to speak the language of the devil for 12 years of their life, which they just dont want to ever be caught using. Evar.
Tooky isnt in that, he's in "advanced" meaning, he's already french, but his I.Q. isn't below the one of a rock, if it were, he'd be put what everyoone calls, (and those in it too) the dumbass class. All those idiots who just dont want be in school, and cant really DO anything since our great province took away shop class's and the like. So their forced through school and grauated undeserving. Did I mention our school dosnt flunk till 11?
so, there you have it, our class system in a nutshell, French, French wannabees, And the idiots (some of them are good point, but most you wouldnt want to talk to).
Now you know what great school system N.B. has.