Chemical engineering has the same core classes as chem majors freshman year, but then they break off. ChemE's take courses focused in heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and general physics, while Chems focus more on the stoichiometry and quantum aspects of chemistry.
In short, chemists work in the lab performing titrations and measuring the speed of protons, while chemical engineers actually go out and accomplish practical work. :rolleyes:
ChemE is the hardest major at Delaware hands down (party school), even when it is bit of a party school. When I see all my business major friends stumbling into my room at 10:00 on thursday drunk to hell, I want to secretly drown them in my toilet.
Not that I don't have my fun, but it's still frustrating how hard you have to work. It makes you appreciate the times when you can relax, those few and far inbetween moments.
(Right now I'm procrastinating doing a quantitative chemistry lab, and a set of calculus problems, thanks guys)