Author Topic: Hl2 Dissapointments  (Read 6335 times)

November 23, 2004, 08:13:29 PM
Reply #20


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In fact, HL1 has more fighting soldiers than HL2 does so i don't know what the big deal is.

Well the only Aliens you battle against are the barnacles (which arent even a fight..) headcrabs, Antlions and zombies (AND those leeches if you swim out too far away from the antlinos which own you in a matter of seconds so theres really no fight on your part... there just in as map boundaries). THATS IT...  in Hl1 you had a crapload of alien species encounters which made the game diverse. Sure the majority of encounters were basically Marines and their technology but the fact that the alien unit diversity made the game feel... more expanded in a way....

As for the leeches, it would have been better to have Ickys attack you instead. :D

November 23, 2004, 11:11:01 PM
Reply #21


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how is that more diverse in any way? It was always the samne damn alien slaves and alien grunts over and over mixed in with the marines, same as any other fps would have it. I found the enemy encounters just as interesting if not more exiting now due to the AI and the fact that the combine actually try to take cover and work together. Whats really evil is how some of them can even deploy manhacks to screw you up :p

November 24, 2004, 04:01:49 PM
Reply #22


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3.) not enough of the story explained, HL spent lots of time explaining the story... this didnt

The story was there and it was explained, it just wasn't spoon fed to you. There were only a few things that were left unexplained (Breen's involvement, chiefly, and the "benefactor's" want with earth).

The combine were explained, the story as you went along was explained, GMan and Gordon's relationship was explained, etc.

The clues and information is there, it's just not thrown into cutscenes saying "Ok! The combine are humans!" They let you work it out yourself, and i really liked that, to be honest.
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November 24, 2004, 10:35:57 PM
Reply #23

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3.) not enough of the story explained, HL spent lots of time explaining the story... this didnt

The story was there and it was explained, it just wasn't spoon fed to you. There were only a few things that were left unexplained (Breen's involvement, chiefly, and the "benefactor's" want with earth).

The combine were explained, the story as you went along was explained, GMan and Gordon's relationship was explained, etc.

The clues and information is there, it's just not thrown into cutscenes saying "Ok! The combine are humans!" They let you work it out yourself, and i really liked that, to be honest.

That's a really bad way of 'telling' the story though, since people make retarded assumptions about it. "But what about the orange lambda signs! Obviously they indicate a relationship with Xen as they try to help Gordon out, because as you can PLAINLY see in this map, there's a piece of wood covering a poster with alien letters on it, which is OBVIOUSLY indicative that God is real."

November 25, 2004, 07:42:20 AM
Reply #24


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That's nothin', a guy on the steam forums thought people were eating headcrabs for food because father gregory says he needs to "tend to his flock"....

good lord.... :rolleyes:

November 25, 2004, 09:50:00 AM
Reply #25


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Hey now, headcrab might taste nice.

November 25, 2004, 09:53:34 AM
Reply #26


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Yes, eating a headcrab wouldn't kill you...
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

November 25, 2004, 10:07:02 AM
Reply #27


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Unless its a poisonous headcrab...

November 25, 2004, 01:35:09 PM
Reply #28


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There was some sarcasm in my statement there. ;)
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

November 27, 2004, 12:28:42 AM
Reply #29


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I will agree that the ending is a deep-down-dirty cliffhanger that was just so darned anti-climactic.  HL was a little unsatisfying in that, though you did a good thing, you still got stuck in limbo on a stupid train car.

HL2, you don't even get to figure out exactly what it was you did.  No word on the fate of the citadel, or Alyx, or City 17, or anything!  I mean, when you killed the Nihilanth you knew you had done good.  I don't know what the hell I did when I blew up the portal!

The Matrix comparisons are unnervingly accurate in some points.  If HL3 ends up anything like Revolutions, I may just have to kill myself.
"What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy river to save a solid gold baby?  Maybe we'll never know."