Author Topic: Thanks To A Few Certain People  (Read 2487 times)

September 14, 2004, 09:57:54 PM
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I would like to thank grayduck, archi and my brother (ekiller) for following orders and attacking vent together.  Whereas the rest of the team was complaining/whining that i was not giving out hmg/has or other stuff while we were attacking vent.  I would also like to really thank archi for kicking the people who wouldn't shut up about not getting stuff. <3

I know we lost and part of it was most likely me since i am not by any means a good comm, but the majority of it was from the people who were dragging down the game.

anyways thanks again you, guys and gal <3
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..

September 15, 2004, 09:42:03 AM
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Great team - Bad comm = Can hold out longer then sin, never dieing but never really winning.

Bad Team - Great Comm = Might be able to manage a few ninja pgs here and there with a lone rambo, but other then that, without the team working together, comm most times has to cuss out people to sin.

Bad Team - Bad Comm = Owned within the first 4 minuts of game when fades op up. Dosnt mean that the team or comm is usually bad, but for that game in question, they sucked it up.

Great Team - Great Comm = The type of team where you can relocate to lava walk and still win and totaly dominate the game.

those are the 4 basic types of marine teams, from my experience, and with a lot of the newer comms trying to come out (you, grayduck and the such). I'd have to say your the number 2 team, cause whenevr I play with like gray for example, she knows what shes doingh, but always get screwed over with the worst team. dark, it sounds like you got the same. So dont blame the losse on yourself.

And on another note, for the first 1, great team bad comm, I played a game where we were fighting off onos's fades and oc lame for a good solid 20 min, We totaly owned as a team, but our comm was teh  uber crap, Once we got that comm banned for being a compleat idiot (We got him ejected out of the chair, then later went back in, then banned I think it was). I took over the commande chair and turned the game around 180, for the rest of the game we were owning, capping nodes and keeping them, locking down hives. It was the biggest change of direct in a game Ive ever seen. The difference a comm can do. :-D

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

September 15, 2004, 10:03:15 AM
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<3 Awww, thanks Dark and MrBill – though I think you’ve given me a bit too much credit.  Despite losing – that hera game was fun!  You’re not a bad commander Dark – you just need a mic and a bit of owl’s rage :p

Hehe, Bill you couldn’t be more wrong about me being a good commander, last night I was commanding Origin, had a two hive lock down and was rushing the last hive w/ lvl 3 Shot Guns / JPs – meanwhile my base went down, everyone died but one of my guys and instead of baconing I dumped all my resources into trying to keep my last man alive.  So in essence, I took an easy, definite win and turned it into a horrible, humiliating loss  :(   Sorry team.

September 15, 2004, 11:01:10 AM
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well, no harm in the losing what you think is a total win. you almost always learn something.keep in mind that you are only one person trying to think of a way to beat the other team while handling 6+ individual marines requests/ideas all the while trying to outsmart 6+ aliens all thinking and being able to do 6 totaly different things.

as a side note, if the game has been going on for a while, expect them to have base busters, onii, fades, etc. if you are feeling sketchy, you can do a few things
- take the extra time, have your marines take down nodes uber teched while you farm base
- designate one ubar marine to guard your vital resources while attacking their hive
- get MT ASAP so you don't get suprised.
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