I remember when I first started playing on LM - some guy who wasn't a good commander jumped in the chair on Ayumi after our first comm left. He was hilarious on the mic: "Let's see, I'll drop you.. hmm, an obs, here's a TF, why not a few shotguns... gee, I really spoil you guys.." Pretty soon we were looking at a horrible loss as everything on the map goes down. Some marine yells "EJECT THE COMMANDER AND KNIFE HIM TO DEATH!" which pretty quickly brought everyone on the team surrounding the CC with their knives out. He went down with screams of "BUT I WAS SO GOOD TO YOU PEOPLE!". Classic. I think his name was "Rico", and next game he changed it to "Not Rico" and was all like "Man, I don't know who that last comm was, but he sucked."
Much to LF's chagrin I'm sure, but hilarious situations like that are one of the top reasons I love LM so much :lol:
BTW, gallery updated.