H'okay. This is a map I finished circa June 2003, released it, it made its way throughout Bnet and got great reviews. Then 1.10 comes out and completely and utterly breaks it. I manage to get it about half fixed, but never managed to get it fully functional. I ran across the 12-page bug and task list when moving apartments last week and was like "Damn. I spent a large chunk of my life on that." So I'd like to know if there's any interest in the community for me to go back and put this thing back together. If you still play WC3 and think it'd be worth my time, post in this thread and let me know.
It's a 4-player FFA RPG. Each person selects a party of 4 heroes out of 6 hero types. They then explore the world independently and compete to be the first to finish the various quests, which gives them Honor points. Also, if two players' parties encounter each other, they will battle and the winner will also receive honor. After all of the various quests of FF1 are complete and the final boss is defeated, the player with the most honor wins.
Here's a couple of sample screenshots (of single player mode)...
Ain't he purty?
Boss battle.
Another boss battle. The minimap is revealed in this one (indoor areas are far north and far south).
The Black Wizard's ultimate spell, Nuke.