
How would you like Lunixmonster to handle NS:C

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Author Topic: NS Combat  (Read 17997 times)

December 16, 2003, 02:54:46 PM
Reply #20


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Even though running more than one server makes more work for the admin, it is more enjoyable for the players. It is a personal choice based upon what you like (and what mood you are in at the time) which mode that you want to play.

Thats why I vote for two, sperate servers.

December 16, 2003, 03:27:45 PM
Reply #21

Uranium - 235

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Keep in mind more servers costs money...

That is unless LB goes in like a ninja and steals server space and totally flips out and wails awesomely hard on a guitar at the same time.

December 16, 2003, 05:13:36 PM
Reply #22


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Keep in mind more servers costs money...

That is unless LB goes in like a ninja and steals server space and totally flips out and wails awesomely hard on a guitar at the same time.
A bit off topic, but that sounds like Furi Kuri (FLCL) :D

December 16, 2003, 07:10:24 PM
Reply #23

Uranium - 235

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Thou shalt now have your ugh, baleeted lashed 88 times with a 2x4 for speaking of that.

(BTW: I hate that show... :p)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2003, 03:14:53 AM by lolfighter »

December 16, 2003, 08:59:48 PM
Reply #24


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Thou shalt now have your just noticed - baleeted here too lashed 88 times with a 2x4 for speaking of that.

(BTW: I hate that show... :p)
Furi Kuri > Uranium - 235
« Last Edit: December 29, 2003, 06:45:19 AM by lolfighter »

December 16, 2003, 09:25:07 PM
Reply #25


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*DISCLAIMER*  Do not take the above post seriously.

December 16, 2003, 09:58:12 PM
Reply #26


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You know.. I acctually want to change the vote to make it if there is less then 10 People in the server it should be NS:Combat, and If there is more there should be NS. Because It is really hard to play NS with only 10 players. And most of the time, You have a Marine on the team which is either afk or an idiot, and you have the commander, and on the Alien side you usually have atleast 2 Gorges, so it is very hard. And most of the time the Marines get stomped easily by Aliens in small games.. They just cant keep up with the speed of the skulkys and the amount of Gorges that the Aliens can have at one single time. Also, in 3.0 the Gorges spit damage will be increased and the Heal Spray will be decreased. Atleast that's what I heard in the NS forums..

December 16, 2003, 10:08:25 PM
Reply #27


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And also I was just thinking about this after I voted for #1, How would this work? Because people usually always leave at the end of a map, and come back to the server. I think this would be kind of confusing for the server to work out..

December 17, 2003, 07:49:57 AM
Reply #28


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I don't find it that incredibly hard to play 5v5 games. Of course 8v8 is better, but it's not too bad with 5v5.
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December 21, 2003, 06:45:37 AM
Reply #29


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Combat is turning out (as of build 3.0d) to be a a great game with 3v3+ 2v2 I haven't tried and 1v1 is nice for waiting for people to join up. I say if it gets run at all It need to be a different server. If anyone has any questions about 3.0/ Combat I'll help you... :)
Got himself banned.

December 21, 2003, 01:48:21 PM
Reply #30


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either default or everymap would pwn

December 22, 2003, 01:59:42 PM
Reply #31


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I say leave all maps in the mapcycle, but the idea of the mode being based on the server population is also good.  I'd say that i'm happy with either!

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"yarrr I'm gaybeard the butt pirate, and I've come to plunder yer booty!" -TAK

December 22, 2003, 11:56:58 PM
Reply #32

A Boojum Snark

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I would like what others have mentioned of alternating in the cycle, 2 co_, 2 ns_, 2 co_, etc...

December 29, 2003, 05:13:46 AM
Reply #33


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Well LB, Iv'e voted for the separate boxes. It eliminates the whining that the admins will come up against tbh. My personal pref are NS maps, NS:C atm is fun but gets boring & repetative (much like CS has become to me). Don't get me wrong even after 3 years of playing CS I still go back to it, same as NS:C. Separate servers would be idealistic. We are (if we decide to run NS:C) going to run separate boxes, less hassle and easyer to manage (plugins etc).
« Last Edit: December 29, 2003, 05:15:24 AM by LaYkE »

December 29, 2003, 06:57:13 AM
Reply #34


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Nothing personal LaYkE, but you haven't played NS:C for three years yet; you've played CS for three years by now, and you still keep coming back for more, yet you fear that NS:C gets boring? I'm sorry, but for your reasoning is confusing at best. Can you explain?

December 29, 2003, 09:28:17 AM
Reply #35


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Nothing personal LaYkE, but you haven't played NS:C for three years yet; you've played CS for three years by now, and you still keep coming back for more, yet you fear that NS:C gets boring? I'm sorry, but for your reasoning is confusing at best. Can you explain?
Thats what I said, CS for 3 years  :lol:

Sorry for being unclear. It's like this ::

CS has become very same old same old however I keep coming back to it.... actually no I don't I keep going back to the one server where my old clan hang out and have a laff with them. I don't go to any other CS servers, it's really the people/community that keep me there, good laff.

NS:C on the other hand is new but at the same time very repetitive and does get boring.... it lacks an edge imo. CS had it's hiding in buildings sniping, buying a para for the laff). While the NS tech tree you follow is an original idea and (quite novel if I do say so myself) I still find the oh lets go straight down a hallway and shoot aliens, if were lucky we'll make it to the hive. There is very little strat involved just shooting skills. Then again the Alien side is a little better in this aspect.

I guess what I mean is that NS maps rather then CO maps will be the big cheese. NS:C is great if you want a quick game straight into action but I can't see any major pull towards it in all fairness. I have found (and judging) from playing most people play a round or two at most then drop.

It's all down to a preference and mine's NS only :) Who knows maybe Flayra will release an excellent V1.0 with all the bells and whistles, it is only beta atm.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2003, 09:33:27 AM by LaYkE »

December 29, 2003, 11:09:42 AM
Reply #36


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Ah, I see.

I'm starting to get a little annoyed with the testers (not their fault I hasten to add). Not because it really bothers me much that they have access and I don't, but because I believe that a lot of our votes against Combat (at least Combat on LM) come from those people. So I'll say it now:
I don't care if Combat is not so hot. I don't give a damn if Combat gets boring after a while. I want to play Combat, and I want to play it with the Lunix crew! I don't vote for, I demand:
Combat on the Lunixmonster!

This I demand. I fully support starting a thread "Combat on the Lunixmonster Revisited" two weeks' time after 3.0 is out, but until then I want to play this hot new mode, and I don't want to switch the server for it. Especially since a big part of NS is who you play it with: When I want to play Combat, I want to do it with the people I'm playing with right now. Unless I can convince everyone to switch to the server I want to play on, that's not gonna happen.

You testers have to understand: I've never played Combat. You may think it ain't that great now, but tell me that you weren't hyped and I'll tell you that you lie. You may not even have liked it after playing it once, but tell me that you weren't anxious to try it and I'll tell you that you lie. Heck, some of the CMs paid up just to play 2.1 early (yes, a lot of people donated to Constellation out of charity. Some people, though, just paid for the beta. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in specific, but we all know that some people did. Hey, so what?). How can you vote to take that from me? How can you vote to keep the goods out of my hands? How can you vote something that means that I'll never have a chance to try what you found boring after a while?
Think about it: When you're saying "Combat gets boring for a while", you're also saying "Combat was fun for a while". Why not let me play it for a while then?
People, I compell you: End this madness! Let the masses have what the masses want! Together, let us chant our demand:
Combat on the Lunixmonster!

And now I'll go and add that to my signature.



I wish I could start a poll that didn't allow PTs, Vets or CMs to vote, just for comparison...

January 07, 2004, 07:01:51 AM
Reply #37


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Well lolfighter I have to say that NS:C is starting to grow on me. I did for a while find it a bit boring but I seem to be getting more into it. I'm still in favour for server segrigation as I don't believe NS & NS:C will work well together. Looking at the server stats more people are playing NS:C then NS atm so obviously people do like it.

Hehe I can't wait for public release, anything special planned LB? Like a reg server lockdown?

January 14, 2004, 02:46:29 PM
Reply #38


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I like the idea of the server automatically doing combat when there's very few players, but 6vs6?  Thats enough to easily have a good game of NS.  If you can lower that to about 3vs3, then I would say go for it.  Otherwise, #4 gets my vote.

January 15, 2004, 08:33:54 PM
Reply #39

.NmF. Screen

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Hello, I am new here.  I play on the Lunixmonster server quite a bit.  I love the server!  The admins are alwasy cool, and very fair.  Anyway, I think that the combat should be on a seperate server.. when you get tired of playing that, then just go to the other server, and play normal ns.