I shall hold the torch of Mr. Bill, for great justice!
After a debilitating loss trying to siege a hive on Hera, we found ourselves with no res nodes and a 3rd hive going up, fades camping every exit to MS. So I did what any logical commander would do - landing pad relocate and massive turret farm with 4 IPs.
We lasted about half an hour out there and even managed to ninja shotty rush a hive down.
I managed to sink a siege through the grate, and Clashen tried to jump on it so many times I eventually gave him a pack of mines to see if he could make "stepping stones" on the bottom of the pit out to it. We ended up with a mine on the cliff about 6 feet from the bottom.
These pictures tell a story!
I eventually had to join the rest of the team, only to find an Onos on my head a few seconds later. Wish I got a better screenshot, his "udder" was right on my faec
One could guess the eventual outcome of that.