Author Topic: What About The Marines?  (Read 9697 times)

May 28, 2004, 01:13:52 PM
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K, I've seen plenty of "what makes a good comm" thread, loads of em, saying generally the same thing, that's great and all, but some of us dont comm :) (and when we do we generally know were going to loose any, mine strat!) So I was thinking, hey why not make a thread that makes up a good marine?

This can come from possibly a comm's point of view (BUILD THE DAMN PG HOLY CRAP YOU DONT LISTEN *drop*) , or a fellow marines point of view (OMG YOU DIDNT WELD ME!! WTFH4X!? BANT!). So I was just wondering what makes a REALLY good marine, and if so, am I that marine? :-D

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

May 28, 2004, 01:18:40 PM
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Hm, hard one.

Following orders, know when to shoot/not shoot, know when it's the right time to sneak of and get that ninja-PG in the Aliens Hive. That's pretty much the thing i can come up with right now.
<snip>, your sig image is, or rather was i suppose, 48kb, max size is 22kb. - DHP
<zing>, your mom is, or rather was i suppose, 200kg, max size is 100kg LOL - clashen

May 28, 2004, 02:44:04 PM
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Don't forget NOT walking into another marines line of fire and then NOT complaining when you get TKed.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2004, 02:44:39 PM by -Lancer- »

May 28, 2004, 03:56:53 PM
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A good marine would be someone who knows how to follow his comm's orders/demands and get be well guided. He also has to be able to protect he along with his teamates. Oh and a good shot never hurts.

I'd say Bill your somewhat along those guidelines.

May 28, 2004, 05:50:55 PM
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Rule ONE: Follow orders. If you can't get anything else right, just do that. Go to your waypoints. Build what is dropped. Don't go wandering off looking for something to bite you. Those squads the comm put you in? Yeah, that means you're supposed to STAY with those people!

Advanced marine skills: (Note, ONLY for those who have completely mastered rule ONE) Think on your feet. Team's only got two RTs up and you're passing a smoking node? Request an RT. You just happened to glance into a hive room and there's a hive building? Scream for a PG. Good comms are always ready to alter their strats to take advantage of good luck. But don't think TOO hard. If the comm says 'I don't want that RT, get to the waypoint,' you GO! The comm is the man with the ultimate plan, he sees a lot more than you do from the field. Always always always remember rule ONE. It takes precedence over everything.

Sundry other details: Aim at alien, pull trigger. Following rule ONE and moving in groups makes this ridiculously easy, so that even people who can't hit the broadside of an onos can rack up kills when they're combining their lead with the lead of their comrades.

Ask for what you need. The comm can't ALWAYS be watching your health. (the good ones will be, though) And the comm does not ever know your ammo count. If you need it, AND you're in a place that's worth having you in, call for it. Don't beg for meds when you're ten feet from base, please...

Try to always be ready to move on. Get your ammo when you have a second, reload when aliens aren't in the room at the moment. Weld constantly if you have a welder. Lots of great pushes lose all forward momentum because everyone suddenly needs to ammo up, weld up, they want a tfac, they want a shotgun, they need to go to the little marine's room, etc. Just GO. Every second you're humpling the sweet sweet armory is a second the aliens are expanding their territory, their res, and their evolutions.

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

May 28, 2004, 07:39:31 PM
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Bob Well said you are light years beyond the rest. As for MrBill yes hes a good marine and thats why i give him the Hmgs with catpacks  :lol:

May 29, 2004, 06:03:57 AM
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- Having an understanding of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.
- An understanding of the timeframe you can expect things to happen in given how the match is progressing. Knowing the timeframe allows you to operate better, for instance on 4 minutes i sneak into the hive and try and kill the fade egg.
- Understanding and knowing the map layout. I hate nothing more than marines who do not know location names. Also by understanding the layout of maps you can learn choke points, sitting in these is always nice if you have nothing else to do.
- Look above doors and stuff. A lot of marines just run out and die repeatdly to the same skulk in a stupid hiding place, when you come out a door do a 360 jump.
- Using your minimap. My mini map is up so much, especially with MT, soooo damn powerful. Also if you use your minimap you're the commanders best friend. Suddenly you can see which rts we have and don't have and you should know which ones we should have. IE topographical on ns_veil or whatever and you can go over there without the comm prompting you and cap it.
- Getting things done when asked. Aggression is so important, don't fanny around on the armoury, get the hell out of base and kill something and start heading towards these pressure spots and potential second hive locations.

<3 BenjamiN/Benny/MrBen - Washed up clanner, ex-contributor and forum troll.
#lessthanthree on qnet

May 29, 2004, 09:52:08 AM
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- Using your minimap. My mini map is up so much, especially with MT, soooo damn powerful. Also if you use your minimap you're the commanders best friend. Suddenly you can see which rts we have and don't have and you should know which ones we should have. IE topographical on ns_veil or whatever and you can go over there without the comm prompting you and cap it.

agreed. my minimap is open more often than its not, i'm serious. it lets you know where everyone is at, like "bob just died in power banks vs. 1 skulk, i should stop humping and save the rt". motion tracking lets you know things like "a red dot is going through the vent from their hive to heating room, its not guard by turrets / elec, i should phase and kill the skulk as soon as he pops his head out of the vent."

May 29, 2004, 10:07:25 AM
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- Using your minimap. My mini map is up so much, especially with MT, soooo damn powerful. Also if you use your minimap you're the commanders best friend. Suddenly you can see which rts we have and don't have and you should know which ones we should have. IE topographical on ns_veil or whatever and you can go over there without the comm prompting you and cap it.

agreed. my minimap is open more often than its not, i'm serious. it lets you know where everyone is at, like "bob just died in power banks vs. 1 skulk, i should stop humping and save the rt". motion tracking lets you know things like "a red dot is going through the vent from their hive to heating room, its not guard by turrets / elec, i should phase and kill the skulk as soon as he pops his head out of the vent."
And remember, you don't see the MT-blips when you're buildings so have the minimap open.
<snip>, your sig image is, or rather was i suppose, 48kb, max size is 22kb. - DHP
<zing>, your mom is, or rather was i suppose, 200kg, max size is 100kg LOL - clashen

May 29, 2004, 04:35:55 PM
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I'll have you know that was like twelve skulks, three fades, and a speedhacking lerk. And I could have taken them all, too, if the comm had just dropped me some ammo.

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

May 29, 2004, 04:57:54 PM
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Good answer bob.

Also a good sign of a marine always kick on his feet knows what to do or say ;)

I myslef use the minimap a lot when we havce mt, saves a lot of time just GUESSING where aliens are.

And if a marine is shooting a skulk or fade and your in his way, move, or atleast duck I can't STAND it when marines are in my line of fire of a fade and my shottie is all ready to blast that bugger away!

Oh, and when a onos dies, dont keep shooting, there's usualy a marine in there, i cant count the times ive died by tk's after being saved in the stomatch of an onos.

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

May 29, 2004, 05:22:33 PM
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-Follows Orders (obviously)
-Caps res nodes
-Covers his teamates when their building
-Can Aim and at least take on a skulk 1v1
-Doesn't Rambo unless told to
-Doesn't whine for "bigger gunz" and equipment
-Shoots at the right time (in other words dont blast your SG at your fellow teamte because a fade was near him 2 seconds ago before it blinked)
- Makes an attempt to save his fellow marine when being ambushed at a distance
- Tries to save any HeavyArmor Marines taken by the Onos (when LA)
-When LA tries to jump in front of an onos, to be sacrificed instead of the HA (Ive done this twice before :p and it actually worked)
- Tells his nearby teamtes where a ambush might take place, or where a enemy is by.
- Requests Orders when has none.

May 31, 2004, 04:57:07 AM
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When the comm tells you that there is a phasegate inside/outside a hive and wants you to phase, DONT HUMP THE FRICKING ARMORY, JUST GO! If he said he dropped shotguns, pick up a shotgun and PHASE, dont fill it up with ammo first. TIME IS EVERYTHING! He will drop you ammo on the other side, IF YOU NEED IT!

When you shotgun rush a hive, if everyone on the team picks up a shotgun, you all have 8 shots in it and that is enough to kill a hive in under 6-8 seconds. If everyone just phases when they are told and shoot ALL THOSE 8 SHOTS into the hive, you wont need extra ammo until the hive is down, and then the comm will drop it for you.

Sorry if i sound like a jerk about this, but this is just the most frustrating thing ever, when people armory hump when every second counts to get that hive/location down.

I have actually recycled an upgraded armory because of this :angry:

May 31, 2004, 09:18:42 AM
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[...]He will drop you ammo on the other side, IF YOU NEED IT![...]
That's an improvement. Ammopacks are 1 res nowadays, right? Back when I used to play, if you were at 0/0 ammo and asked for some more, you'd get a pack of ammo, a medpack if you needed one, and that's it.

May 31, 2004, 11:25:05 AM
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Do everything Venmoch doesn't.


June 10, 2004, 07:55:44 AM
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But besides that: "Position target in the center. Pull the Switch" (repeat)

June 11, 2004, 09:46:36 PM
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***Ignore this post, I was tired and drugged***
« Last Edit: June 15, 2004, 08:13:14 AM by [mmi]rad4Christ »
Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. CS Lewis

: why do i have to be a stone? i dont want to be a stone... i want to do some harm.... can i be a exploding stone at least?

June 12, 2004, 06:05:06 AM
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rad4Christ,Jun 12 2004, 03:46 AM] I like what I'm reading, just love to see it sometimes ingame :p.

Seriously, good stuff, but also, what makes a good marine is someone who has fun with it too. I know there are some I stop giving ammo/meds to sometimes because their skills are kinda making it not-so-fun for others, or the ones cursing out the whole team. The same way there are some commanders I don't like, even though they win, and are good commanders, they don't make it fun.
There is a difference between "good" marines, and "fun" marines.

June 18, 2004, 11:01:08 AM
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All the aforementioned, plus what I think is a big one: A good sense of humor / Smartassness!

One smartass/joker on the team can make the game fun, and not only that, keep morale enough that the marines wan't to fight harder. A simple one-liner can rally a team after a loss of a critical location.

Perfect example of this was a couple days ago on another server, I was building a PG in the hive, PG goes up, everyone phases through, then is decimated by an onos. Third hive goes up immediately after.

Comm: Damn guys, GJ, it's over.
Me: Wait comm, I do have some good news!
Comm: What's that?
Me: I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!

Whole team cracks up, lightens up, and we get a Jetpack rush going to push them back to a one-hive phase situation.

Morale is more important than you'd think, try to be a team builder, as well as a team player!

June 28, 2004, 07:51:10 AM
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-Follow orders
-know what to do when the comm doesn't give you orders (get rt's, sneak into hives, etc)
-use your minimap, you can find out exactly where the fighting is, and can come in behind gorges defending and such
I throw myself upon these OC's in the name of King Bill!!