Double post, but I'm bumping for the new elevation layout.
Should be pretty straightforward. The "E" in the middle there is an elevator in that room.
Also, dubb, I had a cool idea for the crossover area near what you're working on. Make it a long ventilation shaft going down past visibility and make both the paths come out of the walls as catwalks. Railings optional, depending on how much falling to one's doom we want. :p
I tried to sort of show that on the map with the white circle indicating the ventilation shaft area. Sound cool?
The elevation change areas are obviously not that steep. Stairs or ramps should be applied as necessary. The area on the middle left side is a sort of a double staircase, which is why the elevation goes from highest to lowest right in that area. That's about the only way to make it fit in properly and also slow down alien movement to that elevator room, which I imagine will be a pretty important point.
Also, I finally added some rudimentary vents. That's about all I'd like in there for now, and more can be added or changed after PTing gets underway. Any more questions, comments, problems, insults, etc?
Bear in mind that this is STILL rough, feel free to change up your areas as needed, as long as they conform to this general layout scheme.