Well, it all started out months ago.....
I was getting a bit tired of the current build of ns and taking a short break from it. Then my brother got a nice new phat comp, except for the fact that his two sticks of 512 didnt work! Now he suggested that I switch my 256 with his 512(both DDR) and I gladly accepted. I tried out the stick and the power didnt even work, I thought "oh shat now my powersupply is fried) so I went and got another one. I got a new powersupply and it had the same problem, so I put the old one back in(luckily I needed a spare one anyways, comp for sister) and tried switching the ram to another slot. Bam it worked. I shut it down and moved it back into its place and hooked it all back up only to find that once I put it back I didnt get any picture! So me and my bro put my video card into his to see if that was the problem, well it worked fine. Tried switching the ram back to its other slot and instead of the power not working it had the same problem. So I tried unplugging and re-plugging in everything. Put the card back in and took it out, wiggled it, still nothing. So I thought "oh shat, my AGP slot broke since I had this happen to a PCI slot on another board -_-". So I tried every week to get it to work but no luck. I browsed for new motherboards for awhile and found a nice phat A7N8X-E DELUXE. 6 usb slots, 2 lans, better than my other built in sound, nice board if you ask me
. So my board arrived and I took out my K7S5A and put in my nice shiny new board. Connected it all and bam, no picture. So now I'm thinking "wtf did I forget to plug something in?" so I decided to sleep on it. The next day I thought all day "hrmm maybe its that ram...." so when I get home I switch this nice phat 512 for my old 256 and bam, works like a charm. Then when I took that stick out I read it and it says "ECC" so I go "O:, no ******* wonder -_-, shouldnt work in mine or my bros comp" so whoever sold that stick to my bro was a LAIR.
This has reminded me to always read everything carefully, otherwise I go through pain..... but I was gonna upgrade to basically the exact same board sooner or later, and I needed another power supply... and I did have a nice break from my comp.... meh it all works out fine.