Author Topic: Blah-reserve Slots Kill Teams...  (Read 8386 times)

April 11, 2004, 02:17:02 PM
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So we were just playing on caged, (amazing admin stackage too, all marines, 5 of them), and losing. We were keeping up though, we had 2 hives, 3dcs, 3mcs and 1 fade. I was the fade and saving our dc hive (killed 6+ of the attackers) when I got reserve slot kicked. I can't imagine how they could have stopped that attack without the 1 fade. Sux to be aliens today....


P.S. The server must have been 100% reserve slots, because I had the best ping playing, unless ping doesn't count anymore....

P.P.S I still can't get into my favorite NS server. Oh well, guess I just have to go somewhere second rate, like voogru....
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April 11, 2004, 02:26:44 PM
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The aliens went on to win also. I know res slot kickage can be annoying, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. NS especially is a game that can live or die based on the quality of the players that you play with. When given the option between people that we know are good team players that will follow orders on marines and will not whore res for no good reason on aliens, we're much more inclined to want those people around. Therefore, they're given preference over unknowns. These unknowns MAY be very good people. They may be great team players, etc. But then could just as easily be llamas who will rambo off and attack their own team structures while cussing out everyone on the server. We just don't know.

So stay around, play for a while, post on the forums, check out the IRC channel (#lunixmonster on gamesurge) and if we get to know you and like you, you'll probably get a reserved slot yourself. It's not nearly as hard as some people think.

Oh and PS, I wouldn't suggest complaining about admin stacks. For one thing, it annoys us, and for another when we stack, we usually LOSE. ; )

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

April 11, 2004, 02:38:56 PM
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ah yes, the painful situation of "Okay, guys going ono...." *Kicked due to Reserve Slot*

I've been in your shoes, and yes, i hated it too.  I was kicked as much as 10 times in one day, and atleast once per game.  I'd be lucky to finish a game start-to-finish without being reserve slot kicked.

Luckily it was the winter break, so i played ALOT on lunix, posted like mad on the fourms, and slapped large amounts of people on the irc channel with the trout...of dewm.

I got my rslot in about a week :o
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Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
sig images must not exceed 22kb -DHP

Thanks to Bijiy for help on the sig
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April 11, 2004, 02:48:13 PM
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...then there was the Week Of Saltzbad No Commander.  Glad we finally got him a slot.
God, I'm old.

April 11, 2004, 03:10:07 PM
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I know how it is, I am far away from the server so I have 150-ping, constantly, so I usually get kicked first.
But you get used too it, i'm happy that I get to play on LM.
You learn too life with "Kicked due to reserved slot", it's worth it.

(many I's, eh?)
<snip>, your sig image is, or rather was i suppose, 48kb, max size is 22kb. - DHP
<zing>, your mom is, or rather was i suppose, 200kg, max size is 100kg LOL - clashen

April 11, 2004, 03:31:05 PM
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squats is a good guy :D

April 11, 2004, 03:35:29 PM
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the same thing happens to me all the time, but i just keep on playing.

Arnold, Win? But he's still.... Only human

April 11, 2004, 04:08:10 PM
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really? went on to win? I don't believe it! wow.... :) too bad I haven't been able to get back in all day...

as for IRC idling, it's not going to happen, I swore off IRC many years ago when I was still young.

As for posting, maybe, but I use a lot of forums, and my posting on any one is sporadic.

As for playing at Lunixmonster, it's the best server play-wise I've found by a large margin. Whenever I play it will still be my first choice, reserve slot bitches notwithstanding. Besides, isn't it true that having a reserve slot doesn't protect you from being booted by other reserve slot holders? If so, I'll take my low ping over a reserve slot anyday...


P.S. I don't mind stackage, as long as it isn't such that it totally unbalances the team. I really probably shouldn't have said anything at all about it but we on the aliens were talking about how every one of your players was either admin or vet with one const, and we had only one const, so it was still on my mind when I got kicked. I didn't really feel that the teams were particularly unbalanced due to the symbol stack, so it was just me poping off without thinking.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2004, 04:14:43 PM by Squats »
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

April 11, 2004, 04:19:06 PM
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Besides, isn't it true that having a reserve slot doesn't protect you from being booted by other reserve slot holders? If so, I'll take my low ping over a reserve slot anyday...


P.S. I don't mind stackage, as long as it isn't such that it totally unbalances the team. I really probably shouldn't have said anything at all about it but we on the aliens were talking about how every one of your players was either admin or vet with one const, and we had only one const, so it was still on my mind when I got kicked. I didn't really feel that the teams were particularly unbalanced due to the symbol stack, so it was just me poping off without thinking.
No, it doesn't, you just won't be able to get in if it's all reserve slot members.  As for the admin/reg stacking, this can sometimes get extreme but most of the time it isn't a problem.

*DISCLAIMER*  Do not take the above post seriously.

April 11, 2004, 04:46:24 PM
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Squats for reserved slot, definitely - he's one of the best teamplayers out there.

Btw, when I'm not on LM I use the nspug channel on gamesurge IRC to find myself decent games - pick up games, not public ones. It just takes longer to find a single game there, but the quality is scrimmage-like.

April 11, 2004, 11:33:53 PM
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yes, a green box of doom stack means exactly OPPOSITE of what you think it means. most of the best players on LM are not admins.
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April 12, 2004, 05:47:27 AM
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and if you see the green box next to nite's name at the top of the list, you KNOW his marines are getting a good whipping:

Go, go, go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
sig images must not exceed 22kb -DHP

Thanks to Bijiy for help on the sig
Japanese Lesbian Kissing ftw
Waffles aer teh lews.

April 14, 2004, 10:02:46 AM
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Being kicked due to RS is a pain in the ass. It was hapening to me up until just last week. The only way to get a RS, and its been said hundreds of times, is the following:

-Play on the LM server often

-Be active in the forums

-Go on the irc

-NEVER EVER ask for a reseved slot because by doing this your chances of getting it are reduced by alot
« Last Edit: April 14, 2004, 10:03:39 AM by -Lancer- »

April 14, 2004, 02:12:19 PM
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See it does and it doesnt, i get kicked out repeatedly also, but you know what i try to do most games? be gorge. Best thing for your team and for you. You wont feel that pissed off getting kicked out because u have left res towers and other buildings up for your team, and they didnt lose something like an onos. Also makes u feel better because u didnt just waste all that res and caused your team to lose lol. well former team, now sitting outside the game waiting for a slot to open :D Only problem would be like your at 39 waiting for 1 more res for a hive, and whamo kicked. How often does that happen though? Im just glad to play on a fun server with great people, and the usual kill eachother at the end of the game after you win :D.
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April 14, 2004, 08:59:42 PM
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I do gorge a lot, as anyone who has played a lot the last couple of weeks knows. I never res whore, and went fade that time because our other fade died, and we needed one to survive, and we no longer needed the hive I had saved for as much as we needed a fade. But that doesn't matter much, I just hate getting kicked out in the middle of a game. A game has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and I like to get to play the whole game, win or lose. It's been 4 times today alone that I have been slot kicked, and I'm a little fed up right now. Rather than pissing myself off trying, I think I'm going to play the rest of the day on a server that won't ruin my game this way, even though the player quality is lower. It's much less aggravating to me to play with llamas than to be kicked in the middle of a game again and again.


P.S. Your community is good. It feels much like my old CS crowd, intellegent, skilled players playing well as a team. As much as that is what I'm looking for in the NS world right now, I don't think I can put up with the reserved slot system long enough to get in with you all. I don't know. Maybe I'll try again tomarrow after I've cooled off.
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April 14, 2004, 09:38:25 PM
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I know how it is, really.
I've got slot-kicked about 10 times today becasue of my poor ping. 2 times as Fade, 1 time as an Onos and once beeing skulk  having 48res for that 2n Hive.

I suggest getting HLSW so you can turn on auto-retry, makes it a little easier too get in when the server is crowded.

And remember, playing on LM is a prevalige not a right  ;)
<snip>, your sig image is, or rather was i suppose, 48kb, max size is 22kb. - DHP
<zing>, your mom is, or rather was i suppose, 200kg, max size is 100kg LOL - clashen

April 14, 2004, 11:14:25 PM
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Cashen, you appear to have gotten something from my last post I can't see. Of course "playing on LM is a privilage not a right". Any time you use something that is not yours, it is a privilage. In this case that's Lightning Blue's server. That means that at any time and for any reason, he or anyone he chooses to designate, can remove my privilages. In my case, it wouldn't even take a ban to make me dissappear. A simple "we don't want you around anymore" from any admin would be enough to make me leave and never come back. Not that I wouldn't expect that if that were the case I would be banned too, as most people aren't as principled as I am, and as a computer administrator of any kind one needs to make the decisions stick. I don't see in my post how I even remotely insinuated that someone must do something my way. I merely pointed out that if I am unhappy, I will eventually cease coming back. Having Squats play on your server is a "privilage not a right". Even though I have yet to find an NS server community I think is remotely as good, the aggravation of unfinished games will dive me to a lesser community that doesn't unceremoniously end my games in the middle. And your auto-rety suggestion is useless, because it missed the point. The problem is not getting in, even though that can be difficult as it's a popular server, the problem is having the game ended before it's over. Obviously this is something the administrtators here understand, or there would be no ban backed rule against F4.


P.S. And 10 times in one day? How do you have the time for it? Do you get kicked almost every game you play? You must have the patience of a saint to just go "Oh, well. I guess I'll just start my auto-retry and not play at all for the next however long it is just to play for part of a map so I can get kicked again and repeat the process." How much fun are your games, really? Do you ever get to both start and finish a whole game? I at least have very good pings to the server, so I'm one of the last non-reserve kicked. I get to play whole games. If I had a 100 ping instead of 35-45, I wouldn't have made it even this long.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

April 15, 2004, 04:53:30 AM
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I really didn't mean anything bad trough "And remember, playing on LM is a prevalige not a right", it was more of a joke. Hence the ";)".
I'm very sorry if got it that way. Iam not too good at English so it's very easy misundertand me, and for me too misunderstand people. I actually like too have you on my team, becasue having one that talks much and informs the people what's happening is always an advantage.

Oh,  and if I am lucky I get too play a whole game, because having such a bad ping as I does makes me the first kick-target almost every time. And currently I am having a break from school and played NS almost the whole day  ^_^
<snip>, your sig image is, or rather was i suppose, 48kb, max size is 22kb. - DHP
<zing>, your mom is, or rather was i suppose, 200kg, max size is 100kg LOL - clashen

April 15, 2004, 05:47:37 AM
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I have a nice issue with my steam, in which randomly during almost every single game I play, my computer freezes for five minutes, spams whatever sound was playing at high speeds, then crashes. I then get to reboot, dialup again, start steam again, and connect again. This happens almost every game. If this doesn't happen in a match, it is likely to happen when we switch maps. I used to complain about this alot to other admins, seeing as it gets in the way of playing and especially admining to an extent. I doubt many people beyond Jhunz really even know I suffer from this. I learned to take it in stride and chill out. You don't see me ranting in #lm everytime I crash as an onos, etc.

TyrNem...blah blah blah

April 15, 2004, 01:12:11 PM
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Well, Ness, I guess you are a better man than I. I first installed NS 1.4 a long time ago. I got it because it looked like it would be the coolest hl mod ever. It always crashed on my comp, much like you describe, only I never lasted more than 5 min in game. After going to great lengths to try and remedy the problems on my end, including completely reinstalling everything on my machine from windows on up, I gave up. What's the point of playing an NS game for 5 min to reboot and try again? I tried NS again right after steam came out using NS 2.01 and it was even worse crashes happened immediately after joining a server. I could maybe move in the ready room for 10 secs, usually less. I gave up again. What's the point of showing up to play if you can't at all? About a month ago, one of my best friends was playing NS and raving about the new version, 3.0b3. So I gave it a shot. And LO AND BEHOLD! I COULD ACTUALLY PLAY SOME! WOO HOO! I was so excited! Now that I could actually play the game for the first time, I finally had it confirmed, that yes, it IS the best hl mod out! Unfortunately, it still crashed every map change. But I could play games, and just miss the first 2-3 min of a map cause of rebooting betwen games. annoying, but it was getting much better. I began searching the net for a home for my NS playing. I have played probably 500 hours since then, mostly on about 10 servers. Last week or so steam updated, and no longer crashes during map changes! Everything is looking up! Now I play 5-15 hours a day.

What's the point of all that? It's that if it doesn't work, I will do everything I can to make it work, and if it still doesn't work, I will do something else, no lingering hard feelings or grudges. I didn't hate NS because it crashed. I didn't hate steam. (I do hate Microsoft, but that's another matter for another forum :) ) I just filed a crash report with and didn't play NS, put it in the back of my mind to try again some day, and went on.

So, in that vein, I see this thread as my attempt to fix the percieved problems, my "crash report" to LM. It isn't exactly the same, but it comes from the same basic beliefs and action tendancies I have.

But, Ness, your point was not lost on me. I apologize for for this thread, and this is the last post I will ever make on this topic.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson