Well being an extreme diehard fan of the Aliens Universe I am never satisfied of what I learn from it and always have the need to find more info. One being an extreme curiosity on the Alien species (Xenomorphs, Internecivus Raptus, Bugs, whatever you call em!)
This Source has had me reading for hours! and has given me a HUGE variety of really cool facts on the lifecycle, uses of certain body parts, dna, etc of the Alien species which is freakin awesome. It also answered
alot of questions and skeptical info. Now the author of these "essays" has backed up material which proves he has done his homework and achieved his masters degree :-P, hell it seems he can teach a goddamn class all year long on it as if these things truely exist! There is many pictures to give visuals as well as clips from the Movies to more clearly specify what hes explianing
Definetly a primary source for those intrested in the whole Xenomorph species :cool:
Hope you enjoy my find (if any of you haven't found this already :huh: )