Quotescrew christmas. Festivus 4 ever :pi've been losing interest as well. I think my parents are too. we're not even bothering with a tree this year. hah. Take that, Santa![snapback]36935[/snapback]We will begin with the airing of greivences I GOT ALOTA PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE! Ah, Festivus, which is tommorow actually :p.[snapback]37023[/snapback]
screw christmas. Festivus 4 ever :pi've been losing interest as well. I think my parents are too. we're not even bothering with a tree this year. hah. Take that, Santa![snapback]36935[/snapback]
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..
done :p[snapback]37159[/snapback]