Alright, thought I'd make a post here just to give ya'll some heads up. A lot of you might remember how nostalgic I get when I talk about Neocron. Now's your chance to be part of the nostalgia.
A buddy and I are going to give a different cyberpunk mmo a go. Closed beta should be starting soon and open beta should be ready by 2Q 2009 with the game releasing by late 2009. If you're curious, it's called EarthRise.
Sound off if you feel like joining me for it (maybe not for release, but the beta, at the very least). I'll probably start updating bl0g7 once again (if I can remember the password for it.. harhar) with some updates regarding it. We got about 5-8 people together so far from our AoC guild, so rawr. Join up.