As far as I'm concerned firearms doesn't boast nearly enough specialness for a server of its own. I've played it on-and-off since it was released (on-and-off because I generally tire of it VERY quickly and never play it again until a new release). Perhaps it's because I suck.
Or perhaps it's because realism mods on an unreliable, aging game engine are an exercise in futility. There are so many stupid variables (lag, hitboxes, mystical bugged playerslots,etc) that there's absolutely no science behind the game - you just shoot until they die. Or until they see you shooting them, feel your many bullets impacting their flesh, and decide to turn towards you, kneel down, and cap calmly you. Things like that kill atmosphere and leave a sour taste in my mouth
But I'll vote for it anyways, since we already have our ship server nd I couldn't care less about any of the other mods on the running.