So I took over some fella, .. erh.. some comm, I didn't recognize. He did ok, but missed some key things, and we were up against some pretty ubar aliens. Needless to say, at one key point (it's my opinion there are 1 to say, 4 or 5 key points in games, that decide the whole game, most games only have 1) we got slaughtered, he just left.
So I take over, and attempt to salvage, we lasted a while. And ended up in our base, a2/w3 hmg LAs with 2 rts. This was at about.. oh.. 20 minutes or so. We proceeded to last until 47 mins, HMGing fades, oni (probably 10 in all), and anything else that dared enter our base.
We then moved out and sieged out skylight, capped it, capped topo. Teched up to a full on heavy train. Trained to overlook, pg, pg at base, baconed to take care of a fade or 2 owning base, chased down and killed 2 oni at topo, pg at overlook down. Train slowly whittled away. Oh, LOTS of fun ensued.
I've never heard so much laughing and screams over the mic in recent memory. And great msgs of "best. game. evar" from the rines. LC and zer were there, who else was on the marine team? Speak up? Anyhoo, much fun was had by the rine team as we tried to hold on. And of course, the aliums had fun because they eventually crushed us. And when the day of reckoning came, it came SUPER SUPER fast. like, 10 seconds.
Anyhoo, yes, veil does seem to have the greatest Holding OUt And Having Fun potential of any map i've ever commed (or taken over comming). GOOD TIMES!