Res slot hints (take notes, I only dispense advice like this rarely, it's like magic faerie gold): Hang out and play on the server as often as possible. Make people notice you and say 'hey, that's a real nice guy'. Knowing and following the server rules is a good place to start, but from there, just be generally personable and kind to both teammates and opponents. Idle in the IRC channel, and try and chat sometimes too. There are people idling in the IRC channel who have been there every day, but I've never heard a word out of them. Post on these forums often as well. Then one magical day a res slot will come to you. ^_^
Now that that's done with, this map is great looking. I was following its progress in the thread on the ns forums, and I thought it had long since vanished. Glad to see it's alive and well and almost done! We have a great community for PTing here as well. We PTed the hell out of plaguebearer's ns_thorstation. (then he ran off without giving us the final version, that evil monkey)