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Topics - Manta

Pages: 1 [2]
Off Topic / Guinea Worm Disease
« on: March 10, 2005, 03:35:49 PM »
I showed this to Zero in the IRC channel. Don't click it if you don't think you can handle in-depth information on parasites. It is one of the most gruesome things I have ever heard of happening to anyone, short of severe mutilation.

EDIT: I meant to put "faint of heart". I forgot the phrase.

General / Opinions on the "new" knife
« on: March 06, 2005, 12:52:28 PM »
I think it's nice. No longer can two marines, back-to-back in a vent, hold off anything but a lerk or gorge. I think it's double-edged (bad pun, yes) when fighting skulks. On one hand, you can't push them back, which is good for skulks, since their view won't be all shaken up. On the other hand, this allows you to run straight at a skulk and get two quick slashes in where you would otherwise only get in one if it was b5. Then again, the skulk can still bite you while you do that. However, I have noticed that running at a skulk and just knifing in his face tends to work if he's slightly weakened.

Off Topic / Occupation
« on: March 05, 2005, 07:05:30 AM »
Right now, I'm a student. I used to lifeguard.

General / Aiming and shooting
« on: February 19, 2005, 06:57:19 PM »
What's your style of aiming?

Usually, for the LMG, I try to strafe past the skulk or back away from the skulk as I aim. With the pistol, it's just point and shoot.

With the shotgun, though, I tend to get very twitchy. In fact, I tend to miss a lot more if I'm not reacting. I just can't seem to aim as well when I try to aim ahead. When I have a shotgun, I usually see the alien come and maybe plan out when I'm going to shoot. Usually, though, I see a skulk marching along the floor and I jerk my mouse down to shoot it. Same with lerks. I can actually hit a lot of lower lifeforms this way, for some reason, and can manage a full 180-degrees spin to hit a skulk behind me if I get scared. A drawback to this is that I end up clipping my teammates with a couple of the outer pellets occasionally.

With the knife, I used to just hold down +attack and come out swinging, but I find that it's only useful to intimidate a skulk. Once I get down to the actual shanking, I try to jump around and swing upwards, if I can, swinging only when I want to hit. If the skulk goes for my head, then I just swing at his belly, clicking only when I plan to attack.

General / Hilarious moments
« on: February 14, 2005, 05:52:35 PM »
Hilarious moments of the day for me, on LM, occured in agora, 7:20-7:50 PM EST. We were generally messing around, loosely following our comm's orders because the aliens put up no resistance. Mostly, we just ran around shooting stuff, but when two or three skulks were munching on our phase gate outside Cargo hive, I said, "The phase is going  down!" and MrBill responded in the mic, "The hell it is!", phased, and let loose with a grenade launcher, taking out the skulks.

Also, Azazeal was swimming towards a skulk underwater with his knife out and started humming the Mario cave theme, when he clearly intended to hum the Jaws theme.

Oh, and let's not forget that one game on nothing in which scooter tore up the Marine start base, blinked out over the pit and somehow hit a button to egg, sending him straight down to his doom.

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