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Messages - Reasa

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Off Topic / N64 vs GameCube
« on: December 22, 2004, 07:40:03 PM »
Also, I've noticed that Reasa hasn't posted in here since I handed him the proverbial smackdown. Reasa, I'm sorry for shattering your world, but life goes on after N64. Now get out of bed and pull yourself together. Crying into your pillow isn't going to help.

Let's see if such cruel taunts won't beat a little fighting spirit back into that man.

Well I was just going to ignore that lunatic rant you so ignorantly labeled as a "smack down", however I am now forced to show you the error of you ways, although I doubt I can do little to lift the veil of inanity from your eyes.

In the age and day of increasing filesizes, Nintendo persisted in using the dated cartridge system. Cartridges, while allowing for blindingly fast/non-existant loading times and internal saving, were far more expensive to produce than CDs and had woefully little capacity. Especially the latter one severely hampered developers as they constantly fought against the 256 Mbit size limit (that's a meager 32 megabytes, folks. Compare that to a CD). Case example: FFVII. With I-don't-how-much-time of FMV, not to mention a very long game in full 3D, it would have been not only impossible, but unthinkable to fit it on a single 32 megabyte cartridge. It came on four CDs. You could've split it among several cartridges, but the manufacturing cost of all those cartridges (each far more expensive and substantially smaller than a CD) would have boosted the price of the game to astronomic heights. Try splitting four CDs among 32 MB cartridges. How big were CDs back then? 620 MB? 630 MB? Let's say 600 MB, for the benefit of a doubt. And furthermore, the fourth CD was probably not full. So let's say just three CDs. So, 600 x 3 / 32 = 56.25
Yep. FFVII for the N64 would have come on 56 cartridges. No wonder it was never ported.

You should be giving them credit for those cartridges after you finished belittling their capabilities. You seem to forget that all the best console games of the era on crammed onto those outdated cartridges. Maybe if Playstation hadn't been cranking out games quicker then the Bush family makes kids they could put up a few pegs on the winners section. I won't argue that the CD's were certainly more efficient and definitely the wave of the future, but N64 wasn't meant to work into the future it was meant to be retired and replaced by a new system that could compete with all the other new systems, as it was. Makes me wonder, with all this extra space and capabilities, why do so many of the games for Playstation look like they were thrown together in a basement by a crack addict looking for some quick cash?

The great games of the Playstation, off the top of my head, were definitely FFVII, VIII and IX. A franchise that nintendo, to their everlasting regret, allowed to slip out of their hands, if only for a while. But a few blockbusters a great system do not make, another shortcoming of the N64: It had a few great titles, but that's it. With the literally THOUSANDS of titles that the Playstation had, you were bound to find something that satisfied.

Funny how you say that Playstation had thousands of titles but I haven’t seen you mention a game that doesn’t have the words Final or Fantasy and some Roman numerals. Personally I found those games to be not allot of fun and rather boring, and I wish someone would just put a bullet in the damn thing already before they hit XVI. Certainly there are just as many, if not more, of these Final Fantasy games as their are Pokemon, of course because Nintendo also puts the same genius into its advertising as it does into its games,  so we know how successful that was.

I'll give you that the Playstation is the better system...on paper, and perhaps a smarter much more creative company could have worked wonders with it, but as things stand it remains nothing more then a small stain on the N64's golden era.

[size=8]You started it. :p [/size]

Off Topic / XXX Church
« on: December 22, 2004, 11:47:52 AM »
Pfft I'm more addicted to NS, where’s the website and expensive counseling for me!?

Off Topic / TLM == NSF discussion forums for now
« on: December 19, 2004, 03:35:44 PM »
Base the severity of punishment on the severity of the crime.  If there's evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, punish.  If there isn't, do not punish.  It is a perversion of justice to sentence an accused to any punishment without having provided evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, no matter how light the punishment.  Lowering the severity of the punishment does not lower the burden of proof.

I didn't state one way or the other how I feel about this case; because I really have no opinion ether way and I think the whole thing got far too much media time over much more important issues like Ukraine’s elections for example.

What I meant was, while in this particular case it means little given the situation in California, this sets a bad precedent. I don' think they have enough evidence to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt, and if such a case were to take place in a state with a much faster system (Texas, Florida) someone could be executed before all the evidence is found. At least if they are in prison they have a chance if they are innocent. If not, then prison for life is far worse then a quick death IMO.

Off Topic / TLM == NSF discussion forums for now
« on: December 19, 2004, 09:42:07 AM »
At the risk of adding some conflict to the discussion, do you think he would have gotten the death penalty if he was black and everything else about the case was the same?

More on topic, I don’t believe he deserved the “death penalty” which in California is a joke; he basically got a 30 year sentence then, maybe, a death penalty.
From what I saw they don’t have enough evidence worthy of killing him, which is odd for me to say because I believe life in prison is a far worse punishment then death.
Also I fear some of the jurors may have given him the death penalty simply because they didn’t like his “attitude” I’m not sure what they we’re looking for but you can’t, or your not supposed to judge someone by how they look in court. That alone warrants an appeal, which their will be many of I’m sure.

This is no open and shut case, he may very well die of natural causes before the state takes him.

Off Topic / Do they know it's christmas?
« on: December 18, 2004, 02:46:06 PM »
Mine wins. :p

Off Topic / THE HORROR
« on: December 17, 2004, 05:21:58 PM »

I'm a crappy acronym that refers to an automated real estate service....

Reading that page is kind of weird after using this handle for so long. :blink:

Off Topic / N64 vs GameCube
« on: December 17, 2004, 05:14:41 PM »
Sorry to burst your bubble Reasa, but the Playstation judiciously applied the SMAQ™ to the N64 with its PIMP HAND. There is simply no question about not only which system was more successful, but which system was, quite objectively, BETTER.

And don't get me started on the N64 controller and its "don't touch me! Don't even LOOK at me! I'll break!" analog stick.

I can only presume that you were kidding. Note: Sarcasm doesn't carry well over the internet.

Oh I was being quite serious.

First off it has the better graphics of the two, which wouldn't mean anything if it's games sucked, but fortunately Nintendo wins hands down in the games category.
Sure Playstation wins in the quantity department but if you want quality look no further then the 64.
I could swear Playstation put out 3 games a day, each one more bland and crappy then the last, unlike Nintendo who just so happens to hold all the winning titles from that era of gaming. Where’s Playsation’s Golden eye or Perfect Dark?
Do they have anything that can match Mario 64 or Super Smash Brothers?
Hell even as the Game Cube was coming out they released one of their best games: Paper Mario.

Ack the Playsation controller felt like a dead 3 month old fetus in my hands, with two crappy joysticks stuck in it, not to mention the 17 stupid buttons in the back.
Worst. Controller. Ever. Maybe you had a bargain bin generic N64 controller because I still have my first one and the joystick works fine.

I know it's hard to admit that your favorite system was a miserable mistake that was horriblely schooled by a far superior one, but you must make the effort.

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 17, 2004, 12:46:23 PM »
I can't help but think this is going to make aliens with SC's first just a bit overpowered, but we'll see how it plays out. *pets conste icon*

Also while I do like the idea of 2% auto-regen, I can't help but think it's going to make an already hard to kill fade that much harder to kill, not to mention the removal "shotgun sniping".

Off Topic / N64 vs GameCube
« on: December 16, 2004, 01:42:27 PM »

The Best Game Ever Made. Ever.

The Cube is good but if you compare how the N64 was back in its day to how the Game Cube is now, the N64 wins hands down.
The N64 was THE console system, there was no other...I sometimes would hear bits and pieces in dark alleyways about something called a "playstaon" or "playsatton" or something like that, but I don't think anything existed that could compete with the N64 back then.

Anyone who disagrees is crazy and on drugs and should be locked up as quickly as possible so they don't spread their odd brain consuming disease to others.
That or they we're beaten severely by a small Japanese man wielding a N64 controller...which is by far the best controller ever made...but that’s another story.

General / Sorry for laughing, Reasa
« on: December 15, 2004, 01:54:57 PM »
...And Holy-Crap is the word of the day!

When did I get a Reserved Slot?

A huge Thank You to who pulled some strings for me, guess I won't have to worry about this any more! ^_^  ^_^

General / Sorry for laughing, Reasa
« on: December 15, 2004, 01:52:28 PM »
Heh I remember that night got kicked 6 times in less then 2 hours. <_<

I'm assuming it kicks by highest ping, which would explain why I've been getting it allot more, my ping on the server has gone up an average of 20-30 higher then normal, not sure why though.

That is a pretty funny shot though scooter. :D

General / Awesome Game on Metal
« on: December 11, 2004, 07:36:42 PM »
Heh that explains allot, I was beginning to form a bad opinion about you because you always sounded like you were pissed off and yelling.

Kind of funny knowing what it was now. :D

Off Topic / Grandfathers ghost for sale on ebay
« on: December 04, 2004, 11:05:20 PM »
Well the NS forums are still down so you guys are going to have spot for them.

What do you make of this?

« on: December 03, 2004, 01:46:18 PM »
Reasa, saying that scripts should be removed because it's not the way the game is meant to be played is silly, you know the devs could remove scripting all together but choose not too therefore scripting and customization is part of their overall vision. Also blockscripts is 0 by default.

I highly doubt scripting was or customization really had anything to do with their vision, the game itself is was surely enough.

What makes me mad is the main argument in defense of scripts seems to be that they don't give you any advantage or any "noticeable" advantage and you’re just as good without them. So then why even waste your time with them, if you can play just as good with out those extra 2 pistol shots, why even bother? Are you telling me your mindset when implementing it wasn't geared towards giving yourself an advantage?

But I really don't want to argue, this is the way I feel and not much well change that.

I like Legionnaired's idea, but unfortunately I don't think anything like that is going to happen.
The issue well most likely be left as it is for better or for worse.

« on: December 02, 2004, 07:45:38 PM »
Scripting in NS seems unnecessary, I really can't see any advantage to it, and if there is one it must be small however I consider it to be unfair.

I don't use any scripts, never have and never well, I don't even know how to do it and I don't really want to. I play just fine without them, and so should everyone else, you do not need some extra boost, whether it has a placebo effect or not.

Seems all the scripts are good for is causing arguments and casting doubt on a player’s skill. I have to wonder why the problem was not headed off and scripting was not disabled from the beginning of NS. Now that many people have them removing the function would be much harder.

To be concise, scripts should be removed from the game, you are not a developer, you should not take game play into your own hands, play the game the way it was meant to be played.

« on: November 29, 2004, 02:34:44 PM »
Well I've been away all weekend so I missed all of this frustration releaseing, but I'll add a few comments on the subject.

1st: excellent job Archi this looks like it took allot of time, but I think it was needed.

2nd: Pertaining to the PR forum I have to say in all honesty that it is very efficient, and the admins who I have dealt with personally were all very understanding and helpful. Having been un-banned twice I think I can say this with some weight.

3rd: The server community is great, it's the main reason why the only server I normally play on anymore is LM. Period.

4th: Spawn camping is the most annoying thing ever when it's happening to you, but when I reason with it, it's simply a very smart tactic to use. However if it is such a problem, why not as Mr. Ben suggested, add the umbra spawn thing, ether way people are going to complain, this way just seems less painful.

5th: I think the servers admin population limit has been hit, time to upgrade, or hit the delete key a few times. Just my personal opinion.

6th: *Shakes* LB could lighten up a bit more....maybe play marines once or twice, not do the auto assign thing so much....Just a thought...or a thought about a passing thought, which I might not have even had at all...*Shakes*

General / Hi everyone, this is CWAG.
« on: November 29, 2004, 02:16:16 PM »
After all this I really can't see him behaving badly if he were un-banned.

The NS community is, as far as I can see, in no position to be tossing out well known members for, IMO, shady reasoning. He had apologized multiple times, and has a decent sized "un-ban movement" which speaks for it's self.

General / Shotguns
« on: November 24, 2004, 05:31:43 PM »
I've played every version of NS and the shotgun has never been such a problem that I would want it removed.

Perhaps after a horrible ninja phase and subsequent 5-8 second death of the hive by an entire marine team wielding boom sticks, I've thought that something should be done about it. But when I calm down and think about how if we had just put up 2-3 OC's in the hive room, or had just 1 skulk keeping an eye on the hive how it could have been avoided.

The shotgun is a staple of the marine team, to remove it would unbalance the game incredibly, because the only way the marines could effectively kill a hive even against the crappiest of alien teams would be a prolonged siege, or wait for the armory to upgrade. I think the problem lies not with the shotgun but with hives not properly being defended. A few OC's or a skulk with some common sense can make all the difference.

As for it being overpowered against life forms...yes it is, on paper.
How many times do you see a good fade kill 4-5 perhaps an entire marine team then run away, heal, and repeat? Now compare that to how many times you see a good marine or two kill a fade with a shotgun.

There are plenty of people who are such good fades on LM that if I were to see some of them complain that the shotgun is overpowered against life forms I would have to hold back my laughter.

Even a good skulk without any upgrades can easily take a shotgunner like he had no gun at all by setting up a good ambush, or just jumping and weaving from side to side. You can't treat a shotgunner like a LMG.

That’s just my 2 cents.

General / Ns Identity Consistency
« on: November 20, 2004, 09:22:47 PM »
Does anyone else get the thing asking for a password when they try and get onto the site?

General / Ns Identity Consistency
« on: November 20, 2004, 04:51:55 PM »
Can't seem to get in the forums at all now, but these changes sound interesting, wonder what he has up his sleeve.

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