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Messages - TheAdj

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General / How do you like yer NS?
« on: January 31, 2005, 03:19:01 PM »
30-45 minutes of nonstop action is the most I can take and continue playing.  If I have to go all-out for over an hour, I'm usually done for the day (I'm sure some of you have seen crazy lerk-fests for an hour in the same game, it's physically tiring).

General / Hiatus for me...
« on: January 01, 2005, 01:59:11 AM »
His way of saying he hates some of the people here, just doing it nicely.

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 30, 2004, 02:38:42 AM »
The moment I see someone coming into marine start alone I'll be hopping out with my handy HMG and shredding whatever it is (minus an onos).  Any commander worth their salt will stop you from building even 1 OC, either by himself or with help.  As for the turrets in the hive, I do believe if they get turrets up in the hive you're pretty much screwed anyways, the likelihood of recovering at that point is pretty low.  I don't see how it would throw off balance as compared to rewarding marines for exploiting the stupidity of the alien team, which is how most marines teams win nowadays anyways, not on skill but on the blatant stupidity of the alien teams.

General / TheAdj UBAR COMMANDOR article
« on: December 28, 2004, 03:31:59 AM »
Err....I did that?

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 27, 2004, 10:04:31 AM »
If you can imagine a ghost skulk, that's what it looks like.  I've never had a problem seeing cloakers moving for the most part, that shimmer is how almost all cloaked things appear.  In starcraft you often had to find innovative ways of killing cloaked objects, so in NS it's not quite as difficult.  Half the battle is KNOWING there are cloaked aliens, spotting them is usually pretty straight forward if you have your vis settings correct (Read: You can actually see and it's not too dark or too bright) and know what you're looking for.  Often it's near impossible to notice a cloaker in time to react if you don't know they're around.

General / Natural Selection:Source
« on: December 26, 2004, 07:17:23 PM »
In Homeworld2, Relic designed the fighter production system to be more robust and resilient, so fighters were used more and could be effective even after taking casualties.     So what you ended up with were people who massively swarm fighters and they are quite difficult to *Really* kill.  Once a fighter wing's strength started to drop into low yellow or red it usually had 1-3 fighters left, so you had those break formation and return to repair and re-arm, and out flew a completely stocked fighter wing.  Losing a few fighters didn't cost you anything.

This could apply to any future NS game like this:  Instead of dropping a shotgun, you pay a cost and EVERYONE spawns with shotguns.  Or you could assign a certain percentage of people spawning to get a shotgun versus any other weapon, or assign a certain IP to output only marines armed with shotguns.  You wouldn't pay for each shotgun, just a set cost to spawn marines with shotguns.  

Marines could appear in waves landing via dropships instead of spawning from IPs, so the alien objective would be to simply disable the landing beacon and kill all the marines alive to stop them from rebuilding one.  The commander would be paying a price to land a wave with a certain mix of weapons instead of LMGs.  Anything is really possible, and it's quite foolish to simply assume things will work the same.

Mapping / Ns_richmond
« on: December 26, 2004, 04:17:26 AM »
(All directions are from the top down or map view)

Right exit from marine start is absolutely terrible.  If marine start is hit there is no way to come back in a timely fashion if you use this route and go down below.  There should be a way back up top, otherwise the left hive will turn into engine on bast (rush ftw).


The left hive has a weldable door that needs to be addressed.  Sit a TF on the right side of the door and the sieges on the left and it'll be near impossible to take down.

The Recreation RT is too easy to shoot down from a very safe distance.  It needs to be non-visible from the catwalk above it.

Set lightgamma to 0 and walk around your map.  It will literally blind you at times.  There's a way to fix that, do some forum trolling (when it's up) and figure it out so you don't blind half the NS population when they play the map.

Use more colors on the minimap to show elevation changes, vents, multiple stories, etc.  Despite almost no maps doing it you can use more than just blue and white (a map next build uses brown for vents).

Left hive has a gimmick RT, move it somewhere further from the hive, but still close enough to be a "Friendly" RT.  Also note RTs should be in the same room as the hive, keep that in mind.

Nice map.

General / Natural Selection:Source
« on: December 25, 2004, 03:47:44 AM »
NS:S talk aside (Don't ask, because no one knows), use some common sense and logic to figure out some things.  

1) Just because something can happen does not mean it will happen.  Flayra could announce NS2 tomorrow, doesn't mean it will happen.  Apply that same logic to "Maps can be bigger, so they will be".  

2) Marines win on larger maps when travel time isn't very high across the map and/or they have easy access to RTs and/or aliens don't have easy access.  Aliens win on large maps when the travel time around the map is high and/or aliens have easy access to a lot of RTs and/or marines don't have easy access.  

If marines can easily move around, they have a much higher chance of winning.  Marines win hera often, but they don't win nothing anywhere close to as often.  Why, you ask?  Because on Hera I can cap 5 RTs in less than two minutes and on nothing I'm lucky to get more than 2, and it takes 3 minutes to walk to the "good" hive on nothing (viaduct).  On hera it's much easier to get into all of the hives (less than 2 minutes, usually less than that).

3) Do not assume NS:S would be a 100% direct port, or that it's more than just similar to NS.  To list quite a few things that would be quite possible using Source compared to the bastardized Quake 1 engine we're using now:
 -Realistic flight physics on the lerk (Yes, it would absolutely rape.  Divebombing ftw)
 -A general revampment of the movement aspect of aliens that wouldn't be a hack
 -A revamped marine weapons system that was Homeworld2 fighter style
 -Additional marine tech lines that added not only depth, but branches
 -A totally different resource system
 -A different alien tech tree that had more chambers AND more hives

A combination of these would make the game similar to NS, but a totally different game.  Anyone that played Homeworld and Homeworld 2 understands the real type of difference an engine jump can do for a game that was simply a next step for the game world.  All of this would add far more complexity than simply "adding a 3rd race" (which is lol right out of I&S btw, I needed the laugh, thanks).

Off Topic / Dog.
« on: December 23, 2004, 08:59:41 AM »
I thought it was a combine trap and started shooting it.

General / Detailed map strategies
« on: December 22, 2004, 04:11:53 PM »
No that award easily goes to Drill on mineshift.  Drill, also known as "Marines go to Uturn FTW".

General / Early fade counters?
« on: December 21, 2004, 08:46:07 AM »
I think someone's jealous.

General / Magnum.
« on: December 20, 2004, 08:24:59 PM »
All the insta gib weapons had a weakness.  The magnum did not.  It got nerfed.  It isn't a problem anymore.  Problem solved.

General / TheAdj UBAR COMMANDOR article
« on: December 20, 2004, 05:11:18 PM »
Even the best fades are defeated with some planning and understanding.  I know as I've beaten exigent and terror fades in pubs before as comm with only pub marines, it's very doable if you exploit  the weaknesses of aliens.

First look at what you're doing on marines.  Are you locking down hives and rooms with turrets or electricity?  When is your arms lab and/or obs complete?  When do you start upgrading your armory?  These are the most important tech questions you should be asking yourself.  You can do plenty of things, and each one has it's own risks and benefits.  

My normal build is this: IP > Armory > 2 RTs closest to base > Arms Lab > RT > Armor1 > RT > Advanced Armory.  This does Several things, namely I'm getting the longest build time in the game for marines (the armory up) going very early in the game, usually by 3 minutes at the latest, often by 2:30.  This means by 6 minutes I have HMGs roaming the map, which is VERY dangerous to fades.  Contrary to popular belief shotties aren't the best fade killer, HMGs are FAR better in almost every situation to shotguns versus any lifeform bar possibly lerks.  If you have an advanced armory you shouldn't be dropping shotties, you should be dropping HMGs as often as possible, they're absolutely devastating.

Secondary build is this: IP > Armory > 2 RTs closest to base > Obs > RT > MT > 2 More RTs > Arms Lab > Armor1 > Advanced Armory.  This gets the Advanced armory at 7-8 minutes but you have motion tracking, which is a superior map control upgrade compared to anything else.  Use motion tracking like this:  As the commander, watch where aliens are going and direct marines to where they WILL be, not where they are.  If you are on ns_tanith and see waste has half a bar left with a skulk chewing on it, don't send the marine at MS to waste, send him to west to wait on the skulk.  Prevent aliens from attacking your RTs by simply having marines wait on them.  Proactive beats reactive in EVERY situation.  Contain them near the hive by constantly annoying them so they ignore your RTs and getting a second hive up,  then push in with HMGs and end it.

Last build is : IP > Armory > 2 RTs closest to base > Advanced Armory > 2 RTs > Arms Lab > Armor1.  This gets an Armory at 3-3:30 gametime and absolutely dominates aliens.  The increased availability of HMGs usually shreds fades, which tend to appear just as HMGs push out of base, usually resulting in them being shredded on the first run-in since they expected LMGs and met the first HMG push.  If I do this build I almost always go Armor2 instead of Weapons1, because what will happen is a skulk gets a lucky ambush and gets in 3 bites, which kills an Armor1 marine.  With Armor2 skulks take 4 bites to kill a marine, 6 with 2 medpacks given anytime after the second bite.  So if the marine has ANY aim at all he'll kill the skulk and continue pushing on, which is what you have to do to keep marines in the game as commander, sac res to push them forward.

Notice that all of my main build orders rely on an early advanced armory and armor1 fairly quickly.  That's because these 2 things will destroy aliens faster than any other upgrade combo in the game.  Shotguns are heavily upgrade dependent while HMGs are not.  Shotguns work this way: They deal damage based on pellets that connect per shot, not overall damage from just hitting a skulk with a shot.  If you wing a skulk with 2 pellets it will chuckle and chew your face off.  The shotgun has 5 inner pellets and 5 outer ones, both groups of pellets representing a pentagon shape.   It is very difficult to get all of the inner pellets and an outer pellet to hit a skulk, so what you want to focus on is getting the inner pellets to land.  The problem is this:  At certain upgrade levels it takes 6 pellets to kill a skulk.  This is why sometimes you shoot a skulk in the face and it still chews your face off, you simply didn't do enough damage with 1 good shot to kill it.  This is how it works:  

6 lvl0 pellets at hive1
5 lvl1 pellets at hive1
6 lvl1 pellets at hive2
5 lvl2 pellets at hive2
6 lvl2 pellets at hive3
5 lvl3 pellets at hive3

You should always keep the upgrade level at 5 pellets for a shotgun, which is why I prefer the HMG.  It requires less end-user skill to drop skulks, which resuilts in a higher reliability for HMGs.  As a commander, reliability and common sense are your best friends.  

Fades are far easier to prevent than to kill.  This is the easiest way to rape fades:  Do one of the build orders I posted above.  When those marines have gotten up their RTs, have them make their way straight to alien RTs and proceed to cut them down, even the hive rt.  It's often easy to simply walk into the hiveroom and shoot down the alien RT given enough marines usually 3-4 (1-2 usually results in people crying spawncamp because they have no clue what you're doing).  Use this method of determining alien economy: .5*# of aliens players = Good Economy.  Anything higher early game is a gamble, and anything less isn't very good.  If they go for higher you should immediately stop capping excess RTs and push their nodes, because what they're doing is dropping a lot of RTs so they can all go higher lifeform and get the second hive up that faster, which means most likely early on you won't have but 1 fade at the most.  Shredding the RTs before earn the res back for them effectively stops them from accomplishing their plan, plus aliens are forced to attempt to defend their RTs with just skulks early on instead of killing your RTs and harassing MS.  If they got less than the equation, then have people cap RTs while you pressure their RTs.  This way your economy gets exponentially stronger while theirs weakens under marine attack.  If they don't defend their RTs they don't have much res, which means if they even manage to get the second hive up, it won't be replacable.  If they have around .5, pressure their RTs really hard with most of your marines and use 1-2 to cap the map and defend the built RTs, this keeps the aliens busy while the tech is going and your economy just gets stronger and stronger while the alien RT withers on the vine.

The entire point to this post is that if you combine the correct build order with the correct early game strategy, by the time the midgames comes around you have this:  A strong marine economy,  an advanced armory and at least 1/1 or 0/2 upgrades, an obs going up or up, a weak alien economy, delayed fades, and a second hive starting after 5:00.  What this means is you have HMGs against Hive1 fades and skulks, which  usually results in marine wins if you simply do something not enough commanders do: PUSH THE SECOND HIVE BEFORE IT GOES UP.  Often marines respond to the second hive only once it's up, you have to push on it before it's done.  If you can't win by brute force, use wit.  I'll use bast as an example here.  If you can't get down a building refinery hive, simply keep aliens busy by saccing marines on it, get some res together and shotty rush engine while they're still stroking each other off after beating that refinery attack.  Often after one attack aliens will simply not think another one is coming, or they sit around and don't even hit RTs.  

Getting in a full Shotgun/LMG salvo in a hive usually drops it 30-40%, depending on what upgrades and exactly what weapons are available.  Pay attention to what weapons ups are out and what weapons are hitting the hive, then calculate how much damage they did.  Shotguns and HMGs do 20-25% per clip, while LMGs do 1/14th per clip.  LMGs alone won't do much damage, calculate them in pairs.  Each pair does 1000-1500 damage together.  Use these numbers to figure out damage over time, and relay that to marines so they have a clue how much damage the hive can take.  Keep in mind hive healing + dcs won't do anything but really repair single LMG damage, they don't heal very fast.  A gorge will heal a hive 1% per spray, which means it takes 20 sprays to heal 2 LMG clips/1 HMG clip/1 shotty clip.  They can only slow damage to the hive this way in time for aliens to kill them, but it won't survive long if you can keep battering the hive with bullets.  

Generally if a fade is within healing range, don't focus on killing it, and it's generally useless to shoot an onos in the hiveroom anywhere unless 2+ HMGs can focus fire on it for 10+ seconds, which will always bring it down even when being healed by everything possible (Regen, DCs, hive, healspray).  Skulks are easy targets, even with a REAL shotgun rush at least 1 marine should be picking off skulks, they're so easy to kill and once they die it starts to drag the spawn queue.  I can't think of a reason to not have 1 person shooting skulks, unless no one on the team has above average aim, in which case they're probably better off shooting the hive unless they have an EASY shot on a skulk.  This is why HMGs are powerful:  A hive attack with HMGs will shred aliens almost instantly, and then it's easy to kill them as they spawn will working the hive down.  Shotties aren't as easy to do this with, it's much more difficult given how the shotty works.

General / Movement Start
« on: December 19, 2004, 04:18:21 PM »
DCs rely on fades to work, so if you do something that doensn't emphasis immediate fades MCs work just fine.  Lerks are the choice for MC strats.  DCs are really the least useful chamber except for fades and onos.  If you focus on using lerks and skulks effectively, the other two chambers win out easily.

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 18, 2004, 04:11:20 PM »
Aye, puzl said he was adding that feature in build13 bob.

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 18, 2004, 12:08:42 PM »
Free ups make all the chambers viable for skulks to use, unlike b5 to where it's a double edged sword (and whoever asked gestation time on ups is a bit lower, not sure the exact time but I want to say 3 seconds).  John I understand the concern and I think initially marines will get ownerized, but I think after a month or two they'll adapt and start to do fine (or if there is an obvious concern it'll be addressed with a marine buff, probably on the Obs if I have my way with it).  That's why open consti testing will happen, I plan to contribute as much as possible to it and see how it works out.  If you're not a consti I highly suggest saving up 20 bucks and paypal'ing it to Charlie, it really does literally pay the bills most of the time, and you'll get to have your ass handed to you by yours truly in the consti beta :p

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 17, 2004, 11:17:06 PM »
SMD will end up being the default order, and MSD will happen almost as often.  Sensory is ridiculously powerful, it took a while to make it not overpowered so much so that aliens were unstoppable with it.
I don't know, sensory is still restricted to fairly defenceive hit and run style tactics, it probably won't give the 2nd hive fade boost that most games still rely on and that only really defence provides effectively.

When are they going to cap the damn vertical lerk speed?

Aliens are hit and run period regardless of the chamber.  Sensory in b6 is actually the most offensive chamber set because of the incredible damage focus and cloaking give.  Focus hive2 fades are probably the most powerful alien weapon behind a focus hive3 fade, so I don't what you're talking about when you say it won't give it a boost.  Nothing stops a Focus fade besides killing it, nothing besides HA even slows it down.  Combine leap focus skulks and you have some problems.

Can't say much about the cap, let's just say things are happening.

3PRA are in, just having some bug issues (sup shotty sounds).  They should be in b6 barring any serious complications.

Also note that any chamber set is workable in beta5 if the alien team usesmore cunning than brute force, problem is not enough people get that and just try to kill every marine they see.

The obs decloaks everything in range and shows it on the map/minimap.  Motion tracking reveals aliens moving at full speed, but not aliens walking.  Turrets work the same way, shooting full speed aliens but not walkers.  Motion tracking does not reveal aliens that are fully cloaked (walking or sitting still).

General / Beta 6 changelog
« on: December 17, 2004, 11:36:59 AM »
SMD will end up being the default order, and MSD will happen almost as often.  Sensory is ridiculously powerful, it took a while to make it not overpowered so much so that aliens were unstoppable with it.

General / Sorry for laughing, Reasa
« on: December 15, 2004, 11:11:04 AM »
Na, worst is getting res slotted as commander when you're in the middle of sieging a hive or something :p

And also, lol@reasa, I feel your pain :(

Actually at that point it would be rather easy for someone who has decent knowledge of how to use the chair (maybe not uber strat skillz) to hop in and finish up. It is worse when you have a very good comm holding the team above the loss line by an inch and he gets the boot.

Those games make the baby jesus cry.  Since the server rates got upped I don't think I've been res-slotted.

Off Topic / Warzone 2100
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:27:53 AM »
Alpha Centauri is quite possibly the most complicated, time consuming, wonderful RTS game I've played.  I've spent probably 6 months of my life playing that game, it's a really good RTS.

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