*READ all this before you follow instructions*
Let out all your frustrations.
yay now we feel better yes?
Rules are in place, follow them or take the risk of being punished(this is clearly apparent).
<3 Esuna!

im saddened that you lost your slot and i can only hope to play ns with you in the future. OMG ESUNA DOWN!

. I shall truly miss playing with you if you dont come back.
<3 sonic! i shall miss you too.
If you all like the community/server so much why is it that its so hard to get you do something an admin asks you to do? They shouldnt have to ask you more than once, then you should follow it for the sake of being a good person/community member. Surely if you agree to it once it would only seem sensible that you would agree to it all the time.
I've been kicked 3 times from the server and kicked/banned from Irc 2 times, regardless if i agreed to the punishment or not i conceded to it and without using any harsh language at any admins. Nor have i committed the same actions i was punished for again.
im not ranting at all, i just hate to lose any of you for something stupid. Please dont get banned <3!!!