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Topics - A Boojum Snark

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Off Topic / elec spam ftw
« on: November 24, 2004, 10:18:08 PM »
Apparently I didn't snag as many pics as I had thought, later on we filled the place to the max (the other structures on the minimap were recycled), however...

Late night LM
All LM regs

Off Topic / No Manual With Boxed Hl2
« on: November 03, 2004, 02:07:12 PM »
VE - Silly question, but there are some rumors floating around German HL 2 forums that Half-Life 2 won't ship with a manual of any sort.

Doug Lombardi - That's correct. There is a quick reference card included to guide folks through installation and set up. And Prima will be releasing the official strategy guide.

Well, seeing as the manual was one reason I wanted to get the collector's edition I guess I'll be getting the silver package with the help of my parent's credit card :|

Not that I need a manual, I just like them, I've read every one for every game I've ever played (and even some I haven't played) :p.

Media / Ogm Comic
« on: October 31, 2004, 10:32:10 PM »
Following some events tonight on IRC, I felt the need to make a comic showing them in pictoral form. Below the picture is an exerp from IRC if you wish to read.

* Joins: [exi]-civilian
<@Redford|WantsWoW> civ has joined exigent.  No suprise there.
<[exi]-TheAdj> join us redford
<@Redford|WantsWoW> HAHAHAHAHA
* @Redford|WantsWoW nearly dies laughing
* +Decimator007 pushes Redford into the pit of clannerdom
* @ABoojumSnark throws a rope to redford and starts pulling him out
* +Decimator007 pushes abs in also
* @ABoojumSnark grabs teh wall and start climbing
* +Decimator007 closes the lid
* +Decimator007 welds a lid on
* +Decimator007 then drives an 18-wheeler onto the lid
* @ABoojumSnark wonders if deci realises what he has done
<+Decimator007> dropped an 18-wheeler on top of you?
<@ABoojumSnark> by sealing the clanpit, you have upset the balance of the gaming universe
<@ABoojumSnark> it will soon implode on itself
<@ABoojumSnark> and everyone will banish you
<@ABoojumSnark> for you are the evil one

General / Any Shotgun Replacement Ideas?
« on: October 21, 2004, 01:13:01 AM »
I've been trying quite futily for the last month or so to think up a replacement weapon for the shotgun, as I have come to the conclusion that is the only way to fix it. >_>

I know most people like the shotgun and all, but I just find too many things wrong with it. [decided to cut out rant and get to the point]

Regardless of such things, can any of you think of something that could replace the thing? I'm thinking about the spot the shotgun is supposed to fill and what it seems too good at, but I've only came up with one mediocre idea and I would like see anyone else's ideas before explaining mine.

Media / Thirteen Thirty-seven
« on: August 22, 2004, 02:44:00 AM »
I worked on this for about 6 hours tonight. I'm too tired now or I would show/explain what the real currency says for those of you who do not know what it looks like. Perhaps tomorrow I will if it is needed.

Media / Nightflash
« on: August 17, 2004, 02:52:35 PM »
So I learned how to make lightning yesterday and came up with this for my new wallpaper. I've attached the 800x600 and if you feel like using it and want a higher res:

but of course it is icky tripod so youll have to stick the link into a new window.

General / Server Unstability
« on: August 13, 2004, 10:31:46 PM »
Lately (past week or two?) I have noticed the server is quite unstable, I would say I've witnessed at least one crash a day, sometimes two when I'm on a lot on a given day.
The only similarity I have noticed between them is it is always at mapchange, other than that... nothing I can think of, occurs on all sorts of maps.

Anyone (LB? :D) know what's up with it?

Off Topic / I Shall Be Gone For A Few Days!
« on: July 30, 2004, 07:02:43 AM »
I hadn't thought about making a post on it since it will only be a short time, and the thought occured right now when I am about to shutdown and pack up my comp, but Mouse told me to make a post when I mentioned it on IRC :p

So yea, I'll be gone untill late sunday (early monday for those of you in the east of the world). Where shall I be? At a LAN partay! :D

Mapping / Ph33r My L33t Creation!
« on: July 19, 2004, 12:51:14 AM »
After working on this for a half hour I just had to post it :p

Off Topic / ''your Password Will Expire In Xx Days.''
« on: July 18, 2004, 10:53:03 AM »
Ever since I upgraded to Win2kpro it seems every month or so when I log in I am told "Your password will expire in 14 days. Would you like to change it now?". Up untill now I've just put up with it and 'changed' it to my current password, but now I would like to know how to turn it off. I've tried digging around to find the setting to no avail. :help:

General / Reducing Rambo Effectivness
« on: July 15, 2004, 01:16:15 PM »
I wasn't too sure on this idea so I wanted to see what you all thought before I posted on (and ya think I should put it in I&S or pub beta disc?)

The backstory to NS says that marines don't actually "build" the structures, but rather hold their hand over the area to authorize the nanites to continue and produce the structure. Now it would only make sense that some things would require higher and/or multiple authorization. This is where my idea comes from.

Res towers, phase gates, proto labs, and siege cannons would require TWO or more marines to +use before they begin to be built by the nanites. This would prevent lone rambos from being very effective to help the team, but would not touch the big debate over LA/skulk combat effectivness.

My reasonings for those structures (aside from the obvious rambo/ninja nerf) can be figured out with a little thinking. Siege cannons are extremely powerful. Prototypes are... well... prototypes, secretive/classified/whatnot. Res nodes aren't things that janitor bob and nurse jane can tap into freely like an electrical outlet, but rather need higher authorization. Lastly, phase gates are somewhat risky and unstable (telefrags) ,and aside from being the main structure behind this idea, seem like something that would require more authorization.

So all in all, rambos cannot be effective as they are now, no more ninja PGs or lone RT cappers. Yet, it doesnt touch how well marines do while in a fight, which can be dealt with later if needed.

Off Topic / I Can't Find Gamesurge!
« on: July 11, 2004, 12:00:41 PM »
Well, last night as I was chatting away in #lunixmonster the darn power company did another one of there sloppy grid switchings and the power was out just long enough to kill my comp. After I get booted back up and all I try connecting to gamesurge in mIRC, to no avail. I try in trillian, still nothing. I ask Path over AIM to try for me, and he reports success. I just give up and read forums for a couple hours then sleep.

So I wake up this morning and start fiddling around with it more. I have rebooted my computer, router, and modem, none of which solved the problem. I cannot connect to in mIRC or trillian. I also cannot get to in IE or FireFox.

EVERYTHING else works on the internet, other IRC servers, all websites, IM programs. I simply cannot get to gamesurge, everything times out when trying to resolve the server :(

Media / #lunixmonster Pictoral Representation
« on: June 16, 2004, 11:15:05 PM »
KEKEKE pictar rush ^_^

Mapping / Ns_pteros Layout!
« on: June 08, 2004, 10:05:15 AM »
The hives, MS, and res nodes should be obvious. The color gradient is aproximate elevation difference (light = high, dark = low).
Vents I have not put on yet, but they will be very extensive, (nancy extensive) but mine will be labeled an unconfusing (think tanith/bast).
Weldables I have not marked nor considered yet.
The layout isnt to prefect scale, just approximate. The room:hallway size relation is a fair bit off, etc, etc.
Last note is I am thinking of making another room nearish to Fusion Reactor for sieging and all that stuff.

Critique! Comment! Hax0r eet with MS paint (as i know will happen)!

Media / My Map Logo
« on: June 05, 2004, 04:04:01 PM »
Well, after 2 hours of chatting with Path we devised a name for my map:
Engineering and

Pteros is greek for 'wing', and I figure phase gates carry thing to far away places, just as wings carry birds.

Now that you know all that you can fully understand the logo I have made :p Comments please! :D

edit: i moved the wings up and the atom down, so that the atoms appears to have wings (before&after pic for those of you new to the thread and/or are forgetful)

General / A Bit Of A Rant From Me For The First Time
« on: May 20, 2004, 02:20:07 PM »
I have finally gotten annoyed enough with these 2 things (actually 3) that I feel like ranting and seeing what other people think.

First off I dont like MT and SoF. Personally I think they should be completely removed. It get so tiring trying to do sneaky things only to be so easily found out. They are helpful, I just think I would have more fun without them.

Secondly, the shotgun. Once again I think it needs to be removed and a new weapon found. If you knew me you would know this must mean the shotgun is bad, as the shotgun has always been my favorite weapon in every game I play... untill NS came along.
There is the insta-kill on lower lifeforms that I am sure everyone gets annoyed with at one time or another, also is the fact that it is an all-around weapon good for everything, this is obvious as some comms use nothing but them.
They slaughter structures much too fast, so fast that you rarely see GLs even though GLs are better at it (324 damage per grenade at lv3). HMGs are supposed to be anti-onos, yet shotguns work perfectly fine too.
Lastly I avoid picking up a shotgun like the plauge. If I happen to get one, I look around for someone with an LMG and toss it to him. The only time I will take one is if it is a direct order from the comm such as shotgun rushing the hive, which I hate being a part of as I have experienced the other end.

and finally don't think this rant was spawned after a bad game. I just got back from the orthodontist and am using the computer for the first time today.

So what are your opinions?

Off Topic / People Who Do Not Know What Sex Is?
« on: May 17, 2004, 10:14:43 PM »
Found this in off topic, thought I would put it here for those of you who don't venture there often (like me)

...just... :ph34r:

Mapping / Thinking Of Making A Co Map...
« on: May 09, 2004, 12:51:01 PM »
What would you think if I made a combat map which was purely marines attacking and aliens defending?

The CC would be hidden out of the map so the aliens could not hurt it.
I would give the marines unbuilt TF/turrets they could construct when the map loads to reduce alien attacks and spawncamping.
I may even ponder with giving the marines DC hidden under the floor in MS which would heal them, the armory, TF and turrets too which would make aliens not wanna attack even more :lol:

and please, dont think about nubpai lamers that would camp. Think about it being played on LM with good players that wont do that :p

General / Cartoon Cow
« on: May 08, 2004, 09:56:00 PM »
I made this a week or so ago and figured I would post it incase anyone wants to use it :p I hadn't planned on using it for very long but I ended up keeping it.

Mapping / My Map
« on: January 03, 2004, 10:13:05 PM »
I've only got the readyroom, one hive (probably will get tweaked), and part of MS done which is where I'm stuck. I got a couple of pics of MS and wanna know if ya have any ideas.
It is set on a jump gate space station if ya wanna know the theme or such.

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