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Messages - TOmekki

Pages: [1]
General / Getting altair out of rotation?
« on: February 14, 2005, 02:47:21 PM »
mineshaft is ditched next patch

That sort of sucks. I liked mineshaft, barring u turn.


i think if memory serves me correctly that it's mapper refused to update it after b4 so they decided to remove it in b6

the mapper, Ekaj, is mia. thus no least thats how i remember it was.

« on: December 13, 2004, 06:02:11 PM »
i too have found myself in a situation where we have been pushing towards the hive, (i have everyone muted because they make so much noise i cannot hear skulks with my crappy headphones) then i find myself totally alone in or near the hive room. i kill a few rushing skulks and then im being presented with the annoying challenge of either falling back (and propably getting killed in the process) or hold the position at least for some time. (edit: and be then accused of spawncamping)

now, what people fail to realise is that there are methods to prevent spawncamping from happening. for instance, get a decent lerk and you will never get spawncamped as long as hes alive. even the best marine cannot hold out against a hivecamping, spore-happy lerk unless he has a hmg or  jp.

skulks in general need to learn to scout ahead and parasite marines as they approach the hive room (or any other place for that matter), then ambush or something. its ridiculous that people stubbornly want to play the game as they see fit and not how it has been made. if you refuse to defend your vital objectives or come up with the proper counters to situations then no rule or plugin will help you win.

which brings me to another point, the umbra-spawn plugin. now there are situations where its good and to some extent evens out the odds. then there are situations where id rather see it go. for example:

marines want to siege a hive. every skulk that spawns gives the hive umbra (i think) and they are affected by umbra for several seconds, so effectively almost every skulk that rushes the marines has double hp. obviously this is not how the game was meant to work.

marines want to kill the hive node. this is just as valid as killing the armory or ip in ms. and you are bound to run into spawning skulks in the process. if theres 2 marines theres no way they can hold out against spawning creatures that have 180 hp, 1/3 of an lmg clip. almost as ridiculous is the "elec-spawn" plugin which i wont comment on any further.

oh, and i have plenty of experience on this matter, i have been spawncamped just as much as any of you here. take it lightly, if you get the marines out they will be back in a minute (better equipped) or they wont. if you cant kill them youve lost and you already did something wrong (or teams were just stupidly stacked, imo those kinds of games arent worthy of playing properly [read: lerk practice :))]).

on bs_:

it is everyones personal choice, it has always been, no? someone tell me why the attitudes started changing :S

i use scripts and im willing to teach anyone about them to the extent of my knowledge. i dnot think them as harmful or cheating, yes they give convinience (what a word) and yes some give an outright advantage (_special). i can play without them just fine as i use mwheel. a much bigger disadvantage is fps and hardware in general. i am at a disadvantage because my mouse is buggy and freaks out for no reason. im also at an advantage because i get 100 fps no matter whats on the screen. perhaps everyone should be restricted to fps_max 30 (if you have over 30 fps, TRY THIS and try to bhop) and ball mice to even the playing field? i think not.

General / Ns Identity Consistency
« on: December 13, 2004, 04:24:15 PM »
my life is crippled cause is down :(

ah well at least i finally got hl2

General / Ns Identity Consistency
« on: December 12, 2004, 09:18:34 AM »
wow i mustve really been away a long time cause i dont recall seeing many caps-spamming etc. "smacktards" on the forums =o

General / Any Shotgun Replacement Ideas?
« on: October 22, 2004, 04:55:49 PM »
if theres less than 3 then skulks ambush and swarm them. if theres more get a lerk.

General / Worst Map Ever...
« on: October 22, 2004, 04:44:45 PM »
Mineshaft. It makes me cringe to play because it has a ridiculous marine bias, and it's just ugly to look at. Tanith, eclipse, veil, they may be bland but they're not as UGLY as mineshaft. All the new maps have a blue/green look, which I really like, I feel more at home on ayumi or agora than any other map (except hera, my lerk favorite).

ugly? i never thought so... actually, if the layout was balanced somehow (where IS the mapper, btw?) it could very well be on my favorite map list.

General / How Did You Find Ns?
« on: October 10, 2004, 01:23:28 PM »
i resisted my friends advice to dl 1.04 somewhere in summer '03. i was still too much into cs and dod i guess.

but 2.0 got me into this.

General / Worst Map Ever...
« on: October 10, 2004, 12:01:14 PM »
i dont get these people who hate metal/lost/eclipse/veil. all 4 are very good maps. on the contrary, bast hera ayumi and mineshaft would have to be my personal "worst" maps. i like agora's sheer massiveness, its very easy to move around unlike hera that has a stupid amount of chokepoints and twists. also altair is kinda weird, maybe just cause i havent learned it yet, only played twice.

General / Favorite Map?
« on: September 27, 2004, 11:42:32 PM »
lost is "the" map. every hated it in 2.01 because it was so alien-biased. now its like the balanced map around. (because of the changes)

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