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Topics - Manta

Pages: [1] 2
General / Forum bug?
« on: November 12, 2006, 12:42:54 PM »
I'm not exactly sure if this is a bug, but every time I browse the forums, I have to log back in, even if the last time I logged in, I chose to stay logged in forever. Also, when I'm on the forums as a guest, the Off-Topic forum exists, but when I log in, it doesn't. There's just the Discussion index and dev/null.

Off Topic / Multiple Windows OSes
« on: August 23, 2006, 08:48:02 PM »
A few months ago, I bought an HP dv5000 laptop. Of course, it came preinstalled with tons of stuff I would never use, but couldn't delete. I lived with it.

Fast forward to today. I got pretty sick of all the clutter, so I decided to format my hard drive and install with the XP Media Center CD that came with the computer. Anyway, a few hours later, I restart after installing the OS and drivers and find that instead of going straight to the "Welcome" screen, I'm looking at a menu telling me to choose which OS to boot: XP Media Center, or XP Pro.

The fact that the clutter on my hard drive was never removed and was simply reinstalled with the OS I'll deal with, but I'm not sure what to do about this. Anyone know?

Off Topic / Weird wireless networks
« on: January 31, 2006, 07:04:27 PM »
So I was trying to connect to my wireless network earlier today, but it didn't work, so I checked out the settings and available networks. I only recall setting one network, but I found three, two of which have unfamiliar names ("Sheeno," and "MX990"). Any ideas on what's wrong? I checked the wireless status, and it says the speed was about 12.0 mbps (though it fluctuated between 12, 1, and 36 within half an hour) and that the signal strength was low.

Just a guess (don't know anyone in the neighborhood who would), but is it likely that someone's basically stealing my connection?

Off Topic / The Ultimate Showdown
« on: January 15, 2006, 10:13:09 PM »

If you haven't seen this Flash movie, give it a shot. It's sort of entertaining and funny, and I've seen it posted on at least three forums, so it's pretty popular, I guess.

Off Topic / Computer fan problem
« on: November 25, 2005, 04:11:09 PM »
If anyone knows anything about what the cause could be, I'd appreciate some help here:

Lately, my computer's fan (I'm assuming it's the fan) has been making some very weird noises. Normally, the fan is pretty quiet, like a fan should be. For some reason, it just gets really loud and sounds like it's grinding against something, like a miniature chainsaw. It's not a regular grinding either; just now, it started off really loud, then kind of wound down to a vibrating sound, then got back up to the sound of an electric razor, then down to an electric toothbrush.

Now, I think this problem may have existed before I changed my processor, mobo, and video card, but I'm not sure from when. I seem to recall someone dropping something on my tower, causing the same sound to start, though. I'm not sure which fan it is. I have one on my card, one case fan with a heatsink, and my power supply.

I'm guessing it's the power supply, since it's the oldest piece in my computer, but other than that, I'm clueless.

Off Topic / Foo Fighters/Weezer (or Foozer)
« on: October 07, 2005, 06:29:49 PM »
They're passing through Michigan on tour, but I didn't get tickets in time (I also don't have a job/money right now, anyway). If any of you are fans of either, and have gone to one of the concerts, how was it?

General / Mouse problems
« on: July 26, 2005, 08:56:16 PM »
Normally, I have pretty good aim when I'm playing NS (unless I'm completely unfocused), but lately, I'm getting some strange problems with my mouse control, which affects my aim. I'm pretty sure I haven't changed the way I move my mouse - minimal arm movement, based completely in moving the wrist and the mouse with my fingers - but for some reason, I find that I can't aim downwards quickly enough anymore. The same goes for looking up, but it's not as bad. I have no idea why this is, since I haven't had this problem before. Any suggestions? My mousepad, by the way, has a wrist cushion thing on the bottom end, but like I said before, it's never affected my gameplay in the past.

Anyway, if anyone has suggestions, feel free to dispense your wisdom. Until then, I'm taking a break from NS.

EDIT: To further clarify the problem, it's not that I can't aim downwards. I can, but usually, I just start moving slower as I go down, to the point where a skulk can easily defeat me just by running into my feet. I can't snap downwards like I used to.

EDIT2: In fact, it seems like I'm always hitting the wrist thing on the mousepad when I aim down, yet I never manage to look all the way downwards. I don't think I've lowered my sensitivity at all; in fact, I'm pretty sure I raised it.

General / You thought it was gone
« on: June 26, 2005, 09:37:57 PM »
Another crazy endgame whackamole phasegate strategy. Thanks to 2_of_8 leaving due to ping issues, I lost the chance to get my second win as commander. Marines just don't listen these days; they couldn't even phase kill one onos.

EDIT: Fixed resolution.

General / Dead_Meat is officially awesome
« on: June 03, 2005, 05:55:54 PM »
Game on ns_origin: Marines are pretty much going down, so we're pushing for Furnace, hoping that we can take at least one hive down. We're in a five-man train with shotguns.  Two fades start harrassing us from either side, but we eventually push into the Smelting Room, which has two lava pits with complementary lava falls.

We push into the main doorway, chasing down a fade - DM. He starts hitting us, but we fire in his back around two or three times. Half a shotgun blast clips him on the side as he blinks through the doorway, back into Smelting Room, so we chase him down. I get a shot on him, but he still doesn't go down.

Then, he jumps INTO a lava pit. He doesn't jump through the lava flow, he just up and jumps into the pit, like you'd dive into a pool. A second later, he pops right up, like something you'd see in a movie. I get one more shot on him, but he still doesn't die. He proceeds to blink away into the sunset.

I think DM is either awesome or lucky.

Off Topic / SW: Episode III and Battlefront
« on: May 26, 2005, 01:29:14 PM »
After I watched the movie, I was relaxing at a friend's house, when he got the bright idea to play a quick game of Star Wars: Battlefront Xbox. I watched as he booted it up and connected to a game. There were ten players and six bots.

I should take the moment to tell you that he has a very wide surround-sound system set up.

So, it was a game set in the new trilogy. I don't exactly remember what level it was on, but the game was going relatively well for the Republic side. Suddenly, one of his teammates turned on his mic and said, in a croaking, gravelly voice, "Execute Order 66." It resonated through my friend's entire basement. It was very creepy.

He proceeded to command his small army of six bots to betray the rest of the team. Before we respawned, he blew up his bot army and left the game. That kept me laughing for a long time, though everyone else in the game was pretty pissed.

General / Manta's crazy bases
« on: May 20, 2005, 05:19:00 PM »
Eon on LM, I believe:
Veil on the Mr server. They didn't follow orders.

Off Topic / Problem with connecting to the server now
« on: May 13, 2005, 01:40:21 PM »
I recently replaced my old Linksys router with a new Linksys WRK54G wireless-G router, though I keep my desktop PC attached directly to the router. For some reason though, I can't connect to the server (or any NS server, for that matter) anymore. It gets stuck on "Establishing a network connection" and "Retrying connection". Any advice?

General / Winning base setup
« on: April 30, 2005, 09:35:45 PM »
We started a game on ns_lost and nobody else would comm. As is the custom for Manta-commed games, we ended up losing what hives and RTs we had, leading up to a final holdout in base.

Pictured below is the ingenious base layout with which we killed almost one alien.

Also pictured is Az, running around, demanding a gun.

General / Comm victory and <3 EM Drill Shaft
« on: April 29, 2005, 06:53:00 PM »
First win as comm! I don't know how it happened. Probably due to the half-hearted resistance that the aliens put up.

And I love EM Drill Shaft now. D_M dropped a Chair on the bottom thingy, but some onos kept killing us at Main Aft. For some reason, he moved away, then zerwalter came and killed everything. Then I flew down to the Shaft and built a chair.


General / Serious NS headache
« on: April 22, 2005, 09:05:09 PM »
After a relatively crappy and boring game (for Marines; I was alien), we had two hives up with little resistance, as well as most of the RTs. I am the only one with res to go onos, so I do so. I had just finished gestating, so I decided to upgrade celerity. Unfortunately, I hit the "adrenaline" key, so I did that instead. I figured, "Oh well, more energy to stomp and eat."

So I'm walking out of the Data Core hive when the DC first goes up. I accidentally rolled my mwheel (bound to jump), so I jumped, right as I hit my "regen" key. Unfortunately, I was partially facing the wall, so I went up and landed my egg on top of a slope.

I thought that maybe the NS Fates would let me get away with this. Oh no. As soon as I saw my screen start wobbling up and down, I knew I was boned. "Skull-and-crossbones Manta*GS*"


Note to people in that game on Hera: sorry about that abrupt exit. I just got sick of my stupid mistakes. I doubt the Aliens needed any more people as it was. Marines were pretty much cooked.

Off Topic / I have stepped over the line...
« on: April 21, 2005, 03:38:50 PM »
I have finally crossed from just plain lazy to the ultimate lazy. I brought a mini-fridge up from the basement specifically so I wouldn't have to get up to get a drink.

Pictures soon to come.

I'm sure someone else can contest this laziness, though. Anyone?

General / <3 on Tanith
« on: April 17, 2005, 08:18:45 PM »
Earlier this night, we started an inevitable failure of a game...

Ziggot: "Want to pull a victory out of our asses or get handgrenades?"

Two minutes later, we're stuck in Marine Start, fighting off an Onos. Mines for everyone!

I put this up on the wall. I tried a similar thing on Valentine's Day, but people kept shooting my mines and placing mines in the middle of my heart. :(

Some NSPlayer ruined this seconds later.

General / MC to hive under attack
« on: March 19, 2005, 06:55:37 PM »
The ability to movement over to a hive under attack is a great tool. It's a useful strategy. I love it.

However, people have become much too reliant on it. I have seen it happen several times -- a hive will be in imminent danger (e.g. a Marine is sitting in a hive, waiting for a PG) and half the team is too lazy to get off their asses and just GO. All they can do is say, "Bite the hive so we can MC rush! Bite the hive! Bite the - " and by that time, the phase gate is up, Marines are in and the hive is as good as dead. Repeat.

Earlier today, I had just put up a hive when a Marine walked in. He shot me several times, but I managed to hide out in a little corner. The Marine walked in to a spot where he had a clear view of the hive (I could tell where he was by the sounds he made climbing up a ladder). If I moved at all, I would most likely be instantly dead. I told everyone (including an Onos, a lerk, and two skulks) to just get over to the hive because there was no way I would be able to get to the hive without getting shot to death.

Still, they ignored my pleas, insisting that they would MC rush if I would just "BITE THE HIVE!" So, finally, I tried. I jumped up to go for the hive and, as expected, I was shot down.

Only then did some lerk finally decide to get up and fly over.

My point is not that the MC rush or FF should be removed. I am simply urging everyone to stop relying so much on this ability. If nobody can reach the hive to bite it, then get over there yourself. The only time in which you shouldn't try to walk/fly over is if you're an onos or if the hives are too far apart. Even then, a good fade or lerk should be ably to zip over and hopefully catch the Marines from behind.

I'm tired of lazy aliens.

Off Topic / Languages
« on: March 17, 2005, 08:17:38 PM »
What languages do you speak? Knowing a few words doesn't count as "speaking" it, so those of you who just like to pick up the swear words don't count  :p .


Off Topic / Car collision
« on: March 12, 2005, 11:22:48 AM »
So, today, I got back from taking the SAT. As I was about to turn left into my driveway (slowed down and all), a woman behind me, in a rush apparently, drove up and attempted to pass me on the left. Hit me as I was turning. The front left wheel area (don't know the technical term) is basically caved in, though the wheel works. This was my first collision, so I was kind of shocked and ended up just getting her phone number and name after she said she was in a rush. She left. Unfortunately, I didn't have the presence of mind at the time to call the police and get the insurance info. Any advice?

What I have:
Her name
Her number
One damaged car

Oh, and she was driving a ****ing Jaguar, I believe. She didn't even get a scratch, as far as I could see when I walked over.

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