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Messages - DuoGodOfDeath

Pages: [1]
General / Hello, my name is Ugoff
« on: January 06, 2005, 02:28:08 PM »
Looking for a clan? #findNSclan would be the place. Or hang around #findNSscrim and just randomly ask people if they are recruiting. Or you can check out the CAL page and find the teams that actually play NS.

All the teams that are playing in the league at the moment.

General / wtf is with combat
« on: January 05, 2005, 01:37:09 PM »
You should play on the 50 lvl combat servers with extra upgrades. Such as self welding, celerety marines, and extra armor. I had so many people think I hack because I was taking insane amounts of focus bites but with my insta weld and 125 armor I was killing everything. Oh and btw

Classic > CO

General / TheAdj UBAR COMMANDOR article
« on: December 29, 2004, 11:03:45 PM »
blocking with a person is ok but blocking with a marine structure of any sort is grounds for banination.

Probably one of the small reasons I enjoy playing on NSA and WarmNFuzzy than any other servers out there :/

General / TheAdj UBAR COMMANDOR article
« on: December 29, 2004, 03:01:10 AM »
I'am sorry :o

General / TheAdj UBAR COMMANDOR article
« on: December 28, 2004, 11:04:23 PM »
except that this tactic will get you bant from lm since you are using a structure for a purpose it wasn't intended for.

And im sure when a Onos is running down a hallway and a skulk and or marine gets in front of him and he goes from 60 to 0 MPH. That this was intent to happen.  

General / TheAdj UBAR COMMANDOR article
« on: December 28, 2004, 02:27:56 PM »
Or you can add this to the strategy guide also. While in Cargo on Tanith you have me sit by the door and a fade come rushing in against all marines. Than when the Fade tries to run away I'll jump in his way while the team unloads their pistol into him thus killing him.

Or you can try a simple CC block.


Off Topic / Rawr
« on: December 19, 2003, 12:58:08 PM »
The tree is hot looking

General / Tip To Gorges
« on: December 17, 2003, 08:55:22 PM »
Should also refer to skulks when your an onos. While your trying to run away and they like to get in the way of your feet. You try to run but you notice your going no where. After 10 marines appear behind you, you die and you notice that a skulk was there.

^Tis evil

Pages: [1]