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Messages - Some tall guy

Pages: [1]
Media / Arr Matey!
« on: August 04, 2004, 12:39:31 AM »
I'd never get in because I refuse to adorn my sig or avatar with the pirate.
pff, thats why your not cool like all of US B)

Media / Arr Matey!
« on: August 03, 2004, 10:03:10 PM »
Hmm, i think I might just piratify my avatar :)

*edit* done

Mapping / Ns_papillon
« on: August 03, 2004, 07:07:58 PM »
A lot of the pictures in the first half of the thread on the ns forums are either redone or totally gone from the map. Also I think I'll be posting a picture of the cells soon. Thanks for the replies everyone  :D

Mapping / Ns_papillon
« on: August 01, 2004, 11:46:55 PM »
Yeah I did a couple colour variations, red included, but it was too.... warm and happy and huggable. So I stuck with the colder colours. Maybe if you're all really nice I might post a pic of the jailcells I have in the works :)

I dropped in on LM just by looking or a new server to reg on and well, this server kicks hiney except I still need a res slot.

Mapping / Ns_papillon
« on: August 01, 2004, 11:36:57 PM »
A cool looking bridge, had to optimize a whole lot because of r_speeds yay :)

Mapping / Ns_papillon
« on: August 01, 2004, 11:34:54 PM »
Heres a nice little generic hallway.

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