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Messages - Squats

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / PSP dilemma
« on: April 20, 2005, 06:04:47 PM »
It might work if he's your best friend and you will be best friends forever. Otherwise it's just asking for trouble no matter how you do the deal. It's suspiciously like loaning money to a friend. Always bad. Ends with you hating each other. I say save your cash for another few weeks or months and buy it for yourself.


General / 3.0 opinions
« on: March 07, 2005, 10:09:25 PM »
I really love being able to upgrade my skulk and not feel like I'm wasting res. That fact alone will be huge for my play style as alien (rush, save res, drop hive or some other stuff, re-skulk, rush some more, repeat ad infinitum). and the sof from the senses is awesome! :) Now I can almost play my focus/celerity/cara skulk from co in ns.

Hmmm I played 4 games as marines so far, and I haven't noticed anything so different except sounds. guess I'll have to look at the changelog...

Thanks ABS  :D  for making me realize that that parasite hit I kept hearing when there were no skulks around was part of the damn reload.   :angry:


General / Aiming and shooting
« on: February 23, 2005, 10:31:19 PM »
Sometimes I find a good way to avoid "some" skulks is treat it like a matador treats a bull. As it comes at you jump sideways and turn at the last minute. Means you can continue pumping bullets into it and confuses the skulk slightly.

Plus I tend to shout in my head "olee" as I do it :)

OMG! I HATE it when people do this to me! Here I am trying to have dinner of marine and he keeps jumping around and I just can't seem to track him as his buddy takes careful aim and puts a damn pistol round through my ass...


General / Why I love LunixMonster
« on: February 19, 2005, 07:18:15 PM »
I played here exclusively for almost a year, because it is the best. The best players, the best games, the best maps... Been gone for almost 6 months because I got a res-slot on another server after playing there for only a month. Well, now that server is gone, so I'll be around here more, but the res-slot kicks bug me so much that when I next get offered a slot elsewhere, I'll be gone again. I'd prefer to call Lunixmonster my home, but I'm not a huge forum guy, I prefer to spend my time playing not posting. And I'm definitely not hanging out in IRC so, it's highly unlikely I'll ever get to call this my home....


P.S. I really have missed playing with some of the people here. HD, Confused, Zero7, Isamil, Bob, lolfighter, mr.bill,  ABS, Dark, R4C, Grillkhole, just to name a few I could think of off the top of my head....

P.P.S. I probably shouldn't have named anyone, now poeple are going to feel left out  'cause they didn't come to mind right away...

P.P.P.S.  :blush: this message sounds really bad to me when it sez "reserved slot" in the left column.... Thank you  :D  :blush:

Off Topic / See You All Later
« on: October 21, 2004, 05:31:46 PM »
ABS, It's not that I won't ever play on another server, it's just that my priority list has changed. It was:

1) LM not empty/full? great that's my place..
2) go down my favorites and find another server I can play at

now it is

1) res slot server not empty? great, that's my place
2) LM not empty/full? (not likely, it follows a similar time schedule) play at LM
3) other servers

It just means that I won't be here the 15-30 hours a week I have been, not that I will never come here again....


Off Topic / See You All Later
« on: October 21, 2004, 05:09:17 PM »
Well folks, it's been good playing here the last year, but I just got offered a res slot on one of the servers I go to when LM is full/empty so you probably won't see me in game here anymore. It's too bad you folks weren't more interested in having me here, this was my favorite server. I'll still probably read the forums, they are more interesting here than on my new server.

Have a nice life, all, later...


General / Ns Troubleshooting
« on: October 20, 2004, 03:34:37 PM »
I got a P4 2.2 Ghz, but if anything is the problem, it would have to be my integrated video card (asus graphics controller something or other).

But then again, if it was, how come I never had this problem before!? :blink:

Well, everyone so far sez "it's the int vid card" without answering why it worked better before. I agree, it's probably due primarily to that. But with a p42.2 ghz and an integrated video card with dedicated video memory, you should be ok in 800x600 if your exact chipset handles d3d or opengl.

1) I'd scan for viruses and adware/spyware. I use for virus scans and Adaware ( for spyware. but whatever, if it's up to date and you like it ;) This is a shot in the dark, but if it finds something, it might fix it easy. I ALWAYS do this first to correct performance problems. Sometimes it works. :)

2) next I'd find out exactly what chipset it is, what it's specs are, especially:
       shared video mem:this is very bad. If you have it and are a gamer, you want to figure out something better.
       D3D/OpenGL: This is so important. If it doesn't do it, you need better.

3) now that I know what I have, If it is worth it, update drivers for it. This can sometimes be used to fix corrupted drivers too, but just being laggy doesn't sound like that.

4) next, newest directx. This I'd bet 99:1 you already have 9.0b or 9.0c, and either is fine. If you don't know, you can use Start-->Run-->dxdiag to tell you.

5) try running a benchmark, I like 3dMark2001 from If you can't get AT LEAST 1000 on that benchmark, you need to figure something out to play NS very well.

6) tweak time. If the integrated video is nvidia, you will get over 1000-3Dmarks easy. just go into the display properties-->settings-->advanced and set vertical sync always off and set all d3d/opengl settings to max performance/min quality. After that you should be able to play in 800x600 with good enough framerates. If it's an Intel chipset, you might be ok. You might be able to tweak other chipset drivers the same way. ATI integrated chipsets for sure. Some Intel ones can be tweaked the same way too. Other chipsets, maybe, maybe not. GL ;)

7) if any of this stuff actually helped and now you benchmark > 3000 3dmarks don't worry about your video too much. new hardware is always cool, but > 3000 3dmarks will be very playable.

8) now, lets assume you get > 3000 3dmarks and <20fps in places on certain maps still. your problem is half-life settings. (netlag doesn't kill fps much, it's different). lowering resolution is the obvious solution. You should be able to play well in 800x600 with that 3000+ 3dmarks, so if you have to go under 800x600 something is wrong. try switching from directx to opengl or vice-versa. Some chipsets do better in one some in the other. There are more half-life settings, if you get this far and still can't figure out why your framerate drops so bad, see

9) If I had decided it was just a poor performing chipset and I needed better, had the money and an agp slot, I'd go find a cheap card. <$50 for sure is enough. try gforce2-mx400 or gforce4-mx400 64mb agp, you can get one for like $35 if you look hard, and either is way better than any integrated I know of.

10) more money on a vid card is so worth it. I run a gforce ti 5700 I picked up for $89 new a month ago as an upgrade from my gforce2-mx400 (scored 3100 3dmarks with it) and it was so worth it. I now score 17900 3dmarks and run ns at constant max fps (I'm set at 60) in 1600x1200. NS looks so awesome now.....

I know most of this was really basic/general and probably not too much use, but I didn't have too much to go on in your in post....


General / How Did You Find Ns?
« on: October 20, 2004, 02:28:35 PM »
[...]don't tell me to idle IRC to get a res-slot again[...]
Ok then... be ACTIVE in IRC! Just idling won't help one bit y'know. :D

Ok, you win, I said it badly... ;) I won't use IRC in any way except for to call an admin or such as neccessary. (I've done this twice since I came here)....

The point is that like a junkie who needs to avoid his heroin, I need to avoid IRC...


General / Idea!
« on: October 20, 2004, 02:23:05 PM »
I like the idea too. And the idea of giving 3 instead of one too. And the idea of moving shotties to advanced armory too. Taken all three together it seems like it would balance fine. You don't really NEED shotties before you can have an upgraded armory, and an early shotty rush with a good marine team seems to almost always be the win, so making them wait about as long as the aliens need to for hive #2 seems fair, if they can research these new grenades early for countering early skulk/gorge attacks.

I think maybe these new 'nades could work by making an area of fire about the size of an average hallway's width that lasts for like 10 secs and does about 20/sec damage, it would be effective for skulk/gorge control by denying them area to be in but not be horribly overpowered. And if the fire works much like electrified stuff, meaning that you only take damage for being "in" the flames and that it doesn't actually set things on fire, it shouldn't be too hard to code, I think...

I'd offer to help code, but I'm way too busy and would have to learn hl mod coding from scratch....

Good luck...


General / Favorite Map?
« on: October 09, 2004, 07:35:43 PM »
I voted eclipse, but I'm not sure why. It just seems to have good games and it looks pretty good. Very within the scope of good NS "Look and Feel". I like all the maps though, it's nice to have so many base maps in the rotation that I don't get so burned out on any one of them. Why quibble too much about best when the average quality is so good, that 10 choices for best map was not enough? Thanks to the LM members involved in the mapping (2 by my very unofficial and ill-informed count) for all the great variety the dev team as delivered for maps! ;)


General / Worst Map Ever...
« on: October 09, 2004, 07:15:22 PM »
I don't have a most hated map from the standard list. I even kinda like Altair, it's got some really cool "hidden" passages, and I think it's worst balance issues will clear up some as people learn it. Those waterway passages between the hives could be really usefull to aliens, if people really knew them...

The only maps I hate have names like co_de_dust and co_marioworld and ns_marksiege and such.... Fortunately we don't see that crap here much if at all....

My favorite custom so far is co_freefall.... It's cool because it's so different but still true to the NS feel....

I can't think of a custom ns map I like....


General / How Did You Find Ns?
« on: October 09, 2004, 07:06:15 PM »
My buddy Backleft (an occasional visitor to the Lunixmonster now, due to my always being here) first found it at 1.something. It ran on his comp but crashed on mine, so I gave up, as I didn't feel like tracking down the issue for one game. At the time we were cal-o CS, so my group didn't really have time for another game anyway. When 2.0 came out, I tried again, but even after a full OS rebuild I was still unable to make NS work. So, more CS, DOD, and Firearms for me, but Backleft dropped from the clan at this point so he could play more NS. Steam came out, I tried again with 2.1. Still crashes all the time. NS3b1 comes out, and voila! It works! I dropped the clan to play more NS. Since then I've been playing NS as my game of choice and mostly here, except when the res-slot kicks get me so pissed off I go to *******.***, ***.**, or *****.*** for a while. I always seem to end up back here, pissed off or no, because the games are just plain better, as long as I get to finish them. I've been gone for a while some recently too 'cause I just graduated and am now an elementary school teacher, and between the full time job and the full time school (I'm going on for a Masters at the moment), I have less time than I used to.


PS- don't tell me to idle IRC to get a res-slot again, I won't. I made a promise to myself nearly 10 years ago that I wouldn't let myself get sucked back into IRC land again, as my addiction to it almost ruined my life....

General / I Made An Avatar
« on: May 09, 2004, 11:06:34 AM »
Rellix, I am in a chair, but previously, I had my comp on a small table and "sat" on the floor. I spend 90% of my chair time, any chair, with most of my weight on my feet and folded up in front of me like that. I really prefer it. I don't really know why, but all my friends think I'm wierd, and I wouldn't try to disuade them. :)


General / Lerkflight Costing No Energy
« on: April 26, 2004, 11:11:16 PM »
Wow. this looks bad. I haven't seen it in action, but here's to hoping I don't have to...


General / Stop Playing And Get Out Of The Server!
« on: April 26, 2004, 10:37:20 PM »
Seth, I won't comment anew on the RS system. If you haven't already read it, you can find another thread that says plenty about what I think of it.

Besides this was just a silly thread I started cause I was bored waiting for a slot to open and didn't want to play on any other server anymore. And, by the way, as much as that might have sounded kinda bitchy, it was joking only. I will never complain in any remotely serious way about a server being full all the time and haveing to wait to get in. That's a GOOD THING!

Stupid fool, who sounds anything but in his post: I usually double post like that when I leave and come back. I was only gone for 7 minutes that time, but didn't think about it and just did it. Then I was reading /dev/null and saw the spam penalties of doom.... :) oops... I will be much more careful about that sort of thing around here in the future....


General / Stop Playing And Get Out Of The Server!
« on: April 25, 2004, 09:50:49 PM »

I got in not 10 seconds after making a post! I should do that every time! :)

I won't, seriously.

Well maybe I'll just make myself a thread in /dev/null to post in... Yeah, that's the ticket......


P.S. I won't be making a silly thread in /dev/null, as it is read only it will take an "act of god" to get this thread in there, and then I won't be able to edit or reply to myself. So much for that stupid idea. Now I just need a new one that doesn't fall afoul of the no-spam strictness I just saw in some of the /dev/null threads...

General / Stop Playing And Get Out Of The Server!
« on: April 25, 2004, 09:43:43 PM »
I haven't gotten into LM once since b4, even though I was playing when LM went down for the patching and have been trying ever since! (Well not continuously, I had to test out b4 SOMEWHERE) Seems like b4 made the server 10x more popular!

Anyway, just letting you all know that I haven't been missing by my choice...

Maybe I'll get to play with you all again someday soon...


General / Who's Got Experience
« on: April 20, 2004, 04:57:28 PM »
Lancer said
Bob is right, this sort of attitude is what is making the CS crowd unapealing. Keep playing like this and we'll end up like all the other CS servers

Not all CS crowds get that way, but the only way I know to keep order when CS is involved is constant, unflinching use of the "Ban Cannon". There is almost no such thing as too many bans. I don't envy the job of the people who have to make the decisions, but new players are easier to find then clean communities, and only the admin's vigilance keeps the impending chaos at bay. The alternative to the loss of the "llama" getting banned is the eventual death of the community.

May the llama's be banned, and banned again every time they show back up with a new key. May civility reign. Peace, Love, and Brotherhood. Yada, Yada, Yada ... <-click-clack-> <BOOM> "Awww put a sock in it squats..."

General / I Made An Avatar
« on: April 18, 2004, 03:40:34 PM »
naw, Thorax, I just couldn't manage to draw it well enough with a chair in it.


General / An Actual Hacker
« on: April 18, 2004, 01:46:56 PM »
OK, I've watched that video several times now, and I can't see the hacking. What's he using? Aim bot? Wallhack? Both? I've seen people I didn't think were hacking look more "suspisious" to me than that, so clue me in.


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