Wow! Heeheeeheeeeheeehohohohoh!
I really never thought it would come to this. You just stripped two of the oldest and most active res sloters...because?
....Yeh..I'm still waiting for a real answer *yawn*...frankly I could care less if they lost a slot or not...who the **** cares's the ****ing dumbass reason is what gets me. "OMG tehy are teh using teh naughty words!
and acting like llamas!
" Woop de ****. Esuna and Sonic earned their slots...Way before any of you mother****ing so called "admins" even heard of NS. Tell me guys...did your e-feelings get hurt? awww! poor baby. Now might be a good time to stop suckling your mothers tit and grow the **** up...Esuna and Sonic made LM fun..You cant ****ing deny that...They broke up the monoutanity of the admin ass-kissing ressloters and HD's ****ing ownage sessions..or whatever the **** we call them now adays. LM has turned into a mother****en nazi prison are no longer fun, Either the admin ass kissing starts (dont get me started on that) or Sombody with acctul skill in NS comes on and owns you guys..and then you wine about it on the forums ( again dont get me started). LM used to be about fun, Nano was fun, Old LM was fun...Sorry LB but your admin decisions have gone to the ****ter. Either we have admins that sit on their ass, ones that only care when they get their e-penis caught in a zipper (omg he made fun of me on teh server
), or the ones that just ****ing ban cuz "THATS THE RULES!".
**** this ****. I say LB just !delusers on everybody and start over...either that or just ****ing leave...LM's no fun anymore...and you guys pretty much just killed some of the high moments of the server. LM'ers used to play TFC, Sven, S&I, and all that **** together...cuz It was fun to play with you guys...What the **** happend?! The answer is...dun dun dun! Your ****ing bored. You have nothing better to do then to just ****ing use your e-power to make sombodes e-playtime more ****ty then it alreayd is. Grow up...all of you...Your all old enought not to get offended by words...I'm sure you ****ers hear them all the time at school and with it..Dont come back with "I hear it all the time so I dont want to hear it on my fav server" tripe..Welcome to the real ****ing world jackass' The real irony is that you "admins" have no real power at all...Omg you can kick and ban me from and IP adress. I remember when you acctuly had to ****ing work to become a ****ing admin on LM...and it was a respected's just bull****....Half the ****ing user list is admins...and 2/3 of them dont do jack ****. It's a bull**** title carries no weight...Lets go back in time when LM was fun to play on...with admins like Jane, TyrNemmiss, DXO (he was kinda ass though...but fun non the less), and all the old Nano admins (or at least the good ones), and myself. But too late now...Wish some of you new guys could have seen w hat LM used to be like....Guess you never will. Bottom line...Bad call on the slot loss...just one more bad mistake brought to you by somes ones e-ego getting brused. GFG.
Vote Esuna and Sonic for admins tbh...they deserve it .