It might be more the case that I started playing NS again because having moved to the US and got broadband I have many more servers available to me, but I think the release of 3.0f was a catalyst for me to really get back into the game. I'd stopped playing back at 2.0 because the only decent UK server I knew (being on 56k I couldn't use foreign servers) went pretty nasty.
There are things about NS now that I really like though - the free upgrades are a great touch, as is the ability to reassign upgrades after evolving (though I sometimes forget to, and die in a hail of embarrassment). I think NS now is much better than the NS I stopped playing over a year ago. If I'd started playing again during the earlier 3.0 beta stages I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have stayed long.
That lunixmonster seems to be free of idiots helps too though. I can't abide muppets on public servers.
(also, goddamn to the "maus" who registered to post one tiny comment and go