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Messages - DarkScythe

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / guess what today is!
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:44:44 AM »
 >_< the..profile...containes...the...answer...?
i don't get it.

..  :blink:

lol happy birthday  <3
btw it's contains .. there's no e

General / NS 3.1 out tomorrow
« on: December 05, 2005, 10:37:40 AM »
personally i absolutely love tanith, origin and veil
definitely veil
eclipse and caged are good too but they're sorta "standard" sorta like the kind of "like" u can have for CS' de_dust (that is if u dont hate it)
the rest i don't mind playing

imo altair and eon are too maze-like, and that's what made it unpopular..
eon is ok now, in terms of playability, but it's still kind of complex

Off Topic / PC tech question
« on: December 04, 2005, 04:08:33 AM »
yeah, you will effectively have 1GB of ram running at the slower speed because the pc may only run as fast as its slowest component.
But it's not a big deal because hard drives are still retardedly slower, so just shove it in for more ram and be happy lol

Off Topic / FIREFOX
« on: December 02, 2005, 11:53:11 AM »
hm sounds good, tho if that's the entire changelog it's kinda small lol
ability to reorder browser tabs? YES! lol

are you guys upgrading from 1.0.7 to 1.5 or from something else? thinking about upgrading but i dunno if all my extensions are compatible with 1.5 or not..
also dont feel like reconfigging lol

General / NS 3.1 out tomorrow
« on: December 02, 2005, 11:48:33 AM »
the lack of maps is already a given even with a full rotation, because there aren't that many maps to begin with (i mean, look at UT, it's just fragging over and over but they have dozens and dozens of maps, whereas NS ships with a stock of maybe a dozen, and only about half of them play well)
point is, there are some that are so bad people blatantly hate them so those would be candidates to be removed (like altair?) the others can be removed on the cycle but i dont think that prevents people from voting for them does it? true there will only be a list of 4-6 maps if we did some strict removal, but if you left them on, it would basically be the same 4-6 maps ppl ask u to change it to anyway
and yeah, it does get boring after a while of playing the same maps over and over, but we've had basically the same amount of maps since 1.03 (cant say for previous versions, i came in 1.03) and it's managed to survive somewhat. but i don't think we expect people to play for 4 hours straight either.. either way, the voting system will take care of nearly all map-related problems cuz it responds to exactly what the people want, not by percentages, but by numerical values, where highest voted wins.

Off Topic / FIREFOX
« on: December 01, 2005, 11:09:39 PM »
what changed exactly in 1.5? i'm using 1.0.7 and it seems fine.. tho for some reason sometimes it eats up all my CPU and i dunno why

General / NS 3.1 out tomorrow
« on: December 01, 2005, 11:05:50 PM »
lol well wouldnt a revision to the maplist change that?
2of8 suggested that, just change the list to only have the "good" maps and u wont ever need to change cuz the server will do it for you lol

personally i hate CO it's like the CS community (which i hated) playing NS, so i'd be up with LB's removing co lol, but people sometimes want a quick co round or two then back to NS
right now the server is 0/17 CO and i wouldnt join.. if it was NS tho i'd consider.. i remember i was with someone else the other day jumping around the server for about an hour waiting for ppl to join but no one did.. maybe it was cuz we were on co all that time? i dunno

General / NS 3.1 out tomorrow
« on: November 30, 2005, 07:45:42 AM »
lol i've played a few games on LM, and they were really fun, with all the old reg's
but it all ended the same way, at the end of three maps or so, either it changed to an unpopular map that some non-regs left OR one team was so good the other team decided to ragequit but either way, it ended up dropping us to about 9 people or so, ONE short of the NS and it went CO and the remaining 9 players, dissatisfied with CO, left
I think CO kills the server more than livens it up lol :/
If i wanted to play CO there are about 2135907346 other CO servers out there.. I originally came to LM cuz it was a well-skilled, mature NS server (and i wanted to beat HD, but..i don't think that's gonna happen any time soon)

So if you guys still favor trying to keep NS up, I would say change the map rotation as 2of8 suggested, leaving out the crap maps and putting in the popular ones, and lowering combat requirement to 8 or even 6..
best option imo is get that voting plugin or whatever it is they use on IAM's Gorge's Hideout or the NSA Classic Server, where there are two rounds of voting, first for a random selection of 6 maps or so (at least one CO and one NS map) and second round to vote on the two maps that got the most votes previously
this way, if the server wants to play CO, they can switch to CO whenever they want, otherwise it will field to the likes of the majority of the server population at the time

General / NS 3.1 out tomorrow
« on: November 19, 2005, 04:11:29 PM »
lol it's been a while, but i was wondering what the heck happened to u guys..
3.1 is ok, just rines rushing hand grenades all the time and aliens are pretty much the same..

i'd like to play on LM again, cuz LM was really one of my favorite servers, but it's jsut never populated.. yeah i read some of the old threads about the server dying but i didn't think it'd be that bad..
personally, i hate CO so when I do a server refresh in steadm LM never came up lol, so I added it directly when LiquidSnake told me ppl were playing on it again and it turns out u guys were playing CO.
and it was full, so I couldnt join. So i waited a couple minutes, and then it went to NS so i started my usual "wait til a non-res-slot frees to join" and all of a sudden everyone left
i wouldnt mind helping get ppl on but seeing it at 0/17 all the time isnt very inviting..
i've just been pubbing around IAM's Gorge's Hideout and the NSA classic server (sometimes vet but they rape me there) and occasionally g4b2s.
i'd say some of us should make an effort in idling on the server every now and then, cuz it'd attract others lol, i think one of the bigger reasons ppl don't come is the seeing 0 players on it.. 1 or 2, u know they're at least waiting for a game.

my two cents cuz i miss LM lol

2of8, nancy is still fairly popular (at least whenever i play on gorge's hideout and nsa) and hera is voted fairly often too.. cant say anything about co tho, i don't play co.

shiva is sorta split.. it's new so many ppl have a hard time navigating but the players i've met either hate it or love it, there isnt anyone who claims to be impartial :/

Off Topic / Spore
« on: April 19, 2005, 05:15:30 PM »
unfortunately, what i'm gathering from these articles is that it will indeed be a single player game, simply because if you and a friend start playing (say on a server) and start evolving, let's say you two have begun a city and someone new joins.. they'll be really far behind :/
i'm not too sure how it'll work, maybe they'll find a way, but i suspect it will be single-player only..

it also seems to be designed as an "open-ended" game, meaning there are no clear objectives, just be the strongest that survives..

sounds fun because of the amount of features that exist for u to modify, but it also means there wont be much of a "mission" to set u against because existence of clear-cut objectives would cause you to focus on achieving that rather than being open-ended and "fun" in a lego-clay building sort of way

not sure i'm explaining this very well, but that's what i feel from reading and seeing this

General / GRR, my fps is screwed up
« on: April 19, 2005, 12:14:14 PM »
have u tried checking ur running processes when this is happening to see if anything might be eating up all ur cpu?

i had this happen once and it appeared firefox was eating up all my cpu power, so i closed it and everything went back to normal..

Off Topic / Spore
« on: April 19, 2005, 11:08:48 AM »
just read thru both articles

looks awesome, and seems to offer virtually unlimited amount of replayability
especially since the way they're coding it, it will end up being a very small game, that's just awesome

a whole race in a 1K file?  :o

General / Typical Day on LM
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:47:09 PM »
And to he rest of you.  When I yell, "who has chambers?" over the voicecom, that is not an oppertunity to ignore me, that is an oppertunity to delegate!  If you really don't want to drop upgrades you better have a reason.  Silence is NOT FRIGGING GOLDEN!

About the stack, it doesn't LOOK that bad from the playernames, but evidently a few skilled players shouldn't have overestimated some of the names on the alien team and not rushed ebnar.

and 1/4, is THAT why you always join my team if you come halfway into a game?  <3

Whenever I'm on aliens, and I'm sure most of you hav eplayed with me already, i will 99% of the time never keep my res
When the game starts i automatically rush for an RT.
IF either i can't access an rt or I get killed en route, I will call chambers when I spawn.

The only times I will res whore is under 2 conditions:
a) the team already has chambers and rts built and I have nowhere to build my stuff
b) i join late and don't get the starting res

hopefully it eases things on us a bit, but we do try to do our part, even if silently sometimes, but for the record, I will 90% of the time be good with movement chambers  ^_^

regarding the stacking issue, I'm not too sure what I think about it, but it happens, and I'm not sure if u guys classify me under the 'stacking' category, but I do try to even the teams somewhat initially, tho I often want to play a specific side for a while mainly to practice
It does feel unfair, but what the heck, I stink and i'd take it as a point to practice.
(like trying to kill that damn quarterlerk  :angry:  )

General / Ultimate Rine Strat
« on: April 12, 2005, 03:12:36 PM »
bahahaha it was so fun XD

icono where are ur pics :o

and dont worry swift i IP telefragged 2of8 once when he flew by
that was awesome XD
*adds to best NS moments*

btw, if u recycled all those u'd have like 200 res lol

General / advice time.
« on: April 12, 2005, 03:05:52 PM »
i know most of you have played with me, but i really dunno what u guys think of me cuz i never get any comments

anyway, i know the rines can do it if they tried, and whenever i'm on rines (or aliens, whichever side i go to) i try to help everyone out as much as I can

on rines, when i'm not a comm people will always hear me on the mic telling the comm possible chambers and hive locations, and all the rines the (near exact) locations of enemies and what type of enemies if i can judge from the sound, or the general area if I can only see them
I'm not sure if any of u comms would call me a "backseat comm", but I will often suggest possible countermeasures to anything I see on the on the field, but if you feel annoyed just say don't worry about it, or just tell me to go somewhere else and i'll move on

when i'm a comm, i try to give the rines a general overview of the plan but my flaw is i rely too much on my rines to think for themselves
(example, i set a waypoint for biodome and i expect everyone to make their way there in a group countering everything in their way and having maybe 2 guys split off to cap xenoform) i'm workin on it though

but yes, i agree that the rines have to be a lot more aggressive now than they have ever been
rines have to move in a group, they must know when to skip the armory even for an extra 25 bullets whenever a PG is in danger, and most rines need to get off the armory after maybe 100 bullets

(normally, i will always leave after 150/20 unless i'm told to defend base and can afford the extra time, but when a critical spot is under attack, i spawn and go)

as for the aliens.. it's pretty self explanatory

General / Ultimate Rine Strat
« on: April 11, 2005, 11:11:13 AM »
okay, i know this has been really delayed in posting, but i've been busy :x

anyway, so we were bored one night and we decided to come up with a new way of killing the aliens.. Ranger came up with this method, but he hasnt posted any screenshots, so icono helped me remake the scenario and i took a bunch of screens

he did as well, but he hasnt sent them to me so I can't post them.. anyway, onward!

edit: apparently i can't attach the images so i'll be uploading them elsewhere :/
edit2: aw crap, i forgot to include a warning, but here it is anyway.. warning! these images are jpg format, but still 1024x768 resolution >_< might take a while to load (average ~500kb each) BIG POST!
edit3: nevermind, I decided to change all the img's into url's so just click away

In the beginning..

view from minimap

and then it expanded

minimap again.. even more red

one fell thru the floor rofl

really, what would u do when u walked around and saw this?

i got bored.. built some chambers of my own
icono couldn't GL these cuz of the dc's lol

i feel like i might get telefragged...

and last but not least.. view from above
(it looks a lot nicer from the comm's view, but icono has that i think)

with that many pg's.. the noise is utterly deafening
aliens wouldn't be able to operate very well in there, not to mention slower computers will grind to a halt when approaching this field lol

marines = win  ^_^

General / Killing eggs
« on: April 11, 2005, 10:41:05 AM »
I much prefer the strat that i saw employed on LM today by none other than your favorite and mine, NSPlayer.
Obviously a NS veteran, he walks into Biodome casually (which happened to be aliens starting hive) at about 5:00 into the game. He sees this curious looking thing on the ground, pink and kinda moving funny. Over voicecomm, as im setting up a PG in furnace i hear "whats this egg looking thing on the ground in this room with all the plants?" 5 people respond with "an egg, shoot it NOW!!!!!111ONE" so of course, NSPlayer doesnt shoot it and instead, responds over voicecomm with "what does an egg do and why should i shoot it? is it gonna blow up?"....silence.....then, mysteriously, 5 seconds later, NSPlayer dies to a fade. Next thing was this: "what the hell was that thing that came out of the egg?!?! it killed me before i could even shoot it!"...silence...then someone, forget who  >:D  , says "we told you to shoot the egg, man."
2 seconds later:
**NSPlayer has left the game.
now THAT is a killer strategy right there folks!!!!!!!!

that's just....
i can't even.. ugh.
nevermind. this boggles the mind  v_v

General / Woot, my first win as a comm
« on: April 06, 2005, 02:22:35 PM »
u forgot newborn and nooblet :p

..mrbill is a good comm? haha XD

(i know, i shouldnt say anything, i'm horrible too >_<)

General / Woot, my first win as a comm
« on: April 06, 2005, 11:10:36 AM »
yeah, don't worry about it, medspamming is the downfall of a lot of us

most games i've played everyone's told me the same thing:
you commed well, but you coulda spammed a few more meds / spammed meds a bit faster

Malevolent knows this all too well because he somehow manages to call for a medpack every 5 seconds XD
sometimes i'm there to give it to him, but sometimes i'm busy with other areas and he ends up spamming the medpack thing  :rolleyes:

sorry male, i'm getting better :p
(at least u *get* a medpack.. that's how bad i used to be)

Off Topic / Hello
« on: April 04, 2005, 02:46:10 AM »
Aye, just call him Scythe like I do.  Because GD is right, there can be only one Dark.  You may have to fight him for it, unwilling or not.

hopefully u pronounce it correctly..

i dont know why, but 99% of the ppl in-game call me dark skythe.
it's scythe! silent c! there is no k!! >_<

and u know what i just noticed.
i am DarkScythe.
on IRC, there also exists:

lol.  :blush:

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