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Messages - Squirrel

Pages: [1]
General / What's Your Playing Style
« on: January 26, 2004, 08:32:39 AM »
here is my break down:
LMG/Pistol - Average
Shotty - i love blowing away the skulks at the last second, Above Average
HMG - Average, with such big clips i cant take in my spray and pray tactic
GL - Poor, ill i can do is point and shot at buildings
Welder - Amazing, i can weld that building or vent so quick
Knife - Above Average, jump-duck-look down-knife-repeat-dead skulk
JP - Average, like it better than HA
HA - Average, i dont like it so much, i feel to slow in it
Comm - Above Average, ugh 3.0 is out know, have to find new strats

Skulk - Excellent, this is what i am most of the time, i know all the hidding spots, and can rack up many kills with it
Lerk - Poor, dont play it too much
Fade - Below Average, I hate shotguns :p
Onos - Above Average, I have won the games many times because i res whored and onos'd
Gorge - Average, Not very good when being attack, but can make some really nice ball of dewms

1 JP/Shotty
2 Skulk
3 Comm
4 Onos

General / For Lb
« on: January 26, 2004, 08:09:05 AM »
all i have to say is respect esuna's work, i have seen some of his other work on a he is quite experienced in what he does.

he was just trying to help you out, give you suggestion. the only way to get better is to keep working at it, learn from mistakes, and take in to account other peoples suggestion(especially ones that have a great deal of experience themselves)

(i would like to help out if any of you need it with building the web page)
I have: Photoshop 7.0, Macromedia MX, and a decent amount of knowledge

Pages: [1]