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Messages - TyrNemesis^

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / So What Are You Doing For Halloween?
« on: October 05, 2004, 10:40:48 PM »
Luckily for you, I've been keeping the shavings in a bag. I've plenty of glue, too.

Off Topic / So What Are You Doing For Halloween?
« on: October 05, 2004, 10:33:44 PM »
Bijiy and I are going to dress up as powerpuff girls with our belly hair showing under the tube top. I figure in one night we can send 85 little kids to therapy!

General / What Is With The Update Of Ns
« on: August 27, 2004, 04:02:51 AM »
We'll release it when it's done!

/me dodges incoming anti-tyr fire

No, seriously. There's nothing we'd like better than to release beta 5 RIGHT NOW! But we won't do so UNTIL IT'S DONE!

Omg, that answer sucks, i know, but until you participate in software development, you don't realize that WHEN IT'S DONE is the only honest answer to "when will it be released?".

Be patient, it'll be worth it!

General / Weld Me Icon
« on: August 27, 2004, 03:09:33 AM »
This idea has my attention. Assuming we have permission to use the artwork, I will get this on the list of desired changes for either 3.0 or 3.1.

Edit: Here's the bugtracker entry. You guys won't be able to see the details of the feature request, but now at least you know we're aware of the desire for this feature. :)

Media / Spice This Up
« on: August 02, 2004, 12:17:39 PM »
It is too awesome for words. Someone had to do it. This pays homage to our tentacle-rape roots!

Media / The Lunixmonster Donce Club
« on: July 22, 2004, 12:40:45 AM »
Woot! Blood on the dance floor, tyr shotgun hax ftw tbh irl!!!111omghax

Off Topic / Tyr And Athena...
« on: June 21, 2004, 05:21:38 PM »
You know you loerv me ^_^

...But I AIN'T yo baby's daddy, ho!

Off Topic / Tyr And Athena...
« on: June 21, 2004, 02:37:48 PM »
Pictuars forthcoming!

Off Topic / Tyr And Athena...
« on: June 21, 2004, 02:06:48 PM »
I loosen up rather quickly when I slam a lot of alcohol in a short period of time, that's all :)

I wasn't drunk, just...impaired and uninhibited :)

I'm going to cut you all for posting this stuff here :(

<3 you all anyway.

Oh, and, in my defense, it is MUCH harder to type with tess sitting on your lap than it is normally. :\

Off Topic / Jhunz
« on: June 18, 2004, 04:04:40 AM »
needs more fire and brimstone! and maybe a pentagram what with for to summon the dark lord.

Off Topic / The Inevitable Post Your Picture Thread
« on: June 17, 2004, 04:33:08 PM »
Omg it's Tyr! Taken about a week ago:

And this one's older:

Somewhat longer hair:


More militaryishness:

More drunkenness:

Zoned out playing RO (back before I kicked the habit):


General / To Teh Fatteh!
« on: May 27, 2004, 05:19:47 AM »
I pirated my avatar on my own but I don't like it D:

Here is the original:

Pirate plz!

I am not leet enough to be a pirate captain so just go with the eyepatch and sword probably :o Surprise me

General / What Frustrates You The Most While Playing Ns?
« on: May 27, 2004, 05:14:36 AM »
A single triggering of leap lasts less than 1 whole second, so although it does 80 damage per second it totals up to 64 damage (damage inflicted in doses of 8, 8 touches per leap) Normally only 1-2 of those touches will ever reach the marine because of the sketchy game physics :(

Considering how difficult it is to get on top of a marine's head just to aim straight down and leap to do 64 damage, i think you're better off just leaping toward him and biting :)

As for what upsets me... People who play on a team but think that team's goals aren't their responsibility, e.g. the gorge that sits off in an inane corner of the map while your hive dies, or the skulk that sits there biting down a marine RT (which is easily replaced) as the marines kill one of your RTs (Which isn't). Equally bad is the marine who walks off down a random hallway ignoring teh commander who has given him orders to do something else. ACK! These things make baby onos cry.

I also hate myself. I sux at NS and i die too easily.

General / #lunixmonster - A Visual Social Network
« on: May 27, 2004, 04:56:27 AM »
What crazy seekrat scheme will Lie to hatch next!!!!?!

I want one that tracks cuddling\fondling\homoerotic banter, and another one that tracks fanboyish comments directed toward Athena :)

General / Random Pictures
« on: April 15, 2004, 04:34:45 PM »
Behold the almighty "Congrats for going AFK with your listenserver open so Tyr can devour you and drag you to his hive while keeping you alive with 'give item_health' and then suiciding so he can come back as a gorge and build an unholy tower of chambers all around you before you come back from having dinner only to realize you're trapped in the the darkest hole on the planet" screenshot. HUH!

General / Screenshot Madness!
« on: April 14, 2004, 03:35:02 PM »
Haha, nice. I love the one of the siege cannon, it's a great angle and very artistic looking. :)

General / Screenshot Madness!
« on: April 14, 2004, 04:42:02 AM »
And, advice to commanders:

Do not let your marines get bored AND lonely on the same day.

General / Screenshot Madness!
« on: April 14, 2004, 04:37:40 AM »
Here is one from the other night. Due to the random luck of HL engine physics, this picture came out looking really cool. Plus, i'm knifing a fade. Also, if you like, it sorta looks like some other activities are taking place. PAINFUL ONES, judging by the blood. :(

I would really love if someone could photoshop this picture to make the blood yellow so it looks like the fade is bleeding out.

General / How To Suck As A Lerk
« on: April 14, 2004, 04:33:12 AM »
I'm still working hard to be the biggest endgame marine coward in LM history though

I try to maintain my tendancy of being the comm\marine everyone hates at the endgame because he hides for several minutes and right when the onos discovers him and rushes, the suicide timer runs down and he types "I win" as he denies the aliens their coup de grace.

Suicide for the win. Like saltzbad, I feel that even a lost game is a good game as long as I do something fun in the process of losing. Suiciding, knifing a skulk, jumping down a hole, or charging through the line and slaying a gorge in a last-breath desperation attack. All of these things are great fun and make losing less painful.

Getting devoured out of the comm chair or parasite killed at the end is the worst :(

Has anyone else ever been commanding on ns_nothing, and marine start is totally full of onoses and fades and your loss is IMMINENT? You sit there wondering, as the bulkheads of the comm chair collapse, how you will ever make it those 15 feet to the elevator shaft hole to jump and end your life painlessly.

Then, as the comm chair is down to its last red bar, you hit "Logout" and let fly an enormous cry as the onos' blast damage against the chair propels you across the room, depositing you neatly into the hole. You shout "GOOOOOAAAALLLLL" and you have won.

NS is a beautiful game.

General / Parasiting Eggs
« on: April 14, 2004, 03:33:46 AM »
Even outside annoying admins by causing a parasite halo to appear in spectator mode... Keep in mind that some of us players are extremely attentive to small details and that seeing "PARASITED" overlaid on our screens can be an annoyance. Some may not notice it, but for me in particular, I have a constant urge to hit "KILL" just to get rid of it. This is a bad thing if I am an onos. :(

I also want to mention the most annoying and hard-to-prevent type of team damage: hive-leaping. Yes, we know it happens and doesn't really matter, just make sure you tell your teammates EVERY TIME YOU DO IT that the hive is okay. And, naturally, try to avoid it. It's nerve-wracking to be a pressure fade and constantly think "oh crap, time to go save the hive".

Thanks. :)

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