I'm still working hard to be the biggest endgame marine coward in LM history though
I try to maintain my tendancy of being the comm\marine everyone hates at the endgame because he hides for several minutes and right when the onos discovers him and rushes, the suicide timer runs down and he types "I win" as he denies the aliens their coup de grace.
Suicide for the win. Like saltzbad, I feel that even a lost game is a good game as long as I do something fun in the process of losing. Suiciding, knifing a skulk, jumping down a hole, or charging through the line and slaying a gorge in a last-breath desperation attack. All of these things are great fun and make losing less painful.
Getting devoured out of the comm chair or parasite killed at the end is the worst
Has anyone else ever been commanding on ns_nothing, and marine start is totally full of onoses and fades and your loss is IMMINENT? You sit there wondering, as the bulkheads of the comm chair collapse, how you will ever make it those 15 feet to the elevator shaft hole to jump and end your life painlessly.
Then, as the comm chair is down to its last red bar, you hit "Logout" and let fly an enormous cry as the onos' blast damage against the chair propels you across the room, depositing you neatly into the hole. You shout "
GOOOOOAAAALLLLL" and you have won.
NS is a beautiful game.