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Messages - Mr.Bill

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 20 [21] 22 23
Mapping / Lm Community Made Map
« on: June 02, 2004, 06:36:51 PM »
I'd help with anything needed... but not too sure what I could do other then agree basicly with everything bob just said :) (damn there's no proving wrong that guy!) so if you need something that is somewhat of an odd job ill be here...

General / Don't You Just Love Those Teamwork Games?
« on: June 02, 2004, 01:07:27 PM »
I usually see a LOT of the RS on aliens, ALL the time, and I always try for marines, so im the type of person to notice these things I rarely go aliens because marines need all the help they can get... SOMETIMES the rs's will be all "k, enough aliens marines for one game!" then they TOTALY  slaughter the aliens, and go back to the aliens team... I don't know about you's, but 1/10 games winnning is NOT very nice, and the worst part is, I'm usualy forced to comm.

so bah

General / Stupidest Things You've Seen Comms Do
« on: June 02, 2004, 12:57:34 PM »
I've seen comm relocate under elevators, wait I did that once...

I've seen them relocate right enxt to a hive..wait iv'e done that too....

Mines start... (if you've seen me comm you should know im in great favor of that strat ;) )

elec TF strat.. I did both of those...

not noticing you have a stax team...

(If you havnt noticed i'm taking these from times I've commed :) )

Sending all your marines to the hive, with nothing but hopes and dreams to back them up :)

Off Topic / Robocop Argument!
« on: June 02, 2004, 12:44:42 PM »
the ones where that other machine thing feel down the stairs and squealed like a pig, it was hilarious.

oh, that that thing about shooting everyone and then himself too, that one wins for sure, for like 1st place, Im not to sure if their the same or not...

General / Voice & My Accent
« on: May 30, 2004, 02:59:08 PM »
I dont see why people do that trying to impersonate accents to make fun of people, if I impersonate one I do it because I think it's cool (mind you not the english one much, as im part french and im pretty sure that s a sin somewhere  ;) )
But if people do it constently it only shows how stupid people are...

General / What About The Marines?
« on: May 29, 2004, 04:57:54 PM »
Good answer bob.

Also a good sign of a marine always kick on his feet knows what to do or say ;)

I myslef use the minimap a lot when we havce mt, saves a lot of time just GUESSING where aliens are.

And if a marine is shooting a skulk or fade and your in his way, move, or atleast duck I can't STAND it when marines are in my line of fire of a fade and my shottie is all ready to blast that bugger away!

Oh, and when a onos dies, dont keep shooting, there's usualy a marine in there, i cant count the times ive died by tk's after being saved in the stomatch of an onos.

Off Topic / Classic Action Movies
« on: May 29, 2004, 04:46:11 PM »
oh, opera, how I remember thee *miss's his akimbo desert eagles, ah the days..*

Off Topic / Graduating Tomorrow!
« on: May 28, 2004, 01:30:44 PM »
our school spirit could be found on the negative scale :)

General / What About The Marines?
« on: May 28, 2004, 01:13:52 PM »
K, I've seen plenty of "what makes a good comm" thread, loads of em, saying generally the same thing, that's great and all, but some of us dont comm :) (and when we do we generally know were going to loose any, mine strat!) So I was thinking, hey why not make a thread that makes up a good marine?

This can come from possibly a comm's point of view (BUILD THE DAMN PG HOLY CRAP YOU DONT LISTEN *drop*) , or a fellow marines point of view (OMG YOU DIDNT WELD ME!! WTFH4X!? BANT!). So I was just wondering what makes a REALLY good marine, and if so, am I that marine? :-D

General / Do You Think NS Should Be
« on: May 28, 2004, 01:00:17 PM »
Yes, atmospheric, or competitive, the thing is, as much as we all want one, there's probably no way to get atmos, with all the people in the ns community, everyone wants nice maps, just as everyone wants to be the winner. In my opinion I think the ns community has been blessed with fabulouse maps of creative genious and crazy details in everything (texturing, lighting) I was amazed by the maps at first, that took me a couple of weeks to get over, and yet with people still maping I find myself getting amazed again with the detail that is put into ns maps, which you wont find in much other mods. And mix it with the competitiveness of ns as it is now, and it makes it a pretty awsome game to play, the competitive part is sometimes annoying yes, but you must admit that it's a big part of the game now, and a big part of the community (I never changed my gamma thoguh, just turned off the lights.... and Im never too sure if im actually bhopping or not :) )

So I say if you took out a part of the competitievness, you'd be taking out a part of the ns community, and god knows what else that would do to it.

Sorry for all the typing errors, im sure theres plenty.

again just a thought

Off Topic / Graduating Tomorrow!
« on: May 27, 2004, 06:53:48 PM »
no male im talknig about the school itself, not the class's class's are fine, just our school is turning all hick ghetto, with people threaening to bring pitch forks to school, and fire cracekers, and fie alarms going off (thats all true.... cept the pitch forks :) ) but ewither way  meh

Off Topic / Classic Action Movies
« on: May 27, 2004, 10:52:22 AM »
I see the old war movies was covered (full metal jacket = t3h pwnt)

and die hards and such, :)

I'd have to suggest if your a big arnold fan, Commando, and of course,

I'll just list em now

Taxi driver
lock stock and two smoking barrels

those are the only ones I can think up of now, (damn I hope their not already mentioned :) )

Off Topic / Graduating Tomorrow!
« on: May 26, 2004, 01:31:58 PM »
Man, I could only hope to be in your shoes this year, the way our schools going its jsut going to get worst for me...

good for you though, im danm sure your happy

oh well.. I still have my natural selection, so i can let out all ym fustrations by shotting aimlessly (like any good marines) bitching at marines (like any good marine) and spamming the voice chat (like any good mic owner should) :)

how many of those are true? :-D

but really, thats good news

General / Stop Complaining About My Weird Reloc's
« on: May 23, 2004, 04:24:47 PM »
yeah tooky's right, relocating under elevators is just plain fun.

One game I managed to relocate I think it was, 3 or 4 times (that same game actualy :) ) the elevator was our last stand (and a damn good one!)

Usual, when nobody wants to comm and practically force me into the chair I'll think of odd places to relocate, jsut to piss em off if I can.

(most of those games marines arn't really "into" so your lost anyway, I mean honestly if you dont got a comm withint the first min or 2, with a team THAT bad your screwed, and we were many times over :) )

Relocation = best.

Off Topic / People Who Do Not Know What Sex Is?
« on: May 20, 2004, 07:57:07 PM »
totaly, awsome. :)

General / A Bit Of A Rant From Me For The First Time
« on: May 20, 2004, 04:53:25 PM »
that whoole carapace idea is a very good Idea I agree to it.

from a marine side I love the shottie,

from a alien side I hate it, well not so much hate but more of an annoyance, it'd be hate if I played aliens more often.

I know it long hallways that using a shottie works just as well as your chances of actually hitting something is really high, and if they far away you can get a lot of shots off, I know the fact that they scatter and might miss helps ym aim (yes, I actually count on the fact that Ill miss because I knwo skulks movce faster then my reaction time :) ) I'd say to maybe lowe the damage of the shotgun a little, or lot which ever would be needed.

But ABS's carapace idea is a good one, im for it.

and as a totaly abstract MvM point of view of it, Shotgun pwns, but a good counter for it is the hmg.

(sorry, had to add that)

Off Topic / People Who Do Not Know What Sex Is?
« on: May 20, 2004, 04:42:22 PM »
like on that movie orgasmo, right? RIGHT?

General / To Teh Fatteh!
« on: May 19, 2004, 12:34:11 PM »
Arr, many thanks be onto yee! Arr maty!


I mean thanks :)

Media / Up For More Animated Gif Work?
« on: May 18, 2004, 04:19:12 PM »
I'm,guessing it just goes up when he falls,, then drops back down...

General / To Teh Fatteh!
« on: May 18, 2004, 04:16:00 PM »
oh, ok then, in that case...

can i also be pirated?

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