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Messages - DarkScythe

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Off Topic / Hello
« on: April 03, 2005, 11:49:15 AM »
hi to everyone i've missed to this point

i've seen you on the server a few times DarkSycthe

lol it was a joke :p
i've posted my hello on like page 30 or something >_>
but hi again  ;)

Yeah, he stole your name, he wants people to call him DARK doesn't that make you ANGRY!??  I refuse though - I only call him DS - there can only be ONE Dark on LM :p

i never said i wanted ppl to call me dark.. dark, ds, dr, darkie, they all work to set off my nickalert so :p

and btw, this isnt the first time there have been 2 dark's - just gotta get used to other names :x

General / Killing eggs
« on: April 03, 2005, 11:43:21 AM »
it's best to do as much damage as u can because, like they said, u don't know how long it's been egging

example: i ran into cargo (on veil) and saw an egg on the ground
i bumrushed it with my LMG
by the time my LMG clip was down, i switched to my pistol and out popped a fade
he ran into a corner, but i followed him and finished off the fade with the pistol

no early fade for aliens  ^_^

Off Topic / Hello
« on: April 03, 2005, 12:34:10 AM »
hi, i don't think anyone knows me....

General / Holy Devil Wins
« on: April 01, 2005, 09:25:31 PM »
man, april fools here is insane lol

gg HD
(and i never believed it  ^_^ )

General / oh Drama!
« on: March 31, 2005, 11:09:48 PM »
2of8, it would be virtually impossible to track down who leaked demos in order to punish them

and i completely agree with CFM's long rant, because that's exactly what i've been wanting to say  :(

Off Topic / The ultimate strat playoff.
« on: March 31, 2005, 10:34:07 AM »
yeah but this is one case.. u dont normally want that happening.

*tracking skulk by sound... someone decides to spam the mic and lose track.. skulk gets u*

Off Topic / The ultimate strat playoff.
« on: March 31, 2005, 10:06:34 AM »
i do hope ranger took a few screenshots because it was awesome.. but also deafening. i couldnt even hear him lol

General / Newborns elec RT Strat.
« on: March 31, 2005, 10:02:38 AM »
lolfighter, it also depends on the size of the game

normally in LM it's a full server so, usually 7v7 or 8v8, in this case u may be able to sacrifice one member as a base guard, but when I tried this (finally) on my server, which for some reason isnt very popular, it was a 3v3

you *cannot* afford to have a base guard, as those 2 marines have to move as a group and push for nodes together
also a 3v3 also presents an early fade, which *would've* ended my game had it not been for the fact that he was a stupid fade and went for my chair instead of the IP guarded by a single un-elec'd TF
if the fade had been smarter, we would've lost
however, thanks to that error I won but you can't expect that from people on LM

all in all, i don't really like it, but it's very skewed for the aliens in a small game because you just dont have enough marines to work with
with a larger game, it might be different, i don't know, but I really can't try it out on LM yet because of the fact that I hardly win comming normally on LM, much less try a more risky strat

my other point is in a large game, you can have 1 base guard, but ther will also be a much larger amoutn of skulks running around taking them out
you can elec them but a group of 4 or 5 skulks can take out an rt pretty fast if they go at it two or three times
there's also the matter that they can gang up on it WHILE it's electrifying, which i often try to do as a skulk - if i see it begin to elec i ask everyone near me to bite it down

General / oh Drama!
« on: March 30, 2005, 11:56:19 PM »
the first time i played on lm, HD was there owning everyone and i thought hey this server has a lot of skilled players, and as HD is owning all of us repeatedly, i'll set a goal to get at least on par with him

that and he was never really an ass in game unless u were breaking some rules

that's why i thought he was a cool guy, and playing here so much really has helped me improve.. but this is just..

i still can't really believe it  :(

General / Newborns elec RT Strat.
« on: March 30, 2005, 04:19:15 PM »
And almost immediately, I deliver proof:

Nooblet tried this on Origin. The marine team passed through double on their way to vent, killing everything and putting the nodes up. When I came there, one of the nodes was electrified, so I chomped the other one. While I was chomping it, it finished electrifying. I was a skulk, so I had no choice but to back off. I proceeded to laserdrilling because the node there was parasited, but it was also electrified. At this point, I suspected that this strat was exactly what was going on - and then it occurred to me that there was probably only a single IP and a tf in the marine base. So I quickly ran there, and I turned out to be right. The IP went down right quick, but the comm never got out of the chair. I later noticed that the marines were busy trying to siege ventilation, our one and only hive, so I guess Nooblet was too busy and never noticed that his IP went down until his marines complained that they weren't spawning. I started camping the commchair, waiting for Nooblet to get out, and was then joined by another skulk. To cut it short: Nooblet got out of the chair and went down in two bites without putting a single bullet into me. The other marines were picked off one by one. Despite intense fighting at the hive and four siege cannons (from what I could see on my minimap), it only went down to about 50%.


yes, i was on the rine team, and i was the last rine at the siege fort in vent
we rushed res and about 10 seconds in, i figured this would be the elec strat
we capped laser drilling, comp lab, bio and double really quickly i believe.
we were ordered to stay in cargo until both nodes started electrifying, and after they started we moved to vent.
about this time our base went under attack, but everyone got to vent and we were able to fend off the skulks

I had hoped that our rpesence would cause enough urgency to recall the skulks attacking base back to the hive so we called for a TF (as most aliens know, when u see a TF outside ur hive u go HIVE HIVE HIVE!!!)
we were informed our IPs went down, but we got a few turrets up and i was keeping an eye and an ear out for the locations of skulks and relaying it to the team
we were low on ammo so we got ammo spammed, however base went down by now
we had about 70 res so we dropped 5 sieges
unfortunately, this was endgame because nooblet got out of the chair because he said he thought he could take out the ONE skulk (there were 2, u say?) and he died.
that was it, we had to take out vent or lose, and we tried our best to hold our location

skulks came in mass numbers, overwhelming our LMGs and rines started falling, we managed to get 4 sieges up and i was building the 5th
we had to manually spot the hive, so we shot it and several ran in to their deaths, but got the sieges going
i got the 5th siege up and shot the hive a bit to fire off the sieges again
by this time i was the only one alive, and 2 skulks were running towards me
i was reloading so by the time i finished, the skulks were jumping past the line of sieges, and i couldn't take both out and we lost. IF i had managed to kill both, the hvie might've went down, but we might've lost anyway as i probably would've died to the skulks that would start dying near the hive

in any case, this is the main reason i dont believe the strat works very well because as it stands, granted the base WILL have an IP and a TF, there is NOTHING else there, because every rine HAS to be out getting resources and guarding them.
the comm can only do so much and when u hop out, u are disoriented for about a second. yes, they will spawn, but with the IP as the only structure to take out, a lone skulk can end MS pretty easily.
yes we have buttloads of res, but we can't use it.

General / Squads
« on: March 30, 2005, 09:47:42 AM »
i started grouping everyone to squad 1 simply because HD told me as long as u have the squad selected, everyone's HP bars will always be displayed, making it easier to know who to med..

still i'm slow with medpacks.. but it helps lol

General / Newborns elec RT Strat.
« on: March 30, 2005, 01:16:29 AM »
strictly in my opinion, it shouldnt work that well because every time i comm for some danged odd reason i'm always against a team of invincible aliens and like 5 HD's or something

but anyway, i haven't actually tried it myself yet because it's hard for me to imagine that it works very well
there's a *massive* drain of resources in the beginning to elec the nodes, and to fuel it with any speed u need ur rines to be shooting well, which doesnt happen too often.
in doing so, u also lack any base defense whatsoever, and if the aliens manage to rush ur base, it's GG and time for a new round
granted it does scare skulks off in the beginning, but there's also a time constraint to it

as an example, i was up against newborn's elec strat and i caught one of his rines building an rt
he finished it just as i killed him, and i immediately began chomping on the node while he began electrifying it
by the time it elec'd i had the thing down to 2 bars, i simply had to heal twice and it was down

now, if the alien team is coordinated, which *just so happens* every time i'm a comm, all the nodes go down either before or relatively quickly after they elec

i dont know, it sounds good, but i dont think it's better than a standard tech rush..

just me though. do i sound a bit biased? i don't know, but it's how i think..
again this is all my opinion because i've not actually tried this yet, and my opinion might change once i get the nerve to test it on the field

General / Serious issue affecting LM gaming qualitiy.
« on: March 30, 2005, 01:09:11 AM »
i have some comments but i am just way too sleepy to remember what i wanted to say.. lol

anyway, slick, it's a prevalent problem on most servers, not just LM and there really is no countermeasure to it when normal people (non-slots and random pubs that come in) do it, because you can't do anythign to prevent people from quitting.

talking about sportsmanship only applies to regs (slot and nonslot) and admins who frequent this server and understand what everyone else goes through.

i guess i should be happy to say i've never lame-quit any game, as i always see to the end unless i get slotted, or my comp explodes or whatever, but yes it is frustrating.
i've been on both sides, where we're winning, or we just took out a critical part of the opposing team's strategy and the tide turned for us and the other side left making it feel like a hollow victory, as well as the losing side where we're camped out in base waiting for the inevitable and my team quits making it even more impossible for us

i personally only leave either before a new round, or after i finish the round we're currently playing, and sometimes i admit i feel like quitting in the middle of the game or near end-game because it's just frustrating, but i will hold off til the end

i agree, however, the regs and *especially* those that hold reserved slots should take care to try not to do this, because the impact that an RS has is much greater, referring to the fact that a nonslot comes in for a bad endgame then gets slotted the next round, which does happen
but other than that, there's not much that can be done to normal players other than a plea to hold out for another few minutes while u promise to end the game i make sense? i dont know, i'm so sleepy.. night.

General / Comming
« on: March 19, 2005, 07:27:57 AM »
as for the losses, it helps to be friendly with your team, or at least have a few regs who'll tell you that you did good, and you tried ur best, and then you can apologize for the loss ask your team what happened for comming tips

it's still a loss but it isnt "morally crippling" :p

General / Rant Of hatered!
« on: March 19, 2005, 07:24:48 AM »
wow swift. i feel for ya, i've commed games where my rines dont listen either, it's very frustrating.

question: by the looks of it, u had a team without any regs on it.. were there any? just to clarify

anyway, u tried ur best, and made all the right calls as comm, so don't get annoyed over it, your team let u down, not the other way around

it sounds like maybe i should've joined this game lol, maybe you woulda had something.. if u have even one reg on u can ask him/her to order the marines to follow them, i'm usually good at that :p

anyway, if they're not listening to u, best bet is to use ur mic, and dont scream but raise ur voice and be stern, and tell them you will keep beaconining until they move in a group somewhere, because it seems u had the res
they have no right to say that u lost the game for them, because if they did, just tell them what u've done and how close you are to winning if they will only freaking follow their orders, it sometimes puts the game into perspective for them.

by the looks of it i assume u had a 2-hive lockdown, since sensories were the only chamber listed, and at 1 hive, sens are useless against HA/HMG rushes
should've just beaconed and said something like
look, we have both hives, we have most of the map, we're on the verge of winning this game if you guys would just get together and rush that last damn hive, we don't need any ninja PGs because we're already knocking on their door, we just need to RUSH with our HA AS A GROUP. If you guys won't, i'll keep beaconing. you want to eject me, go ahead and lose the game yourselves, or march in together and win.

something like that. anyway hope this never happens again, but there will always be idiots  v_v

General / Comming
« on: March 18, 2005, 02:07:20 PM »
one pack of mine should be used on IP (maybe obs) but that's only if everyone's rushing out of base

if you designate someone to guard the base while everyone else caps nodes, ur set because the base guard will usually respond to anything that hits the base (until they get fades)
unless that person really stinks at aim, u wont need a pack of mines.

but generally, one pack of mines is a good idea. i've seen way too many games end where a lone skulk runs into an un-mined base when the rine team is across the map, takes out the comm and the IP, and the alien team picks off the rines one by one before they make it back.

Off Topic / My headset sucks
« on: March 18, 2005, 11:26:32 AM »
hahah yes another new yorker

and i was actually planning on going today to browse around, but i woke up late and didnt feel like going

General / Comming
« on: March 18, 2005, 11:20:13 AM »
yah nooblet and newborn are good comms.
i'm still trying to learn to comm as well and i have a really bad ratio of wins to losses in the chair, but if ur new and no one wants to comm, i find it easier to tell your team "i'm a bit new at this so please bear with me"
it will let your team know ur not the fastest person around and they won't try to blame you as much.

when ur in a pinch as to what to do, ask your rines. they're out on the field and know the situation far better than you in their location, and they can offer tips as to what you need to do (such as they spot a chamber and request an immediate counter whether it be MT or armor1)

another thing to remember is NEVER forget to drop guns.
yes level3 LMGs are nice but a shotgun will kill so much faster and it's only 10 extra res.

i'm not the best comm, but i've done more comming playing here on lm than anywhere else and most of the regs here have played under me. most of the time the comments i get for losing is not enough med/ammo spam

if you lose, or even if you win, feel free to ask both teams what u did wrong and what worked. they'd be happy to tell you their stories on the field

other than that, the basic thing is to have an idea of what you're gonna do, say rush a certain tech or push for a 2-hive lockdown really fast, etc.
the most important thing in the game whether you're a comm or not is to get nodes, but even above getting ur own nodes, it's destroying the alien's nodes.

in one game in ns_eon with newborn as comm, we rushed out to cap one rt, but then we hit their hive area and all their rts. we destroyed all 4 alien rts resulting in rines 2, aliens 0. this stunted their growth pretty heavily.

that's all i can say, and practice is always good.

and GD:
HA, you lose, not every game on your team results in a loss :p

Off Topic / My headset sucks
« on: March 18, 2005, 12:39:14 AM »
You sound extreamly ugly and pale in game.

lol are u serious?
why doesnt anyone say anything then, so i can try to fix it

.. o_O

oh i get it. it's all a conspiracy! first the organized res-kickings, now ur all ignoring me!  :ph34r:

haha seriously though, if i do sound horrendous, tell me exactly what's wrong and i'll try to fix it  ^_^

Off Topic / My headset sucks
« on: March 17, 2005, 01:20:25 AM »
I use one of these!

well.. 2 of these actually, they were good to me for over a year, then there was a mysterious problem with the cord and sound kept dropping off the right side..
so i went to J&R and bought myself another one :D

the .audio 90's are an excellent investment and you wont be let down.
plus it's by plantronics too.

btw, i've never tried loopback 1.. how do i sound in-game? i never get any complaints but i dunno how exactly it is

other than that, i think any fixes i had in mind have already been mentioned

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