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Messages - esuna

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Off Topic / For Uranium
« on: February 03, 2004, 11:11:45 AM »
a few things.

-brian, i like your levels of belittlement, it appeals to my sense of organization :)
-wth is an EMO!??!?!! jeebus.... you kids and your newfangled slang..
Emo, essentially, means emotional.

Over the past few years it's developed into a music genre. Emocore, Emotional Hardcore, whatever. Basically, it's all very heartfelt and emotional, usually to agressive music. Whiney bastards go and cry at their gigs.

Emo bands are the likes of Poison The Well (Sorry, but they are), Funeral For A Friend, Boxcar Racer, 100 Reasons... stuff like that.

However, ignore Architeuthis's comment, emo is nothing like goth. Goth is more about sex and drugs than death and depression, and believe me, i know a damn lot of goths and goth music. :)

Off Topic / For Uranium
« on: February 02, 2004, 09:16:47 PM »
Uranium..... each to their own............ each to their own.

Mapping / * Help Me Map *
« on: February 02, 2004, 07:30:33 AM »
For the texture overlays, I actually have to fotochop myself an image and pack it into a .wad file? Can someone find a copy of Wally for me? Waiting in line for it at or whatever the hell it's called isn't very cool...
I've mirrored it. Can you tell me when you're done with it so i can clear it off my ftp. :)

It's erased now. :)

Mapping / * Help Me Map *
« on: February 01, 2004, 09:56:53 AM »
Whats the command to list out all the rendering values (like # of polys on the screen) in the console?
btw, i'm using HL (the original WON version) v1.1.1.0 and "Hammer" v3.4

I am getting an extremely laggy play when i compile the map and run it. All it is is a room with a small model of a house i'm designing for an Architecture class. I'm getting < 4fps and i don't even have that many polys... Theres no leaking, theres no misconfigured entities... i'll attach the worldcraft .rmf to the post so you can see it and try to fix it.

I just switched to ZHLT (Zoner's HL Compiling Tools) and problem solved
The command for displaying the e and w polys is "r_speeds 2", this will post it to the console normally, but if you have developer 1 and -dev on, it'll put it up on screen. Just as a warning, this does drop your fps a bit having it on, so bear that in mind.

And Uranium, yeah, restart VHE a few times, it happens, maybe try reinstalling it. It's unfortunately a bug with the program.

Mapping / * Help Me Map *
« on: January 31, 2004, 05:32:11 PM »
Okay, I made a largish room, put a grated floor (And did it right! No blue!), a couple res nodes, 'Join Marines' area and a tiny marine start, with a texture light in it. The whole room was bright bright, none of these neato lights I see in maps where there's bright washing down the wall to the floor. Or are those entity lights.

Oh lights 'without a target'... meaning what?
When you create a light_spot you set the pitch, yaw and roll determining it's direction. The other, and easier way, of directing spotlights is by "targeting" another entity, usually a info_null. The way you do this is simple, make a light_spot where you want the light source to be, then make an info_null where you want the light to aim. Now give the info_null a name, for example "CatOnARope", then under the properties of the light_spot entity, you set the "target" value as "CatOnARope",a nd the light will be directed that way.  It's only by using this "targeting" that the light gets added to the entity count, otherwise it's not.

Mapping / * Help Me Map *
« on: January 31, 2004, 09:12:11 AM »
Now you have that done, select the 1unit thick overlay brush, right click it, then select "tie to entity". In the properties window, select "func_illusionary" and set the Render Mode to "Additive" and the FX Amount to 255.

When you compile and load up the map, you'll find that the light texture itself will still be pretty dark, but the actual "light parts" of it will be nice and bright, giving it a more realistic light effect.

For a little extra effect, add your light overlay to your lights.rad file so it will emit it's own lightsource too. :)

A final bit of information. the "light" and "light_spot" entities without targets are removed from the total entity count of your map, so running out isn't a problem. :)

Mapping / * Help Me Map *
« on: January 31, 2004, 09:09:07 AM »
Sod it, i'll do a tutorial about light overlays, because they're too handy, and pretty easy.

Create a brush to be a light, do it however you want it and texture it with a light texture. Now duplicate that brush and put it directly infront of the original brush. Now make this new brush 1unit thick and texture all the sides with "null". Now on the front face, you need to put on a texture overlay. Here's one for the "lights_round" texture. On the left is the original texture, and on the right is the overlay texture.

Mapping / * Help Me Map *
« on: January 31, 2004, 09:02:02 AM »
I know how to make a basic room with a spawnpoint in Hammer. Yeah. And a tiny bit about entities. Anyway...

Someone write up a quicky tutorial on how to make a basic readyroom (worse quality then co_core's readyroom, I don't care :p), and a basic 1 room map with a couple hives, a marine area, and a scattering of spawn points.

Also, how the hell do I 'texture light' a map? I have a light entity but I'm going to run out of those if I have to light every single room and every area with one.
ChromeAngel's already done a sample map tutorial, you can see that here. Any other questions, feel free to ask, but i see no point typing up a tutorial when there already is one. :)

Now, about the texture lights. In your compiler's directory there is a file called "lights.rad". Inside this file you'll see a load of lines similar to this.
Code: [Select]
LIGHT1 170 170 170 200
LIGHT1_RED 202 0 0 200
SUBWAY_LIGHTS 170 170 170 200
LIGHT_STRIP3 170 170 170 200
~TRN_NS 170 170 170 200
~TRN_NSBLUE 170 170 200 200

That's just a few lines from mine just as an example. The way the line is constructed is the texture name, "LIGHT1" for example. You can find out the texture name through VHE or wally. The next 3 values are the RGB value of the light, and the last number is the brightness value. A good way to determine the last 4 values is by making a light entity and adjusting the brightness until you get the colour / brightness you want, then simply copy and paste it into the "lights.rad" file.

lights.rad is automatically picked up by the compiler, hence why it must be in the same directory. What it does is makes the texture you select emit the light values you enter, and also lightens the texture to the parameters too. Try and avoid doing this too much, however. Because it lights up the entire texture, that means the frame  / border of the light too, which can look pretty ugly. This is where light overlays come in. I won't type up how to use them here now, but if you want to know, tell me, and i'll run through how to use them.

Off Topic / The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
« on: January 29, 2004, 08:20:20 PM »
This time i thought i'd completely edit my windows theme and made a custom colour scheme and new window borders. :)

Clicky to enlarge.

Off Topic / Eee! Look What I Bought =d
« on: January 29, 2004, 11:13:26 AM »
No, seriously, is it an elaborate sex toy?

Off Topic / Meandering from the Pic thread
« on: January 29, 2004, 11:12:09 AM »
lol... sausage fest... XD

That makes me hungry o.O
*watches as everyone begins to cross their legs*

Off Topic / Discuss Your Silly Keyboard Config Here
« on: January 29, 2004, 06:47:45 AM »
WASD = Aimbot toggle Movement
Q = Aimbot toggle Jump
E = Aimbot toggle Crouch
Space = Aimbot toggle Use
F = Aimbot toggle Flashlight
T = Aimbot toggle Spray
Y = Aimbot toggle Char
U = Aimbot toggle Teamchat
I = Aimbot toggle "It's a beta!" bind, for 3.0
O = Aimbot toggle Ask for orders
P = Aimbot toggle Acknowledge
G = Aimbot toggle Taunt
H = Aimbot toggle Ask for meds
J = Aimbot toggle Ask for ammo
C = Aimbot toggle Minimap
, = Aimbot toggle jointeamone
. = Aimbot toggle jointeamtwo
KP7 = Aimbot toggle Carapace
KP8 = Aimbot toggle Silence
KP9 = Aimbot toggle SoF / Focus (2.0/3.0)
KP1 = Aimbot toggle Res node
KP2 = Aimbot toggle OC
KP3 = Aimbot toggle DC

mouse1 = Aimbot toggle Attack
mouse2 = Aimbot toggle Menu

Not really that weird.

General / Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
« on: January 28, 2004, 06:42:33 PM »
Allow me to vent some mapper vitriol.

The locations of NS can be anywhere that's futuristic. This can be on spaceships, space stations, outposts on planets or moons, hell, astoroids if you want. They could, but haven't been yet, in cities, hell, anything goes as long as it fits in with the general mood of NS.

And to be honest, if you don't like the maps, prove you can do better. Don't bitch about them, show the mappers how it's done. If you can't, i'm sorry, but you have absolutely no right to comment. You don't know the months of work it takes to make an NS map, you don't know the hours of boring compiling, the hours of optimisation and bug testing. You don't know jack unless you're a mapper.

The new maps are looking great, and i defy anyone that badmouths ns_ayumi. It takes a high standard to get a map accepted as official, and it takes a hell of a lot of work. Show some damned respect and shut the hell up. This is why Relic25 left the NS community entirely and turned his back on the dev team, because of people whining about ns_bast. If you don't like a map, don't play it, but don't have the audacity to :Ding whine about it, if you, yourself, can't do any better.

Off Topic / Post Your Computer Desk Thread!
« on: January 28, 2004, 06:33:06 PM »
Well we're just happy your comfortable in your masculinity ;) What with the paint scheme, monitor decor scheme, and desktop... :D
Pfft, the walls are a dark red, just with the lighting it looks more pink. I assure you it's red, not light red, red.

Off Topic / Meandering from the Pic thread
« on: January 28, 2004, 12:48:41 PM »
Is that a SNES or a super famicom? HMMM?
It's a PAL SNES, same design as the Famicom.

Much sexier than the blocky piece of american crap. :D

General / So Many Newbies...
« on: January 28, 2004, 12:47:02 PM »
I think the newbie-friendly policy should stand. I mean, i was greatful when i started i had nice people to show me the ropes.

But one thing i do, and i have to, is deny newbs new equipment as a commander. Sorry, but i'm not trusting the fate of the game on someone who doesn't know how to weld another HA. Commed a game today, after some newb jumped in the chair and built a normal base, followed by 3 armouries. So i got going, and they were dropping like flies. Eventually i made it to HA, so two newbs got HA and Zazi got it too. Zazi was in dire need of welding and SOMEHOW was the only HA to survive an attack, the two newbs died near instantly.

So yes, show them around, but good god, don't give them a shottie or whatever they want and certainly don't trust them to hold their position and follow orders, because they won't.

Off Topic / Meandering from the Pic thread
« on: January 28, 2004, 12:00:40 PM »
uranium, you look about 15ish.
Way wrong ;) BTW esuna, what the hell is that you're holding, your 8-track player? :p
Silence! Never a bad word will be spoken about the SNES!

Off Topic / Post Your Computer Desk Thread!
« on: January 28, 2004, 11:59:41 AM »
The shelf is perfectly straight, it's the perspective of the picture that makes it look crooked. :p

Off Topic / Why I Don't "get" Windows Media Player
« on: January 28, 2004, 11:03:52 AM »
....and then i notice a little button in WMP. "Buy this CD"

What the hell? If i didn't buy it in the first place, i wouldn't see that link. So what the hell is the point?

Off Topic / Why I Don't "get" Windows Media Player
« on: January 28, 2004, 11:02:45 AM »
Ok, so i noticed a strange thing. I'm sitting here listening to my Dropkick Murphys live album, and enjoying it.....

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