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Messages - esuna

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General / Erm.... Wtf Mate?
« on: May 25, 2004, 05:18:13 PM »
Basically, what this would be is that the hand grenade uses the same area in the hud sprites as the babblers did.

Each sprite for weapons, hud, stuff like that, contains a number of different images for different things. Basically so you can use 1 sprite to hold 20 images rather than 20 seperate sprite files. In the weapon_weaponname.txt and hud.txt (In your ns\sprites folder) it defines the sprite, starting corner (Top left) of an area in the sprite and the overall size of the area of sprite you wish to use. As i said before, the babblers image must've been where the hand grenade now is.

It seems you downloaded an old model which, for some reason, has an outdated sprite (hudw320.spr, and such) from one of the older versions and whoever released the model didn't think about updating it for 3.0.

Simple solution, find out the exact sprite name that the hand grenade uses (It will be in hud.txt) and get someone to send you the proper files. :)

Off Topic / Funniest Anime?
« on: May 05, 2004, 05:12:41 PM »
Hmm, Excel Saga and FLCL are definitely up there with the funniest anime, but Puni Puni Poemi is up there too, but that's a bit of a cheat since it's entirely linked to Excel Saga. You must watch it if you're a fan of Excel Saga.

DiGi Charat is also really funny, as is Great Teacher Onizuka. :)

Off Topic / Involved In A Mod? Which?
« on: May 05, 2004, 05:07:17 PM »
I've not actually been involved in modding for some time now.

I did mapping and interface deisgn for "Last Warrior", probably the only TC for Shadow Warrior.

I was also mapping for an Unreal mod known as "Stone Killer" for Inferno Interactive. But with a lot of complications and team members disappearing, we stopped.

I also did modelling, skinning, mapping and coding for a Duke3D TC for Quake. This was closed by 3D Realms themselves since they've apparently put a lot of money into things that stop people making a Duke game on the Quake engine. Got 2 games, 2 mouse pads and 2 shirt's from them, so all wasn't too bad.

Other than that, i used to run a site named Giberish "back in the day" which was a Quake 2 player model site, i also made 2 Quake 2 player models (Sheep  and UFO, both still up on Polycount). Yes, both of those models suck, i know it. But the sheep model actually developed quite a following and a clan based from that model alone (BAH) seeked me out and recruited me just because i created it. :D

Hmm, what else. I (albeit very briefly) wrote for Polycount when it was known as Q2PMP.

So yeah, i've done some stuff.

General / Password?
« on: April 20, 2004, 06:51:37 PM »
just a quickie will it ever be removed so i can start killing nubs on LM or will the server remain private and vacant?

PS play more cs guys
Personally, i'd rather see a passworded and vacant server rather than an open server full of nubs and hackers.

The reason it's passworded, i feel, is so we can all play CS against people we know in a friendly atmosphere. CS on pubs isn't fun, and i'd hate to see PD become one of those pubs.

General / Custom Models
« on: April 19, 2004, 09:56:39 PM »
I raided I've pretty much replaced all the weapons with sexier alternatives of the same thing. I would go into detail which ones, but there's far too many. Go take a look, if it's really sexy, and a weapon on that site, i'm using it. :)

General / An Actual Hacker
« on: April 19, 2004, 10:41:56 AM »
Ok, now some more videos, this time the aimbot and my personal favourite, ESP. Once again these videos are in the Xvid format. (1.6mb) (3.5mb)

A few words, i am using a crap hack, i've tried all three of the "best" hacks, and had an endless amount of crashing, so i've been forced to use a hack which isn't, well, any good. The aimbot plain sucks really.

Anyway, ESP does lots of funky things, and what's best (worst?) about it is that the other players would have no idea.

ESP shows the player's health, armour, weapon and if they're reloading. Ontop of that, as you can see from the video, it can also make them glow making them easy to spot, and also put this nice little spike ontop. Sure you still have to be able to shoot to use it, but it gives a massive advantage to the player. Also it can help no end as a skulk for determining which targets to attack in a group, based on their health or if they're reloading.

Now on to the aimbot. This aimbot is really crap, i can't believe i bothered to use it. Basically it has a massive range of settings which you can tweak to aim at any specific joint or bodypart of a model. As you will tell from the video, i couldn't be bothered to set it up to hit a skulk, therefore i missed 100% of the shots. The setting in the video is what you'd expect an aimbot to do. The player has total control until an enemy comes into a certain cone of view (User configurable, including 45, 90, 180 and 360 degrees), and also the option to fire on lock. Other types of aimbots are cheeky little ones which will only lock on fire, meaning that there's no tracking, making it a bit harder to spot. But depending on the size of the cone you want to lock at, it can be really obvious because the view will make that tell-tale "snap" that everyone expects from an aimbot.

Anyway, when i get the hax working properly again, i'll record another aimbot demo displaying the different modes. Also i'll show a few other hacks that aren't featured in the one i used for testing.

Thanks to Sonic for being my gimp. :)

General / An Actual Hacker
« on: April 19, 2004, 10:06:19 AM »
Couldnt hear you D:
That's because there's no sound to keep the filesize down. Also because with running NS, fraps and the wallhack, it was choppy as hell and you couldn't hear me. I might do a voice over for future ones.

General / An Actual Hacker
« on: April 19, 2004, 08:23:53 AM »
Posting videos of hacks is something i've wanted to do for a while, purely so if people are going to throw around accusations, they can at least know what the hell they're talking about.

So i'm gonna post a bunch of videos in this thread of different hacks. I'll make more later, when i have a bit more spare time.

Anyway, first up is your basic lambert (model brightening) hack and a basic wallhack.

Download (4.6mb)

This is encoded in the Xvid format. Head over to or do a google search, if you don't already have it.

Off Topic / Preeeetty...
« on: April 15, 2004, 04:18:00 PM »
While on the subject of cool flash, one of my personal favourite designs.

*EDIT: It's in a popup, so you'll have to authorise if you're running a popup blocker. :)

General / What Shall We Name The Server?
« on: April 15, 2004, 03:50:11 PM »
Penquin Terrorist Force
Owls with bombs

Off Topic / Hello
« on: April 11, 2004, 07:14:28 PM »
Best. Sig. Ever
Except that it's way too big and violates the board rules.

*EDIT: 628px wide, 200px high and ~75kb in total.

General / Omg Icon Stax
« on: April 11, 2004, 06:37:24 PM »


General / Co_spawncamp
« on: March 29, 2004, 12:16:56 PM »
it's still a beta.
Bob, we're still in beta, nothing is final

Well yes, I was rather aware of that.  ;)
Bob, it's still in Beta.

Bob, you do realise it's still in beta, right?

General / Co_spawncamp
« on: March 29, 2004, 04:18:19 AM »
anyone feel like making a combat map where you don't start in the chair/hive rooms? :> I'd play it! :)
yes, i do! I had plans in my head about a spawning room with tubes/teleporters that lead into the marine room, thereby minimizing spawncamping. If i wasnt so afraid of so many failed mapping attempts I would have started last week. v_v
seriously, every map ive tried to make, even complete test ones(marine and alien spawns, not just a readyroom), have ended with errors that i have no idea how to fix...
This has been covered in great depth over at the NS mapping forum. But i'll briefly go into some points.

It's impossible to have a spawn that can't be camped. If you teleport in, they can camp the teleport destinations. If you have to go through a door that can only be opened on one side (a la TFC), they can camp that. The only thing that will stop spawn camping is the 1-2 second spawn invulnerability. And Bob, we're still in beta, nothing is final.

This is one of my initial worries with open beta. The amount of people that complain.

First and foremost, it's a beta. If something's desperately wrong, chances are it will be changed. Beta testing is all about tweaking and experimentation.

General / Friendly Fire And You
« on: March 29, 2004, 04:13:47 AM »
personally i love having ff on since it helps me with my aim and i don't really spray and pray as much as i used to.  also it is really annoying getting parasited as a fade with 30 hp 2 times while you are not in healing distance from the hive i swear that is the most annoying thing in the world since you were most likely just in ms killing rines and were just lucky enough to escape to heal.  yes i really don't mine parasites in the begin game since i'm in the hive room but have you ever been parasited to 5 hp 0 armour cause i have and it really sucked since i was really about to go on the offensive but had to hold back  :angry:
I've been parasited to death several times this way, yeah sure, it's only one parasite, but one parasite while i have 0 armour and little to no health.

General / Friendly Fire And You
« on: March 28, 2004, 05:51:25 PM »
Since it seems abundantly clear that a large portion of players don't know how to handle friendly fire, i thought i'd post a little bit of common sense for them.

1) If you don't have a clear shot at your target, don't fire. There's nothing worse than getting shot in the back by someone who only has a one in a thousand chance of hitting their target. Yes, it may suck to see your teammate torn apart infront of you, but if you fire and hit him, you're only making it worse.

2) Parasiting. Christ, can people NOT parasite other aliens at the start of the game. I'm sick of it. Yes, it may only be a few HP off, but with the skulk's lower armour, every single piece of hp and armour counts. What's more, it's irritating as goddamned hell. Don't do it.

3) If you do accidently bite or shoot someone, apologise straight away.

4) If you do accidently TK, again, apologise ASAP, explain that it wasn't intentional.

5) If you have a GL or are throwing a grenade, look at number 1. Memorise, learn and love rule number 1. Do NOT GL spam into groups of your own team and absolutely, under no circumstances, fire your GL when you have little chance of hitting your target.

6) If you're a skulk and you leap into a building, make sure you tell your team it was you, and there's no trouble there.

7) If you leap the hive, same thing.

8) When the game starts. Do. Not. Bite. The. Hive. You have no idea how many people do this, it's ridiculous. Mainly NSPlayer nubs, but still, you need that thing to live, DON'T DO IT!

9) Even if someone's within healing range of DCs or a hive, don't bite them. The amount of times people have bitten me and think it's all a great joke. It's not. It's goddamned annoying, cut it out and don't do it.

10) If you're an Onos choose your targets. If you're rushing a base, attack something someone else isn't attacking. The amount of times i've been in marine start chewing on a TF or IP, nearly having it down, only to be punted halfway across the room because some Onos wanted to get there, is as usual, ridiculous. If two skulks are attacking an RT, move along. They're doing more damage and faster than you could do, but the second you attack it they will be thrown away.

You have no idea how sick i am of people intentionally biting me, parasiting me or generally being a lame f*ck just because ff is on. Cut all that ^^ out, it's annoying as hell and counterproductive to the game's goals.

General / Co_spawncamp
« on: March 28, 2004, 07:56:17 AM »
The thing is, if you're biting the CC or shooting the hive, and an alien / marine spawns, it's in your best interest to kill him.

Let's look at it this way. If you bite the CC but don't kill the respawning marine, chances are you die nigh on instantly. On the other hand, if you quickly run over and kill that marine then hit the CC again, you're going to get a lot more damage in. While yes, it is annoying, at least they're not just specifically standing around spawn camping, they are taking the CC down too. Hell, yesterday in a 2v2 i single handedly took down the CC as a focus skulk, only stopping to leap out, kill the respawning marine and leap back. Yes this might be considered "lame", but what else am i supposed to do? Let them kill me? Sorry, but i want to stay alive and win the game, not fanny about for half an hour because i only manage to get 1-2 bites on the CC.

Off Topic / Hahahahaha...
« on: March 24, 2004, 08:09:34 PM »
Esuna, go rant somewhere else, and not in my thread...thanks.

The whole point of this thread was to show that valve really has stopped caring about the server side of HL these last few months. high CPU use, HL update tool not working, the HL server itself not working, no servers = no players.
Dude, then say that!

In essence a thread dedicated to just going "HAHAHAHAHAHA" is nothing but a spam thread, but what you just raised there are very good points, if you had just put that in the first place, would anything have been kicked up?

Off Topic / Hahahahaha...
« on: March 24, 2004, 06:21:49 AM »
If you bought CS:CZ and an aspect of it wasn't working, yes, i could completely understand being pissed off about it. But nobody here HAS bought it, have they. That's not what i'm getting at. This is just people mocking VALVe for nothing more than a mistake, an accident if you will, i can guarentee you that this isn't intentional.

Off Topic / Hahahahaha...
« on: March 23, 2004, 08:56:15 PM »

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