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Messages - confused!

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General / Magnum.
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:11:56 PM »
well, i think that the magnum especially now is nota roblem.

the entire game is populated with one hit kills.

smg grenades.
orb dealy do.
physics objects.

the only gun that doesn't have and insta kill is the default pistol.

the magnum is simply placed to prominatly in the map for my tastes. if it was and rpg it wouldnt matter.  haivng an insta gibl weapon in a spawn area is pretty stupid.

Off Topic / The Ultimate End-Game Alamo
« on: December 06, 2004, 01:04:10 PM »
ther were two on the sewer side and two on the double side standing on a sensory. of which i was the top most and thus when you fled from the others you went straight down the throat.


Off Topic / Let's all chip in
« on: December 06, 2004, 01:01:23 PM »
im in for the rest.

if only becasue i think my supa expensive headphones can tkae his commrage of dewm!!!

General / New maps?
« on: December 06, 2004, 10:32:13 AM »
once i get some school work done  i will be embarking on my hown hl2dm map,. untill then i can give you hsting for your maps. send me emai;l at an dill get your map in with freemantle's

Off Topic / The Ultimate End-Game Alamo
« on: December 05, 2004, 06:17:00 PM »
this was yesterday.. with yall in teh vent took us 46 minutes to clear you out...

i know because rad was supposed to slay you all at 45 minutes but team1 was not a valid player:)

im fairly certain it was becase the onos that got shot through the welded vent was i.

Off Topic / Happy BDay Lancer
« on: December 05, 2004, 12:21:39 PM »
(did that card ever show up?)

Off Topic / The Ultimate End-Game Alamo
« on: December 05, 2004, 12:21:09 PM »
this was teh gaem taht esuna got boosted onto the pipe in upper sewer and we had to stack onoseses so i could eat him right?

for those of you who weren't there it took 4 onoses to catch him.

Mapping / ns_fo0l(olo!)
« on: December 05, 2004, 06:24:17 AM »
wabbit, you should see mine, and you think i type like butt...

fewl: first layout haivs are very very close together.. particularly the center and top left ones. the top left hive has a weldable that could be ceom an undefnaadable siege spot. so does teh center, it also may suffer fromt eh same sdiease taht lost used to the built through the walls pg.

the ms in teh center is very hard to balence.
some of teh hive suffer from powersilo sydrom the huge long ahllway nearby that spells doom. looking at eh east side of the norht hive. further, the rtplacement round teh ms give the marines extremely easy access to 4 rts. which might be a slight problem.

i have only 4  hours of sleep so im going back to bed if and when i get around to it i will edit this with soomem more suggestions.

Off Topic / Overwatch proaganda
« on: December 02, 2004, 11:00:49 AM »
the slogan is off a soviet popaganda poster:)

 (we are invinceible 35 years of the warsaw pact.)

the  frst one is two but instead of over wiath it is the front. but heyty poetic licesne was taken.

Off Topic / Career And Jobs
« on: December 02, 2004, 10:03:38 AM »
im a senior in college baby, i graduate in 16 days. i will have degrees in history and politics and will be utterly unemployable. my 2 degrees in 7 semesters plan will hopefully be sweetness, when it comes to jobs.

i am a food serivce professional as well, i have work any where from an allnight deli  to a four star hotel.

also fatty:  history and politics are breeze trust me:)

Off Topic / Overwatch proaganda
« on: December 02, 2004, 09:07:43 AM »
a bit more:
just to continue the theme as it were..

again any thoughts?

and mal, I dont know what else to put in them, we shall see.

« on: December 01, 2004, 03:37:07 PM »
some traditional tildas:


Off Topic / Overwatch proaganda
« on: November 30, 2004, 11:15:47 AM »
here is a little something i made this morning, also i by little i mean big.

thoughts, comments, random jack***ery?

seriously i would have put it in art work but after point out thta th e people were made of candy lolfighter alomst got me earlier:)

« on: November 29, 2004, 09:10:44 AM »
it was an interesting read i have to say.

The real question is: where we go from here?

Particularly now that our dirty laundry is all public. by the way those socks smell like 5 day old meeces.

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Bob
« on: November 28, 2004, 04:18:42 PM »
I will reiterate from my previouspost: ~~~~~


General / Hi everyone, this is CWAG.
« on: November 28, 2004, 11:00:51 AM »
i would say he doesnt really expect to be unbanned, particularly as he states hew will likely be rebanned. it is merely an appology. I can respect that.  It takes a bit of balls to come in here and say your sorry.

Off Topic / dual monitors
« on: November 28, 2004, 10:30:42 AM »
My experience in win XP was that it performed quite well, for some games ns included.
I actually miss my second monitor witha passion right now. I will be investing in 2 new monitors soon I just dont know what ones yet.

The problems:

 cant access second screen while playing first screen full screen game with out minimized, might work if you run in windowed mode though i never tried that.

Games sometimes center themseslves and tehn maximize casueing teh second screen to do the same, examples of this included c and c generals.

some games will let teh cursor leave the game area and travel over to the second monitor causing a focus shift and wondows willl minimimze the game. again cc generals.

i really like having all my irc aim msn crap in one monitor, but it can be a pain, thouhg for certain games  you simply have to turn the second screen off.

i also think that windows media player 9 supports the second screen.

you can get two keyboards like i have and problably two mice as well but you need usb and it still will run on the windows focus system so it wont help you.

if you want that i suggest going out and buying a crapp old machin and running a linux install on it on so you can send ims read irc on one screen and on teh other play games like a manic. in only would go with linux on teh second one because it will allow you to run an utra craptastic machine.

if you want a huge desktop you can but monitors with insane aspect ratios an example being the mac studio displays. i know they are macs but they are quite nice: and witha native 1680x1050 resolution how can you go wrong on the 30 inch ones it hits 2560x1680 for utter insantity. in fact i need to buy a video card taht can handle two of these babies:)

General / Shotguns
« on: November 23, 2004, 07:13:12 AM »
i will agree that the shot gun rush is an incredibly powerfull tool at the amrines disposal. At the same time i see it as an esential element in the game,  i see the shot gun rush as a last ditch attempt to kill the hive before umbra comes up. once the aliens have umbra shotgun rushing a hive is nearly untenable with out heavies. this is at least in part due to my terrible skills as a comm, no doubt.

however, the key to surving the shotgun rush in my humble opinion is movment chambers. 90% of the time the rush is spotted long before it reaches the hive. thus, the second the hive is hit skulks start raing from the heavens. In my experience this means that at least half teh amrines are forced to shoot teh skulks instead of the hive in order to survive. and in many cases tha marines are simply over run. once umbra enters play the marines have to hunt the lerk down before the hive. and as the second hive is up tehre are probably going to be skulks raining from teh sky as usual.

this si not to say that the shotgun rush is  balenced but it certianly is avoidable, either that or my marines are dying just to spite me.

also i blame george.

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 22, 2004, 06:25:06 PM »
i was thinking prior to the weapon strip part you know battel you way along in the low security areas fora  bit or perhaps even a section on sneaking, i dont know i know that sneaking sections usually suck, but i think that with the environemtn that they had in there it could have turned into a sort of we are infiltrating the death star part instead of let me ride over the rails of coolness.

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 22, 2004, 03:33:18 PM »
i really wanted to spend more time crshig people in teh citdeli felt like tha tpart in particular was wvery rushed feeling. that might have been the uter ownage imhad achieved though.

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