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Messages - esuna

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Off Topic / Tyr And Athena...
« on: June 22, 2004, 12:14:43 PM »
That reminds me of something I read on the forums
i watched a drunk guy play ns once ... damn that wall got ownd.
Fury obviously hasn't seen me play after a few beers. I actually improve and i'm not such an arsehole. :D

Off Topic / Tyr And Athena...
« on: June 21, 2004, 06:53:01 AM »
[01:13:17] <Athena[GP]> i only put two shots that time
[01:13:22] <Athena[GP]> then again he's had two beers

This has to be a joke. Drunk on 2 beers and 2 shots?


General / Favourite Ut Character?
« on: June 18, 2004, 01:42:06 PM »
Usually Prism. I used to use a custom one a while ago, but i can't remember what it was. Some cute girl. :)

Off Topic / Ear Peirced
« on: June 17, 2004, 03:12:38 PM »
I'd definitely recommend staying with a surgical steel CBR/BCR, or maybe one of those closed quarter rings, which are nice. :)

Media / Website/forum Skin Submission Thread
« on: June 16, 2004, 05:15:16 PM »
I like everything except that logo.. that logo seems messed up to me.. it looks like LN if i glance at it..
The L and M were joined, but i decided to seperate them so you could tell it was two letters. The most annoying part is that i accidently forgot to save the logo, so i'd have to redo it anyway. :D

Media / Website/forum Skin Submission Thread
« on: June 16, 2004, 05:08:52 PM »
I got bored and with niteowl and @o on at me about that last design, i started on another, since i told LB i would ages ago, and being busy, haven't, heh.

Nowhere near done, but it's cleeeeeeeean. Hell of a lot of wasted space though. :D

Media / Website/forum Skin Submission Thread
« on: June 16, 2004, 04:42:07 PM »
The problem is that he never did more than a mockup for us
Heh, i actually had a full working .html version, but to be honest, it'd be better to rewrite the whole thing in CSS. :)

Off Topic / Dhp!
« on: June 16, 2004, 12:33:02 PM »

Just because it's pretty much tradition for this picture to appear. :)

Off Topic / Saltzbad
« on: June 15, 2004, 11:59:35 AM »
The short version:

He broke and / or bent every single rule barring the hacking one, when he finally was confronted by the admins for this he decided to bitch, whine, argue and insult the admins. I believe his banning wasn't for one offence, but more a whole stack that eventually broke the admincamel's back including, not exclusive to: flaming, spawncamping, blocking OC's with structures, voice spam, hogging the command chair and lying to the admins.

To be honest, the guy was a wanker. :)

Also, ignore most of the thread that Jefe posted, the only thing worth reading is Uranub's reply which is goddamn hillarious, pretty much everything Saltz says is bull^^. :)

General / Electonic Entertainment Something Or Other....
« on: June 12, 2004, 11:23:47 AM »
If i were you i'd worry about getting the passes before arranging your trip. definitely do not spend money booking flights or whatever if you don't have passes.

But yeah, only games trade people, be they journalists or developers are given access. Other people that tend to get them are people who go to gaming colleges, gaming related websites (PA, PHL, etc, etc), and extremely lucky people.

I'd love to hit E3, but i know i'm in no way elligeble to gain a pass. :)

Off Topic / The Inevitable Post Your Picture Thread
« on: June 09, 2004, 08:47:13 AM »

Off Topic / Wootzerz Rejected Again
« on: June 05, 2004, 10:03:07 AM »
Drugs, alcohol, starving yourself, driving wrecklessly, stealing stuff, all stuff that make you kewl, yet could kill you
Sounds like a damn fun night out to me.

Off Topic / Where's Jhunz?
« on: June 04, 2004, 06:59:41 AM »

what? you mean, like jhunz and mrs. jhunz playing bocci? or maybe some bridge?

And in a less capitalised note, congrats JHunz. :D

Off Topic / Robocop Argument!
« on: June 01, 2004, 09:52:27 AM »
Sorry, but if we're talking hillarity, Robocop 3 wins hands down.


General / What Frustrates You The Most While Playing Ns?
« on: May 31, 2004, 10:34:49 AM »
People that scream down the mic. I f**king hate this. Stop it.
ah, sorry, ain't gonna stop this, :p
I don't mean scream as in shout, i mean scream like a goddamn banshee, piercing any eardrums. Temjin, i'm looking at you.

General / What Frustrates You The Most While Playing Ns?
« on: May 30, 2004, 04:22:38 PM »
Well since i've become known to be quite a whiner, here's The List.
  • People that scream down the mic. I f**king hate this. Stop it.
  • People that blame you for stuff that's either their fault or the other team's.
  • People that team damage for "fun".
  • The shotgun being the NS equivalent of the RC2 bulls**t cannon. A hive should NOT be taken down by the time you hear the first "Your hive is under attack" sound.
  • Being on a team with bad players.
  • Res whores. Yes, this includes people that go Lerk with their starting res. Guess what guys, we need upgrades, a second hive and resource towers. Unless you're god-like with a Lerk (Which is beyond being just rare), don't do it.
  • Players oblivious to what's going on. Yeah, great, you're killing an enemy RT, good for you, but since you're the only Fade alive and our hive's under attack, how about f**king helping!
  • Smacktards. (See most of my points)
  • People breaking the rules and getting away with it.
  • People that can't learn to aim and decide to spray a HMG in your direction. And if they do kill you, they don't apologise.
  • People that say "Oh, i didn't know FF was on" when it states VERY CLEARLY in both the MOTD and on screen when you're playing that it's on.
  • Most players.
  • Skill stax.
  • Vets.
  • People that constantly stack marines just because they're better at that. Yeah, that means all the sh***y players are on aliens with me. Really makes for an unbalanced game.
And that's about it... for now.

General / Stupidest Things You've Seen Comms Do
« on: May 30, 2004, 04:10:23 PM »
I just wanna know, what are the stupidest or funniest things you've seen a comm do.

Personally, mine was today. Seth was commanding, and we were walking in to take double pretty early at the start of the game. In double was a single OC and a single RT. The RT wasn't even built when we first turned up, and in our first rush the OC was down to about a quarter health.

There were quite a few aliens about, including a res whore Lerk, but it didn't seem like too much trouble for the entire team of marines. So we kept running in and dying, each time getting closer and closer to our goal. From being sneaky and running around the back, the OC in the middle of the room was at 1 bar health.

Now enters the comm.

He drops a TF, upgrades it to siege and drops 2 sieges. For 1 OC with 1 health bar, and an RT. That's it. When i walked in to spot double, i finished the OC off with the rest of my LMG magazine then we walked into double and it was clear. No siege kills, we'd just managed to stop them. 55 res for no reason whatsoever.

Next on my list for stupid things, comms who SG or IP rush from the start of the game. Sure, you win. Great. 2 minute games sure are great fun...........

And here too, just for good measure: Please refrain from posting the names of the commanders in question from now on. It leads to flaming, and flaming leads to lockage. And this could turn out to be a rather fun thread.

General / Voice & My Accent
« on: May 30, 2004, 11:52:23 AM »
Ok, i feel the need to post this here, because it's pissing me off more and more.

I hate people poking fun, impersonating or otherwise ridiculing my english accent. I really hate it. And anyone who does will be getting a torrent of abuse from me. No, i don't care who it is.

I don't start impersonating anyone elses accents on voice do i? No. I don't. Because it's rude and half the people that *think* they can do an english accent do nothing but spout pointless racial stereotypes. And you know what, every time someone does this, i'm gonna start whining to the admins about it. I will not rest until every last racist bastard who decides to think it's funny to ridicule my accent is banned.

Now you may be thinking that i'm overreacting or whatever? But to be honest, it really goddamn bugs me, it's insulting, and there is not a damn thing i can do with my accent. Would you make fun of someone with a birth defect? Would you make fun of someone in a wheelchair? Sorry, those people can do as much to change their problems as i can to change my accent.

So for all you no who've done it in the past and think it's funny, no you.

If you're going to self-censor, go all the way.  Starring out half the letters isn't good enough

Off Topic / Pandora Tomorrow
« on: May 28, 2004, 08:52:30 AM »
This reminds me of Dredd Vs Death. I think it was that game at least. Basically, it was full of Red Bull. Everywhere you goddamn went there were cases of Red Bull and cans about. It made me go "EEYYYYYYAAAARRGGGGGHHHHHH'... in my mind.

Off Topic / Ns Constillation Forum
« on: May 25, 2004, 05:20:25 PM »
The forum's mostly dead and people treat it as an Ideas & Suggestions forum. Just because people donated their $20, they seem to think their ideas are more valid.

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